Program Requirements

The minor in student organization leadership provides foundational knowledge, industry best-practices, and leadership development for those involved in student organizations. It consists of 12 credit hours.

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
LEAD 435Getting Things Done: Tools and Practices for Leaders in Action3
or LEAD 405 Partnership Building for Leaders
Students may substitute LEAD 405H for LEAD 405. See advisor for more details.
Select 9 credit hours from the following9
Leadership in Student Groups
Leadership Seminar for Student Organization Presidents
Leadership Seminar for Resident Assistants
Leadership Seminar for Greek Leaders
Leadership in Governance Organizations
Research in Student Leadership and Development
Applied Studies Practicum
Organizational Design and Engagement
Employee Motivation and Commitment
Cultivating Culture and Inspiring Change in Organizations
Human-Centered Service and Design
Honors Tutorial - Engaging Leaders
Honors Tutorial - Evolving Leaders
Honors Tutorial - Emerging Leaders
Summer Leadership Institute
LeaderShape Institute
Total Credit Hours12

At least 9 credit hours must be taken at WSU. A minimum GPA of 2.000 in the minor courses is required.