
  1. Employed as a Para Educator: Must serve as a para educator with instructional responsibilities at the early childhood (birth-3rd grade) level; or elementary education level (kindergarten-6th grade). The para educator position can be in an interrelated or regular education classroom. The para educator position must be held in a Wichita State University College of Applied Studies partner school1 serving students up to 6th grade. The building must be accredited by KSDE (Kansas State Department of Education) or licensed by KDHE (Kansas Department of Health and Environment) or a similar setting.   
  2. TAPTM Application: Complete the WSU TAPTM Application online2.
  3. WSU Admission: Be admitted to Wichita State University meeting the adult learner or transfer requirements2. When completing the admissions application, please select D21X Early Childhood Unified/Elementary Education Apprentice as the applicant's major.
  4. Official Transcripts: Have completed a placement assessment indicating readiness for foundation courses (College English I, College Algebra, etc.) or provide official transcripts showing completion of required general education coursework.
  5. References: Complete the Reference Request form with names and contact information for three references who are qualified to address the applicant's professional skills, communication skills (oral and written), and potential for success as a classroom teacher and as a student in this program.
  6. Verification Form: Please use the Verification Form to verify your employment and that you have a Certificate of Health and/or Criminal Background Check on file with your district/interlocal where you serve as a para educator.

If you are unable to verify the Certificate of Health and/or Criminal Background Check through the verification form, please follow these steps:

Certificate of Health: Provide proof of a completed Certification of Health for School Personnel or TB test K.S.A. 72-6266 (prior law 72-5213) or verification that this has been completed per your employer.

Criminal Background Check: Provide verification of a completed Criminal Background Check.

  • Option #1: Provide a copy of current Substitute License.
  • Option #2: Provide a copy of recent background clearance with Validity, NATSB or district requirement.
  • Option #3: Validity Screening Solutions - Submit the Validity Online Background Request Form with payment within 10 business days from the date of the Teacher Ed Application.

Wichita State University College of Applied Studies partner schools are those with an established Memorandum of Agreement with the College of Applied Studies. If a Memorandum of Agreement does not already exist, Wichita State University College of Applied Studies will contact the employing school district. Placements with partner schools will be confirmed prior to program admission.


Link opens new window.

Program Requirements

Option 1: For Candidates Who Hold an Associate of Arts in Elementary Education or an Associate of Arts with General Emphasis

A total of 120 credit hours is required to earn the Bachelor of Arts in Education. (Students will take 65 credit hours of WSU program requirements. Transfer credit from previous degree will likely meet general education requirements.) A grade of B- or better is required for all ECU/elementary education apprentice program (TAPTM) teacher education program courses.

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 1, 234-35
Major Requirements
TAP 270Introduction to the Education Profession 32
TAP 313Reading and Writing Exceptionalities 32
TAP 314Principles of Effective Mentoring/Mentee Relationships 31
TAP 317Literacy Strategies in the Content Areas 32
TAP 320Introduction to Diversity: Exceptionalities 32
TAP 323Technology Seminar in Elementary Education 31
TAP 324Linguistics for Elementary Teachers 33
TAP 326Engaging and Motivating the Learner 33
TAP 345Integrating Learning Through the Arts2
TAP 401Professional Collaboration in Schools and Communities 33
TAP 402Science of Reading 1 33
TAP 403Science of Reading 2 33
TAP 404ISAM: Elementary Mathematics 33
TAP 405ISAM: Elementary Social Studies 33
TAP 406Inquiry-Based Learning 33
TAP 415Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners 33
TAP 416Classroom Management and Pedagogy 32
TAP 427Philosophy, History and Ethics of Education 33
TAP 433Learning and Educational Assessment 32
TAP 502Math for Exceptionalities 33
TAP 504Special Education Law 33
TAP 604ECU Assessment and Methods: Infants, Toddlers and Preschool (B-PreK) 33
TAP 605Internship I 32
TAP 606Internship II 32
TAP 607Internship III 32
TAP 608Internship IV 32
TAP 425Health, Movement and Physical Activity2
CAS 501Teacher Licensure Capstone0
Open Electives
Select enough electives to reach 120 credit hours20-21
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


Transfer credit from previous degree will likely meet general education requirements.


Requires a minimum grade of 2.700.

Option 2: For Candidates Who Do Not Hold an Associate of Arts

A total of 120 credit hours is required to earn the Bachelor of Arts in Education. (Students will take 76 credit hours of WSU program requirements plus meet general education requirements.) A grade of B- or better is required for all ECU/elementary education apprentice program (TAPTM) teacher education program courses.

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 134-35
Major Requirements
TAP 203Self-Care for Today's Educator1
TAP 204Assistive Technology1
TAP 270Introduction to the Education Profession 22
TAP 313Reading and Writing Exceptionalities 22
TAP 314Principles of Effective Mentoring/Mentee Relationships 21
TAP 317Literacy Strategies in the Content Areas 22
TAP 320Introduction to Diversity: Exceptionalities 22
TAP 323Technology Seminar in Elementary Education 21
TAP 324Linguistics for Elementary Teachers 23
TAP 326Engaging and Motivating the Learner 23
TAP 329Universal Design for Learning1
TAP 345Integrating Learning Through the Arts2
TAP 401Professional Collaboration in Schools and Communities 23
TAP 402Science of Reading 1 23
TAP 403Science of Reading 2 23
TAP 404ISAM: Elementary Mathematics 23
TAP 405ISAM: Elementary Social Studies 23
TAP 406Inquiry-Based Learning 23
TAP 415Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners 23
TAP 416Classroom Management and Pedagogy 22
TAP 418Creating a Production Centered Classroom2
TAP 427Philosophy, History and Ethics of Education 23
TAP 433Learning and Educational Assessment 22
TAP 437Field Experience I 21
TAP 438Field Experience II 21
TAP 439Field Experience III 21
TAP 440Field Experience IV 21
TAP 502Math for Exceptionalities 23
TAP 504Special Education Law 23
TAP 602Social Emotional Learning in the School Community2
TAP 604ECU Assessment and Methods: Infants, Toddlers and Preschool (B-PreK) 23
TAP 605Internship I 22
TAP 606Internship II 22
TAP 607Internship III 22
TAP 608Internship IV 22
TAP 425Health, Movement and Physical Activity2
CAS 501Teacher Licensure Capstone0
Open Electives
Select enough electives to reach 120 credit hours9-10
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


Requires a minimum grade of 2.700.

Applied Learning

Students in the BAED in early childhood unified/elementary education apprentice program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by the following:

Students who graduate from a teacher education program must successfully complete an assigned field experience in an educational setting.