ARTG - Graphic Design

Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.

ARTG 110.  Vector Applications   (1).

Introduces using vector drawing applications like Adobe Illustrator to create artwork.

ARTG 111.  Pixel-Based Applications   (1).

Introduces using pixel-based applications like Adobe Photoshop to create artwork.

ARTG 112.  Layout Applications   (1).

Introduces using layout applications like Adobe InDesign to create artwork.

ARTG 216.  Typography I   (3).

Covers the use of type starting with a fundamental understanding of letterforms and letterform systems, typefaces and families, and finally moving to text and working with 'copy.' The aim of the course is to provide understanding of how to think using type; to provide organizational thinking to serve communication functionality. This course provides analytical tools for understanding the principles and conventions of typographic forms and their application within historical and contemporary contexts. Through a hands-on approach, this course engages with the basic terminology of type, hierarchy and grid systems to navigate the complexities of text in various applications. Adobe Illustrator is used and a basic understanding of vector graphics is recommended. Prerequisite(s): ARTF 136 and ARTF 145.

ARTG 234.  Introduction to Graphic Design   (3).

Introduces the nature of graphic design as a subset of visual communication. The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of visual problem solving. This course introduces students to graphic design history, client-designer relations and a professional approach to design. Through a hands-on approach, the course concentrates on various methods and techniques (both traditional and digital) to provide understanding of how visual tools like Gestalt principles, space, unity, hierarchy, form/counter form, visual balance, value and typography can support representation of ideas. Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop are used and a basic understanding of vector and pixel graphics is required. Prerequisite(s): ARTF 136 and ARTF 145.

ARTG 235.  Graphic Design Concepts   (3).

Introduces techniques of creative thinking that yield successful solutions for graphic design, illustration, advertising art direction and other practices in the creative industry. The aim of the course is to focus on divergent thinking, the ability to develop multiple ideas and concepts to solve problems. Using a theoretical and analytical approach, distinctions between perceptual and conceptual responses are analyzed, with a strong emphasis on conceptual ideation. Through a hands-on approach, the main steps of the creative process is covered including research, brainstorming, generating meaningful ideas and exploring possibilities, discussion sessions, and exploration of techniques for executing solutions. Prerequisite(s): ARTF 136 and ARTF 145.

ARTG 238.  Graphic Materials and Processes   (3).

Explores the possibilities of paper manipulation including cut-paper embossment, box building, pop-up structures, and assorted binding and presentation techniques. Prerequisite(s): ARTF 136, 145.

ARTG 316.  Typography II   (3).

Studies type as form, symbol and communication with exploration of letterforms and their applications using traditional and computer skills and media. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to the graphic design BFA program or ARTG 216 and instructor's consent.

ARTG 334.  Exploration of Graphic Design Media   (3).

Building on the principles covered in ARTG 234 and 235. Emphasizes using original imagery in each project. Prerequisite(s): ARTG 235, acceptance to the graphic design BFA program.

ARTG 335.  Sequential Media   (3).

Emphasizes sequential design and investigating color in graphic design problem solving. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): ARTG 316, 334.

ARTG 337.  Drawing for Visual Communication   (3).

Applied drawing for graphic design. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to the graphic design BFA program or instructor's consent.

ARTG 339.  Package Design   (3).

Box construction and surface treatment in product design. Prerequisite(s): ARTG 238, 334.

ARTG 350T.  Basic Letterpress   (3).

An introductory course in letterpress printing. Students work with moveable type and other type-high surfaces. They explore letterpress from a historical as well as artistic perspective through various projects. The desire is for students to use the medium of letterpress to creatively solve problems.

ARTG 354.  Professional Practices in Graphic Design   (1).

Research into and practical application of professional practices, portfolio development, business skills and career planning specific to the field of graphic design. Requires attendance at professional design events and creation/maintenance of a professional portfolio. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to the graphic design BFA program.

ARTG 434.  Graphic Design Campaigns   (3).

Publication design, identity and sequence. Prerequisite(s): ARTG 335.

ARTG 435.  Graphic Design Capstone   (3).

Using media and formats to create visually cohesive advertising and promotional campaigns. Prerequisite(s): ARTG 434.

ARTG 437.  Drawing for Visual Communication II   (3).

Concentration in editorial and narrative illustration emphasizing visualization and creative problem solving while exploring a variety of color media and techniques. Prerequisite(s): ARTG 337 or instructor's consent.

ARTG 481N.  Internship   (1-3).

Complements and enhances the student's academic program by providing an opportunity to apply and acquire knowledge in a workplace environment as an intern. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.

ARTG 490.  Graphic Design Applications   (3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 490A, 490B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to the graphic design BFA program or instructor's consent.

ARTG 490A.  Motion Graphics   (3).

Designed to prepare students for professional practice in the broad field of motion design by building a strong foundation of artistic knowledge and practical skills represented through portfolio worthy projects. This course is a focused, studio-driven journey into the theories, concepts, production techniques and software necessary to produce motion driven solutions for the marketplace. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to the graphic design BFA program or instructor's consent.

ARTG 491.  Interactive Design   (3).

Introduces the history, theories, concepts, production techniques and software necessary to produce interactive design solutions for the marketplace. Repeatable for credit up to 9 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to the graphic design BFA program or instructor's consent.

ARTG 493.  Book Design and Production   (3).

A laboratory course encompassing all facets of the book including design, type composition, proofreading, illustration, manufacturing, binding materials (cloths, paper and boards), distribution, copyright, royalties and remaindering. Students are responsible for the development and publication of a limited edition book. Prerequisite(s): ARTG 334, 337, or instructor's consent.

ARTG 530.  Seminar in Graphic Design   (1-3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 530A, 530B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

ARTG 530AA.  Working with Design   (3).

Studies the elements and principles of graphic design. Course is offered for nonmajors.

ARTG 530F.  Seminar in Graphic Design: Graphic Design Studio Practice   (3).

Supervised study and research. Requires weekly consultation and reports. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.

ARTG 530S.  Seminar in Graphic Design: Graphic Design Studio   (3).

Supervised study and research. Requires weekly consultation and reports. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.