ASL - American Sign Language

Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.

ASL 104.  Introductory American Sign Language   (3).

Cross-listed as CSD 270. Students develop basic expressive and receptive skills in the target language and gain awareness of the diversity of Deaf culture. Besides work in the classroom, computer-based assignments to be completed outside of class are required. Intended for students with no previous formal instruction in ASL. Course includes diversity content.

ASL 105.  Elementary American Sign Language I   (3).

Students continue to develop fundamental skills in the target language, expressive and receptive, and gain cultural awareness and communicative skills in a range of social situations. Besides work in the classroom, computer-based assignments to be completed outside of class are required. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): CSD 270 or ASL 104.

ASL 106.  Elementary American Sign Language II   (3).

Students engage in culturally appropriate communicative tasks in different registers and situations to further develop expressive and receptive skills. Besides work in the classroom, computer-based assignments to be completed outside of class are required. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): ASL 105.

ASL 204.  Intermediate American Sign Language   (3).

Students expand their knowledge of Deaf culture and enhance proficiency in expressing personal meaning in culturally appropriate language. Grammatical elements coalesce through conversational practice; routine complications are resolved with greater ease in the target language. Besides work in the classroom, computer-based assignments to be completed outside of class are required. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): ASL 106.

ASL 370.  American Sign Language Elocution   (3).

Covers elocution, or registers of discourse, in American Sign Language: frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate. Students develop ASL proficiency in the most common social and classroom registers (formal, consultative, casual) and refine skills in giving presentations using formal ASL. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): four semesters (12 credit hours) of American Sign Language or departmental consent.