CAS - Applied Studies

Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.

CAS 450.  Professional Learning Topics   (0.5-9).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of professional learning subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 450A, 450B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

CAS 501.  Teacher Licensure Capstone   (0).

Initial licensure teacher education candidates are required to complete and receive a passing score on the Teacher Licensure Capstone (TLC) during their final internship or when designated by their program. The TLC is a licensure requirement, not a program requirement. All WSU graduates (undergraduate or graduate level) applying for their initial teacher license in Kansas are required to have a passing score on the TLC. The TLC provides the teacher candidate an opportunity to demonstrate how to use contextual factors in a classroom to design and implement a unit of study. The teacher candidate provides information about the unit’s lesson plans and assessments; specific information about how the instruction is modified for a subgroup or focus student within the classroom, and the teacher candidate reflects on the implementation of the unit for the whole class and subgroup or focus student.

CAS 502.  Teacher Licensure Capstone Remediation   (0.5).

Initial licensure teacher education candidates are required to complete and receive a passing score on the Teacher Licensure Capstone (TLC) during their final internship or when designated by their program. If a candidate does not receive a passing score or does not complete the TLC during their final semester, they are required to complete the remediation course in order to complete this KSDE Licensure requirement. This course is the remediation course. The TLC is a licensure requirement, not a program requirement. All WSU graduates (undergraduate or graduate level) applying for their initial teacher license in Kansas are required to have a passing score on the TLC.

CAS 750.  Professional Development Topic   (0-7).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 750A, 750B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

CAS 750A.  Effective Instructional Practices I   (0.5-7).

Participants learn about various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences in education. Instructional methods include such collaborative educational models as small and large group teaching, team-based, interactive and experiential case-based learning. Focuses on educator behaviors that stimulate achievement in learners. With an appreciation of the diversity of the student body, participants effectively integrate and apply technology into instruction, when appropriate, to develop and deliver curricula to enhance student learning. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750AT.  Innovative Teaching Strategies   (3).

In this course, school professionals learn about innovative teaching strategies from leading experts in the areas such as, but not limited to, school climate and culture, social emotional learning, trauma, at-risk students, and school discipline. School professionals learn about theory and best practices and then apply what is learned in their practice to support positive k-12 student behavior and social/emotional skills and academic outcomes, transforming classrooms and schools. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750B.  Effective Instructional Practices II   (0.5-7).

Participants continue to learn about various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences in education. Instructional methods include such collaborative educational models as small and large group teaching, team-based, interactive and experiential case-based learning. Focuses on educator behaviors that stimulate achievement in learners. With an appreciation of the diversity of the student body, participants effectively integrate and apply technology into instruction, when appropriate, to develop and deliver curricula including web-based teaching environments, content management systems, collaborative project development and interactive media with an emphasis on instructional design advancements which affect the learning environment. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750C.  Adaptive Schools Seminar   (1-4).

The Adaptive Schools Foundation and Advanced Seminars present a productive, practical set of ideas and tools for developing collaborative groups in becoming effective and better equipped to resolve complex issues around student learning. The work of the Adaptive Schools Seminars is to develop the resources and capacities of the organization and of individuals to cohesively respond to the changing needs of students and society.

CAS 750D.  Effective Instructional Practices III   (0.5-7).

Examines various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences in education. Instructional methods include such collaborative educational models as small and large group teaching, team-based, interactive and experiential case-based learning. Focuses on educator behaviors that stimulate achievement in learners. With an appreciation of the diversity of the student body, participants effectively integrate and apply technology into instruction, when appropriate, to develop and deliver curricula to enhance student learning. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750E.  Effective Instructional Practices IV   (0.5-7).

Expands on previous examinations of various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences in education. Instructional methods include such collaborative educational models as small and large group teaching, team-based, interactive and experiential case-based learning. Focuses on educator behaviors that stimulate achievement in learners. With an appreciation of the diversity of the student body, participants effectively integrate and apply technology into instruction, when appropriate, to develop and deliver curricula including web-based teaching environments, content management systems, collaborative project development and interactive media with an emphasis on instructional design advancements which affect the learning environment. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750F.  Effective Instructional Practices V   (0.5-7).

Continues to examine various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences in education. Instructional methods include such collaborative educational models as small and large group teaching, team-based, interactive and experiential case-based learning. Focuses on educator behaviors that stimulate achievement of learners. With an appreciation of the diversity of the student body, participants effectively integrate and apply technology into instruction, when appropriate, to develop and deliver curricula to enhance student learning. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750G.  Effective Instructional Practices VI   (0.5-7).

Expanded examination of various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences in education. Instructional methods include such collaborative educational models as small and large group teaching, team-based, interactive and experiential case-based learning. Focuses on educator behaviors that stimulate achievement of learners. With an appreciation of the diversity of the student body, participants effectively integrate and apply technology into instruction, when appropriate, to develop and deliver curricula including web-based teaching environments, content management systems, collaborative project development and interactive media emphasizing instructional design advancements which affect the learning environment. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750I.  Effective Instructional Practices VII   (0.5-10).

Designed for educators who are continuing to learn about various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences within their classroom. Focuses on educator behaviors that stimulate learner's achievement. With an appreciation of the diversity of the student body, participants effectively integrate problem solving, critical thinking and creativity into instruction, when appropriate, to develop and deliver curricula in a safe, inclusive environment. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750J.  Effective Instructional Practices IX   (0.5-7).

This course is for educators who are continuing to learn about various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences within their classroom. The focus is on instructional methods that allow for integration of technology and other various instructional strategies in the classroom while focusing on classroom management that stimulate learner's achievement with an appreciation of the diversity of the student body. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750K.  Effective Instructional Practices VIII   (0.5-7).

Designed for educators who are continuing to learn about various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences within their classroom. Focuses on educator behaviors that stimulate learner's achievement with an appreciation of the diversity of the student body. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750L.  Becoming a Learning Leader   (0.5-7).

This course is for educators who are ready or continuing to learn about leadership whether it is as a classroom teacher, instructional coach or administrator. Participants focus on the in-school influences leadership has on student success and its impact in schools with the greatest needs. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750M.  Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for PreK-12 Educators I   (0.5-7).

For educators who are seeking continuing education on classroom strategies that impact PreK-12 academic development. This course is one in a series of workshop courses where educators engage in a variety of professional development opportunities to enhance learning experiences within their classroom. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750N.  Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for PreK-12 Educators II   (0.5-7).

This course is one in a series of workshop courses where educators engage in a variety of professional development opportunities to enhance learning experiences within their classroom. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750O.  Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for PreK-12 Educators III   (0.5-7).

This course is one in a series of workshop courses for educators who are seeking continuing education on classroom strategies that impact PreK-12 academic development. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750P.  Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for PK-12 Educators IV   (0.5-7).

This course is one in a series of workshop courses for educators who are seeking continuing education on classroom strategies that impact PK-12 academic development. Participants learn about various instructional strategies to enhance learning experiences in education. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750R.  Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for PK-12 Educators V   (0.5-7).

This course is one in a series of workshop courses for educators who are seeking continuing education on classroom strategies that impact PK-12 academic development. Participants gain knowledge on instructional methods such as collaborative educational models, small and large group teaching, team-based, interactive and experiential case-based learning. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750S.  Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for PK-12 Educators VI   (0.5-7).

This course is one in a series of workshop courses for educators who are seeking continuing education on classroom strategies that impact PK-12 academic development. Participants focus on classroom approaches that stimulate achievement in learners. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750T.  Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for PK-12 Educators VII   (0.5-7).

One in a series of workshop courses for educators who are seeking continuing education on classroom strategies that impact PK-12 academic development. Participants focus on classroom approaches that differentiate learning in the classroom. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750U.  Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for PK-12 Educators VIII   (0.5-7).

One in a series of workshop courses for educators who are seeking continuing education on classroom strategies that impact PK-12 academic development. Participants focus on implementing technology into their teaching to help differentiate lessons, engage students and assess skills. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750V.  Effective Teaching and Learning Strategies for PK-12 Educators IX   (0.5-7).

One in a series of workshop courses for educators who are seeking continuing education on classroom strategies that impact PK-12 academic development. Participants focus on a variety of cooperative learning strategies and structures, as well as how to manage behaviors during cooperative learning in a physical education setting. Repeatable for credit.

CAS 750WA.  Instructor Robotics Camp   (2).

This course is an introduction to industrial robotics and automation. The course consists of lectures, online content and hands-on lab activities. The topics include the robot history, safety, robot classification, end-of-arm tooling, robot kinematics, sensors, control systems, robot operation/programming and robot applications. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): dual credit enrollment partnership with WSU Tech Robotics.

CAS 750WD.  Welding Applications for Instructors   (2).

The student spends a total of 35 hours in each of the following disciplines: SMAW, GMAW and GTAW. Students learn basic elements of each process in the course. Focused hands on training in the gas metal arc welding, shielded metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding processes for the purpose of improved welding instruction. All welds are graded using NC3 rubric. Course also addresses weld inspection in grading using a rubric. Repeatable for credit.