CI - Curriculum and Instruction

Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.

CI 203.  Self-Care for Today's Educator   (1).

From safety concerns to troubled learners, teachers often face high-stress situations that can leave them feeling emotionally stressed and uninspired. Self-care is an essential practice for all teachers; this course targets strategies for self-care and wellness. Students learn techniques on addressing stressors, managing challenging situations and building long-term self-care strategies for all areas of life. For students admitted to the Teacher Education program, no grade below B- (2.750) will count toward the degree.

CI 204.  Assistive Technology   (1).

Introductory survey course for educators in the application of assistive technology (AT) in the general education, unified, and/or special education classroom setting. Teacher education candidates learn about the continuum of AT devices, universal design for learning, assessment and evaluation protocols, and techniques to help meet individual learner needs through assistive technology across the curriculum. Additional discussions include action plan development related to systemic implementation strategies for supporting the use and integration of assistive technologies in the school setting. Prerequisite(s): admission to teacher education program.

CI 270.  Introduction to the Education Profession   (3).

Examines the nature of teaching, the roles of collaboration, reflective practice, critical thinking, problem solving and inquiry. Students are engaged in activities using all of these tools. Includes electronic classroom observation component. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of foundation courses.

CI 311.  Introduction to Diversity: Field Experience   (1).

To support coursework in Core I, and specifically in CI 320, students learn how special education services are delivered in public schools, gain practical experience interacting with public school students with various abilities and in a variety of settings; become familiar with related terminology (IEC, ECU, high incidence, low incidence, ID, etc.), the steps used to evaluate and place students with exceptionalities, and approaches that work to maximize the success of all students. Course includes diversity content. A grade of B- or better is required in this course. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into teacher education program. Corequisite(s): CESP 334, 320, 321.

CI 312.  ECU Assessment and Methods: Infants, Toddlers and Families   (3).

Provides knowledge, skills and dispositions for candidates regarding developmental principles, evaluation/assessment, and the development of services, supports and accommodations for infants/toddlers (birth through age 2) and their families. Includes competencies within both the early childhood and early childhood special education fields. Prerequisite(s): CI 327. Corequisite(s): CI 312I.

CI 312I.  ECU Preteaching Internship: Infant Toddler   (2).

Candidates participate in a preteaching internship experience in natural settings (within homes and the community) that include young children from birth through age 2 and their families. Candidates work with a cooperating teacher, other professionals and a university supervisor to plan, implement and assess services and supports for young children and their families. Prerequisite(s): CI 327. Corequisite(s): CI 312.

CI 313.  Reading and Writing Exceptionalities   (2).

Teacher education candidates explore and evaluate instructional theories, principles and research-based literacy instructional strategies for learners with exceptionalities including those with dyslexia. They become familiar with formal and informal diagnostic tools to assess students' literacy behaviors and gain skills implementing research-based intervention practices. Teacher education candidates explore the interface of technology and effective literacy instruction. Through assignments designed to provide practical application of content, they explore resources, technology, research and practices that facilitate specific skill development in students. They also learn about strategies to support enjoyment of reading and writing for students with diverse and challenging learning needs. Course includes diversity content.

CI 314.  Principles of Effective Mentoring/Mentee Relationships   (1).

Overview of effective mentoring, recognizing the roles of both the mentor and mentee. Students examine the roles within a mentor relationship, the best way to communicate, and how to build and maintain a strong rapport with a mentor. Students also examine their preconceived ideas about mentor/mentee relationships, looking for ways to grow and improve as mentees. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 315.  Core I Practicum   (1).

Designed to allow candidates to spend time in an appropriate middle/secondary classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): admission to teacher education. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 320, 321, CESP 334. Corequisite(s): CI 325.

CI 317.  Literacy Strategies in the Content Areas   (2).

Covers principles and strategies used in effective instruction, including vocabulary development and comprehension skills needed to more fully read to learn in content areas. Students receive training to use the six-trait Analytical Rating Guide for assessing writing, which is the method used to score the Kansas State Writing Assessment. Prerequisite(s): admission to the teacher education program.

CI 320.  Introduction to Diversity: Exceptionalities   (2).

Surveys the strengths and needs of learners with exceptional needs, including those with physical, sensory and cognitive disabilities and those who exhibit gifts and talents. The effects of cultural differences and human developments on individuals with exceptional needs are explored. Current educational policy, practices and services are reviewed. Course includes diversity content. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course. Prerequisite(s): admission to teacher education. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 311 or CI 315; CI 321, CESP 334.

CI 321.  Introduction to Diversity: Cultural Issues   (2).

Examines issues that impact providing an equitable education to all students. Disciplined inquiry and critical experience encourage educators to be more responsive to cultural pluralism in society. Content emphasizes diversity issues in education and development of a knowledge base to support culturally responsible pedagogy. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to teacher education. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 311 or CI 315; CI 320, CESP 334.

CI 323.  Technology Seminar in Elementary Education   (1).

Intended to help elementary and early childhood unified education majors develop the technology skills required to be an effective elementary classroom teacher in today's schools. Focuses on word processing, presentation skills, data collection and analysis, interactive and collaborative hardware and software, and the appropriate use of technology in curriculum development and classroom instruction.

CI 324.  Linguistics for Elementary Teachers   (3).

This course offers theoretical foundations, teaching strategies and instructional tools to address aspects of language for learners of English as a new language and students who struggle to read or have dyslexia through 1) an introduction to the major theories of first language acquisition and language development; 2) an introduction to the linguistic structures of and historical influences on the English language; 3) the role of first and additional language acquisition/development/learning and nature of culture and its influence on learning for diverse English learners; 4) principles of first and second language and development in K-6 learners; 5) teaching strategies, including syllable types, orthography, morphology and comparative syntax; and 6) curricular design and adaptation of instructional materials. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the teacher education program.

CI 325.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary General Methods   (2).

Addresses basic concepts and skills related to classroom instruction, assessment and management for middle and secondary level students. Introduces lesson planning and sequencing, establishing rules and procedures, and cultivating a positive classroom environment. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to teacher education. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 320, CI 321. Corequisite(s): CI 315.

CI 326.  Engaging and Motivating the Learner   (3).

Strategies for enhancing student engagement and active learning are explored and applied through this hands-on course. This engaging, interactive course prepares the new teacher candidate but also can strengthen the skills of the student with a background that includes working within the schools. Offers teacher candidates tips and strategies for fostering safe environments while using effective classroom management and instructional techniques to build an engaging and motivating classroom. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 327.  Early Childhood Unified: Foundations   (2).

An introduction to working with young children (including those developing normally, those at risk due to environmental and biological issues, and those with special needs), their families, and professionals in community schools, agencies and programs. Emphasizes professional development, positive dispositions, early childhood learning environments and early childhood professional standards. Examines the ECU professions, characteristics of good teaching, the nature of teacher education and basic historical and philosophical foundations of ECU education. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course. Prerequisite(s): admission to teacher education.

CI 328.  Assessments and Methods: K-3   (3).

Provides knowledge, skills and dispositions for candidates working with families and young children from kindergarten through grade 3. Covers theory, methodology, screening, evaluation, assessment and instructional practices, including adaptations/modifications/assistive technology of general education curriculum/instruction for young children both with and without delays/diagnosed disabilities. Prerequisite(s): CI 327.

CI 329.  Intervention Frameworks for Learning   (1).

Introduces key intervention frameworks, including Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Response to Intervention (RTI), Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), and the early childhood Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence. Candidates explore the application of these frameworks in educational settings, with a focus on designing curriculum adaptations, behavior support systems, and inclusive learning environments. Emphasis is placed on developing proactive, evidence-based plans to meet the diverse academic, social-emotional and behavioral needs of all students. Through case studies and applied practice, candidates acquire foundational skills for implementing targeted interventions. Prerequisite(s): admission to the teacher education program.

CI 345.  Integrating Learning through the Arts   (2).

The teacher candidate understands and uses the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of the arts (music, visual arts, dance and/or theatre) to plan, implement and assess (with adaptations as needed) learning experiences that engage all learners (including those with special needs) in critical thinking, creativity and collaborative problem solving.

CI 401.  Professional Collaboration in Schools and Communities   (3).

Assists all educators in developing the skills to collaborate and consult with parents/family members, other teachers, support personnel, paraprofessionals/teaching assistants and community agencies to facilitate the needs of all children including those with exceptionalities. Repeatable up to 6 credit hours. Course includes diversity content.

CI 402E.  Science of Reading 1   (3).

The teacher candidate identifies and applies the theoretical and foundational knowledge for reading, writing (including composition, letter formation, manuscript and cursive), listening and speaking as set forth in the five pillars of literacy instruction supported by the science of reading (including, but not limited to, the Simple View of Reading, the Simple View of Writing, Scarborough’s Reading Rope, Ehri’s Four Phases of Word Reading, and the Four-Part Language Processing Model). The candidate identifies and utilizes structured literacy principles in developing learning opportunities for PK-elementary students. Prerequisite(s): CI 313 and CI 324 with a grade of B- or better. Corequisite(s): CI 402J, CI 411A.

CI 402I.  ISAM: Teaching Intermediate Literacy 3–6   (2).

Intermediate literacy theory for instructional and assessment decisions and processes necessary for meeting curriculum goals and objectives for the reader to learn in the 3-6 grade classroom. Students become familiar with various classroom management strategies for building a positive classroom environment in which all children can achieve at their full potential. Students understand instruction, assessment and management in the context of teaching the specific subject integrated with all subject areas. Prerequisite(s): CI 402E. Corequisite(s): CI 402M, 402S, 411B.

CI 402J.  ISAM: Elementary Social Studies   (3).

Introduces K-6 elementary social studies content, instructional strategies, assessment decisions and classroom management strategies necessary for meeting curriculum goals and objectives in the K-6 classroom. Students understand how effective social studies instruction, assessment and classroom management support student learning in the context of teaching social studies. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of CI 311 with a grade of B- or better. Corequisite(s): CI 402E and CI 411A.

CI 402M.  ISAM: Elementary Mathematics   (3).

Introduces instructional strategies, assessment decisions and classroom management strategies necessary for meeting mathematics curriculum goals and objectives in the K-6 classroom. Students understand how effective instruction, assessment and classroom management support student learning in the context of teaching mathematics. Prerequisite(s): CI 519 and MATH 501, both with a grade of 2.000 or better. Corequisite(s): CI 402S, CI 402U and CI 411B.

CI 402S.  ISAM: Elementary Science   (3).

Introduces instructional strategies and processes, assessment decisions and classroom management strategies necessary for meeting science curriculum goals and objectives in the K-6 classroom. Students understand how effective science instruction, assessment and classroom management support student learning in the context of teaching science. Corequisite(s): CI 402M, CI 402U and CI 411B.

CI 402U.  Science of Reading 2   (3).

The teacher candidate identifies and applies the theoretical and foundational knowledge for reading, writing, listening and speaking as set forth in the five pillars of literacy instruction supported by the science of reading (e.g., Simple View of Reading, the Simple View of Writing, Scarborough’s Reading Rope, Ehri’s Four Phases of Word Reading, and the Four-Part Language Processing Model). The teacher candidate recognizes and applies current evidence-based best practices aligned to the science of reading and utilizes the principles and individual elements of structured literacy (i.e. phonology, alphabetic principle, syllable types and division, morphology, syntax, and semantics) when planning and implementing engaging literacy instruction for Pre-K and elementary students. The candidate identifies and utilizes structured literacy principles in developing learning opportunities for PK-elementary students. Prerequisite(s): CI 402E. Corequisite(s): CI 402M, CI 402S, CI 411B.

CI 403.  Learning and Educational Assessment   (2).

Examines individual and group approaches to assessment, evaluation, and the basic concepts of standardized and non-standardized educational assessment. Students learn the appropriate methods for selection, administration and interpretation of assessments. Research and statistical concepts such as reliability, validity and standard error of measurement are introduced. This course pays special attention to needs assessments that can be used in an educational setting, particularly in determining student learning needs. Formative assessments and curriculum-based assessments are reviewed. Discussions include historical perspectives regarding assessment, assessment ethics and use of instruments with diverse populations. Language specific to performance based assessments is introduced. Credit is allowed in only one of the two courses: CESP 433 and CI 403. Prerequisite(s): must be admitted into the teacher education program.

CI 404.  ECU Assessment and Methods: Preschool   (3).

Provides knowledge, skills and dispositions for teacher candidates regarding development and learning at the preschool level (ages 3-5). Candidates learn to link theory and evidence-based practices to the preparation of the learning environment, and to the curriculum and instructional methods that are appropriate for all children. Includes methods of screening and evaluation, adaptations and accommodations, and interventions to meet individual child needs, including those with exceptionalities. Prerequisite(s): CI 327. Corequisite(s): CI 404P.

CI 404P.  ECU Preteaching Internship: Preschool   (2).

Candidates participate in preteaching internship experiences in preschool settings that include young children from ages 3 through 5 (both with and without exceptionalities) and their families. Students work with a cooperating teacher(s) and university supervisor to screen, evaluate, assess, plan curriculum, deliver instruction, adapt for individual child needs, and implement special education services and support for the education of young children. Prerequisite(s): CI 327. Corequisite(s): CI 404.

CI 405A.  Teaching Internship: ECU K–3   (6).

Candidates spend eight weeks in professional settings (K-3 level) working with a cooperating teacher and university supervisor. The candidate and cooperating teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devise a plan for the intern to assume full responsibility for the program/classroom for a designated period of time during the eight-week period. Prerequisite(s): CI 404 and CI 404P. Corequisite(s): CI 446.

CI 405B.  Teaching Internship: ECU Birth-PreK   (6).

Candidates spend eight weeks in professional settings (infant/toddler level or preschool level) working with a cooperating teacher and university supervisor. The candidate and cooperating teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devise a plan for the intern to assume full responsibility for the program/classroom for a designated period of time during the semester. Corequisite(s): CI 446, CI 405A.

CI 411A.  Preteaching Internship: Elementary Core IIA   (2).

Designed to allow teacher education candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate elementary classroom working with a cooperating teacher to plan, implement and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards in early literacy and social studies content. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of CI 311 with a grade of B- or better. Corequisite(s): CI 402E and CI 402J.

CI 411B.  Preteaching Internship: Elementary Core IIB   (2).

Designed to allow teacher education candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate elementary classroom working with a cooperating teacher to plan, implement and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards in intermediate literacy, math and science content. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of CI 411A with a grade of B- or better. Corequisite(s): CI 402M, CI 402S and CI 402U.

CI 412E.  Teaching Internship I: Middle Level English   (3).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 425E, CI 426E; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 417, CI 435E.

CI 412J.  Teaching Internship I: Middle Level History/Government   (3).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 425J, CI 426J; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 417, CI 435J.

CI 412M.  Teaching Internship I: Middle Level Mathematics   (3).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 425M, CI 426M; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 417, CI 435M.

CI 412S.  Teaching Internship I: Middle Level Sciences   (3).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 425S, CI 426S; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 417, CI 435S.

CI 413E.  Teaching Internship I: Secondary Level English   (3).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 425E, CI 426E; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 435E.

CI 413J.  Teaching Internship I: Secondary Level History/Government   (3).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 425J, CI 426J; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 417, CI 435J.

CI 413M.  Teaching Internship I: Secondary Level Mathematics   (3).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 425M, CI 426M; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 417, CI 435M.

CI 413S.  Teaching Internship I: Secondary Level Sciences   (3).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 425S, CI 426S; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 417, CI 435S.

CI 414.  ISAM: Elementary Social Studies   (3).

Introduces K-6 elementary social studies content, instructional strategies, assessment decisions, and classroom management strategies necessary for meeting curriculum goals and objectives in the K-6 classroom. Students understand how effective social studies instruction, assessment and classroom management support student learning in the context of teaching social studies. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 415.  Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners   (3).

Surveys the strengths and needs of learners with exceptional needs, including those learners with physical, sensory and cognitive disabilities, and those learners who exhibit gifts and talents. Explores the effects of cultural differences and human development on individuals with exceptional learning needs. Reviews current educational policy, strategies, practices and services. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 416.  Classroom Management and Pedagogy   (2).

Presents best practices in classroom and behavior management and pedagogy — from organizing time, materials and classroom space to strategies for managing individual and large group student behaviors, transitions and other arrangements for classrooms in general and special education. Basic federal and state laws as they pertain to the legal procedures for all teachers, including teachers of students with disabilities and ELL students, are presented. Prepares teaching candidates to feel confident, know and fulfill their professional and legal responsibilities, not only at the beginning of the year, but for the entire school year. Course includes diversity content.

CI 417.  ISAM: Literacy Strategies in the Content Areas   (2).

Addresses principles and strategies used in effective literacy instruction, including vocabulary development and comprehension skills needed to more fully read to learn in content areas. Candidates receive training to use the six-trait Analytical Rating Guide for assessing writing, which is the method used to score the Kansas State Writing Assessment. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in appropriate CI 425 course(s) and CI 426; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Corequisite(s): appropriate CI 435 course(s), appropriate teaching internship (CI 412 or 413).

CI 418.  Creating a Production Centered Classroom   (2).

Teacher education candidates strengthen the knowledge that impacts student achievement as they learn to empower students of all levels to explore their own STEM passions. Participants discover how to transform their classroom into a place where students want to engage in work on STEM projects. Teachers learn how to structure their class for students to research a topic and create a product that is shared with the class/school/world. Teachers also learn how to facilitate the student projects to ensure optimal student engagement. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 420.  Teaching Grammar in Context   (2).

Students expand their knowledge of grammar systems, including prescriptive, operational and descriptive grammars, and explore how to teach descriptive grammar in the context of authentic texts with an understanding that language changes and varies across place and time. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to the teacher education program. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 425E, CI 425J, CI 425M or CI 425S.

CI 425E.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods I - English   (2).

Introduces content-specific concepts and skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 315, 320, 321 and 325; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observations and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Corequisite(s): CI 426E.

CI 425J.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods I - History/Government   (2).

Introduces content-specific concepts and skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 315, 320, 321 and 325; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observations and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Corequisite(s): CI 426J.

CI 425M.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods I - Mathematics   (2).

Introduces content-specific concepts and skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 315, 320, 321 and 325; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observations and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Corequisite(s): CI 426M.

CI 425S.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods I - Sciences   (2).

Introduces content-specific concepts and skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Course integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 315, 320, 321 and 325; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observations and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Corequisite(s): CI 426S.

CI 426E.  Core II Practicum - English/Language Arts   (1).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate middle/secondary classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess content-specific instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 315, 320, 321, 325; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Corequisite(s): CI 425E.

CI 426J.  Core II Practicum - History/Government   (1).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate middle/secondary classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess content-specific instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 315, 320, 321, 325; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Corequisite(s): CI 425J.

CI 426M.  Core II Practicum - Mathematics   (1).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate middle/secondary classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess content-specific instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 315, 320, 321, 325; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Corequisite(s): CI 425M.

CI 426S.  Core II Practicum - Science   (1).

Designed to allow candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate middle/secondary classroom setting working with a mentor teacher to plan, implement, manage and assess content-specific instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in CI 315, CI 320, CI 321 and CI 325; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member. Corequisite(s): CI 425S.

CI 427.  Philosophy, History and Ethics of Education   (3).

Presents the major contemporary educational philosophies, the historical and social development of American education, and the ethical standards and legal issues influencing schools today. Some emphasis on the students' examination of their own educational philosophies and ethics. Course includes diversity content.

CI 435E.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods II - English/Language Arts   (3).

Addresses further content-specific concepts and advanced skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in appropriate CI 425 course(s) and CI 426; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member.

CI 435J.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content Specific Methods II - History/Government   (3).

Addresses further content-specific concepts and advanced skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in appropriate CI 425 course(s) and CI 426; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member.

CI 435M.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods II - Mathematics   (3).

Addresses further content-specific concepts and advanced skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in appropriate CI 425 course(s) and CI 426; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member.

CI 435S.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods II - Sciences   (3).

Addresses further content-specific concepts and advanced skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Course integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in appropriate CI 425 course(s) and CI 426; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member.

CI 436E.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods III - English   (2).

Engages middle/secondary level candidates in reflective experience emerging from the teaching internship experience, particularly issues surrounding management and motivation. Emphasizes mastery of content-specific concepts and skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grade of B- or better in CI 435E.

CI 436J.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods III - History/Government   (2).

Engages middle/secondary level candidates in reflective experience emerging from the teaching internship experience, particularly issues surrounding management and motivation. Emphasizes mastery of content-specific concepts and skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grade of B- or better in CI 435J. Corequisite(s): CI 461J or CI 471J; CAS 501.

CI 436M.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods III - Mathematics   (2).

Engages middle/secondary level candidates in reflective experience emerging from the teaching internship experience, particularly issues surrounding management and motivation. Emphasizes mastery of content-specific concepts and skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in appropriate CI 412/413 and 435 course, CI 417, 427, CESP 334, 433; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member.

CI 436S.  ISAM: Middle/Secondary Level Content-Specific Methods III - Sciences   (2).

Engages middle/secondary level candidates in reflective experience emerging from the teaching internship experience, particularly issues surrounding management and motivation. Emphasizes mastery of content-specific concepts and skills related to classroom instruction, assessment, management and differentiation for middle and secondary level students. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grade of B- or better in CI 435S.

CI 437.  Field Experience I   (1).

Designed to allow teacher education candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom working with a cooperating teacher to plan, implement and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards in elementary curriculum. Additionally, students communicate and reflect with the mentor, using feedback to enhance lesson delivery and classroom interactions. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 438.  Field Experience II   (1).

Designed to allow teacher education candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom working with a cooperating teacher to plan, implement and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards in elementary curriculum. Additionally, students communicate and reflect with the mentor, using feedback to enhance lesson delivery and classroom interactions. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 439.  Field Experience III   (1).

Designed to allow teacher education candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom working with a cooperating teacher to plan, implement and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards in elementary curriculum. Additionally, students communicate and reflect with the mentor, using feedback to enhance lesson delivery and classroom interactions. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 440.  Field Experience IV   (1).

Designed to allow teacher education candidates to spend an extended period of time in an appropriate classroom working with a cooperating teacher to plan, implement and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards in elementary curriculum. Additionally, students communicate and reflect with the mentor, using feedback to enhance lesson delivery and classroom interactions. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 446.  Student Teaching and Classroom Management Seminar: Elementary   (2).

Students study and evaluate effective classroom management techniques. Students discuss experiences emerging from student teaching including the planning of school programs, organizing effective environments, assessing instructional strategies and assuming the responsibilities of a teacher. Prerequisite(s): CI 411A and CI 411B both with grade of B- or better and acceptance into clinical practice. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 447 or CI 405A.

CI 447.  Elementary Teaching Internship   (11).

Designed to allow students to spend a semester in an appropriate classroom setting working with a cooperating teacher. The student and cooperating teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devise a plan for the student teacher to assume full responsibility for the classroom(s) for a designated period of time during the semester. Prerequisite(s): CI 411A and CI 411B both with grade of B- or better and acceptance into clinical practice. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 446.

CI 458.  Inquiry-Based Learning   (2).

Teacher education candidates strengthen the knowledge that impacts student achievement in science by focusing on the implementation of integrated STEM in the primary/intermediate classroom. Participants increase their (1) confidence in implementing STEM instruction and content knowledge, (2) instructional level of STEM pedagogical skills leading to effective lessons using the 5E process, (3) knowledge and factors in discourse, assessment and curriculum to apply Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for the Next Generation of Science Standards in their instructional practice, (4) focus on STEM instructional practices to increase student attitude toward science, technology, engineering and math learning, and (5) understand how effective science instruction, assessment and classroom management support student learning in the context of teaching science. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 461E.  Teaching Internship II: Middle Level English/Language Arts   (5-10).

Designed to allow middle-level candidates to spend a semester in appropriate classroom settings co-teaching with a mentor teacher. The candidate plans, implements, manages and assesses instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. The candidate and mentor teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devises a plan for the candidate to assume full responsibility for the classroom(s) for a designated period of time during the semester. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grade of B- or better in CI 412E.

CI 461J.  Teaching Internship II: Middle Level History/Government   (5-10).

Designed to allow middle-level candidates to spend a semester in appropriate classroom settings co-teaching with a mentor teacher. The candidate plans, implements, manages and assesses instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. The candidate and mentor teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devises a plan for the candidate to assume full responsibility for the classroom(s) for a designated period of time during the semester. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grade of B- or better in CI 412J. Corequisite(s): CI 436J, CAS 501.

CI 461M.  Teaching Internship II: Middle Level Mathematics   (5-10).

Designed to allow middle-level candidates to spend a semester in appropriate classroom settings co-teaching with a mentor teacher. The candidate plans, implements, manages and assesses instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. The candidate and mentor teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devises a plan for the candidate to assume full responsibility for the classroom(s) for a designated period of time during the semester. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in appropriate CI 412 and 435 courses, CI 417, CI 427, CESP 334, 433; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member.

CI 461S.  Teaching Internship II: Middle Level Sciences   (5-10).

Designed to allow middle-level candidates to spend a semester in appropriate classroom settings co-teaching with a mentor teacher. The candidate plans, implements, manages and assesses instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. The candidate and mentor teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devises a plan for the candidate to assume full responsibility for the classroom(s) for a designated period of time during the semester. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grade of B- or better in CI 412S .

CI 471E.  Teaching Internship II: Secondary Level English/Language Arts   (10).

Designed to allow secondary level candidates to spend a semester in an appropriate classroom setting co-teaching with a mentor teacher. The candidate plans, implements, manages and assesses instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. The candidate and mentor teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devises a plan for the candidate to assume full responsibility for the classroom(s) for a designated period of time during the semester. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grade of B- or better in CI 413E.

CI 471J.  Teaching Internship II: Secondary Level History/Government   (10).

Designed to allow secondary level candidates to spend a semester in an appropriate classroom setting co-teaching with a mentor teacher. The candidate plans, implements, manages and assesses instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. The candidate and mentor teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devises a plan for the candidate to assume full responsibility for the classroom(s) for a designated period of time during the semester. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grade of B- or better in CI 413J. Corequisite(s): CI 436J, CAS 501.

CI 471M.  Teaching Internship II: Secondary Level Mathematics   (10).

Designed to allow secondary level candidates to spend a semester in an appropriate classroom setting co-teaching with a mentor teacher. The candidate plans, implements, manages and assesses instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. The candidate and mentor teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devises a plan for the candidate to assume full responsibility for the classroom(s) for a designated period of time during the semester. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grades of B- or better in appropriate CI 413 and 435 courses, CI 417, 427, CESP 334, 433; must also receive satisfactory or better rankings in all final observation and disposition evaluation forms by university supervisor/faculty member.

CI 471S.  Teaching Internship II: Secondary Level Sciences   (10).

Designed to allow secondary level candidates to spend a semester in an appropriate classroom setting co-teaching with a mentor teacher. The candidate plans, implements, manages and assesses instruction aligned with state and/or district standards. The candidate and mentor teacher, with the approval of the university supervisor, devises a plan for the candidate to assume full responsibility for the classroom(s) for a designated period of time during the semester. Includes practice and application of appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students. Prerequisite(s): grade of B- or better in CI 413S .

CI 481.  Cooperative Education   (1-8).

Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of 24 credit hours and a 2.500 GPA.

CI 481I.  Noncredit Internship   (0).

Complements and enhances the student's academic program by providing an opportunity to apply and acquire knowledge in a workplace environment as an intern. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.

CI 490.  Individual Studies in Education   (1-3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 490A, 490B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

CI 490B.  Math in Praxis   (2).

Math content related to teaching middle and secondary-level mathematics and preparation for related licensure exams.

CI 502.  Mathematics for Middle School Teachers   (3).

Teacher education candidates explore and evaluate instructional theories, principles and research-based instructional strategies appropriate for mathematics for learners with exceptionalities. They also become familiar with formal and informal diagnostic tools to identify students experiencing difficulties learning mathematical concepts and gain skill implementing research-based intervention practices for these students. In addition, teacher education candidates explore the interface of technology and effective mathematics instruction. Through assignments designed to provide practical application of content, they explore resources, technology, research and practices that facilitate specific skill development in students. They also learn about strategies to support enjoyment of mathematics for students with diverse and challenging learning needs. For undergraduate students only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 503.  Mathematics for High School Teachers   (3).

Course in mathematics education designed to prepare secondary mathematics education majors for a career in high school teaching by examining secondary school mathematics from an advanced, mathematical point of view. Topics covered are rooted in core secondary curriculum including number and operations, algebra, geometry, functions and statistics. Students draw connections between ideas taught separately in different mathematics courses as they explore familiar high school level mathematics problems. Open to education majors only. Course includes diversity content.

CI 504.  Special Education Law   (3).

Specific local, state and federal laws governing special education programs and services are discussed in detail. The impact, application of the laws, and strategies for complying with them in the PreK-6 setting are major areas of focus. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content.

CI 505.  Science Technology and Society   (1).

Investigates the relationships between science and technology, and the effects of both on our past and present society/culture.

CI 506.  Introduction to the Education Profession for Special Educators   (2).

Introduces the education profession and situates within it the roles and responsibilities of the special educator. Discusses the historical, philosophical, sociological, governance, organizational, legal and curricular foundations of education, including the integration of topics related to the evolution of the special education profession. Students learn how to carry out the important roles and responsibilities of the special educator, as well as gain a basic understanding of the various educational settings in which they may be employed. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.

CI 519.  Mathematical Investigations   (3).

Based on the NCTM principles and standards for school mathematics focusing on process standards: problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections and multiple representations. Students gain an active understanding of problem posing and problem solving in mathematics, as well as a familiarity with heuristics of problem solving. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for students with special needs including English Language Learners (ELL). Prerequisite(s): MATH 501 with a grade of 2.000 or better, or instructor's consent.

CI 520.  Physical Science in the Elementary Classroom   (3).

Students discover how the world around them works by doing a series of hands-on activities which allows them to apply the investigative nature of science to an elementary classroom setting. Intended only for elementary teacher candidates who are seeking to better understand the critical connections between the discovery and understanding of science concepts and the inquiry approach used in elementary science instruction. For undergraduate credit only. Prerequisite(s): admitted to teacher education program.

CI 556.  Instructional Planning and Classroom Management   (2).

Provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of foundational skills related to planning instruction and supporting student behavior prior to entering the field as special educators for students with mild to moderate disabilities. Students learn basic instructional planning techniques, accommodations and modifications, how to develop individualized educational programs, and strategies to effectively support classroom and individual student behavior. In addition, students learn how to access resources to further support the use of evidence-based and best practices within specific core content areas. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.

CI 557.  Integrated Seminar and Mentoring   (1).

Provides students with a network of cohort and instructor support where they share, discuss and reflect upon their teaching practices to assist in assuming the responsibilities of their position, as well as their continued professional growth. Each course is individualized to focus on the developmental needs of candidates. Topics are chosen by students and the instructor focusing on the completion of an individualized portfolio of competencies that are aligned to state and national professional teaching standards. Repeatable up to 4 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.

CI 602.  Social Emotional Learning in the School Community   (2).

Teacher education candidates understand the purpose of the social, emotional and character development standards and how these standards provide classrooms and schools with a framework for integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) with character development so that students learn, practice and model essential personal life habits that contribute to academic, vocational and personal success. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 603.  Foundations of Early Childhood Unified   (2).

Introduction to working with young children (including those developing normally, those at risk due to environmental and biological issues, and those with special needs), their families, and professionals in community schools, agencies and programs. Emphasizes professional development, positive dispositions, early childhood learning environments and early childhood professional standards. Examines the ECU professions, characteristics of good teaching, the nature of teacher education and basic historical and philosophical foundations of ECU education. Prerequisite(s): CI 270.

CI 604.  ECU Assessment and Methods: Infants, Toddlers and Preschool (B-PreK)   (3).

Provides knowledge, skills and dispositions for candidates regarding developmental principles, evaluation/assessment, and the development of services, supports and accommodations for infants/toddlers (birth through age 2) and preschool (3-4 years old). Includes competencies within both the early childhood and early childhood special education fields. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 605.  Internship I   (2).

In the licensure program, this internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program complete at least 15 hours per week under the supervision of a classroom teacher. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 606.  Internship II   (2).

In the licensure program, this internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program complete at least 15 hours per week under the supervision of a classroom teacher. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 607.  Internship III   (2).

In the licensure program, this internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program complete at least 15 hours per week under the supervision of a classroom teacher. For undergraduate credit only. Repeatable for a total of 10 credit hours. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 608.  Internship IV   (2).

In the licensure program, this internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program complete at least 15 hours per week under the supervision of a classroom teacher. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the ECU/Elementary Apprentice Program.

CI 615.  Learning and Reading Strategies   (2-3).

Provides an understanding of the development of learning and reading strategies and explores instructional approaches for guiding secondary students in those strategies and their use in content areas.

CI 616.  Literature for Adolescents   (3).

Expands student knowledge of strategies for helping culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse students comprehend and construct meaning from texts using appropriate education technology and face-to-face instructional techniques. Includes extensive reading of classic and contemporary young adult literature in all genres. Currently and previously certified teachers meet prerequisites. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into teacher education.

CI 701.  Foundations of Education   (2).

Students survey the various foundations areas, including philosophical, historical, social and comparative. This course is prerequisite to subsequent foundations courses. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.

CI 702.  Introduction to Exceptional Children   (2).

Surveys the characteristics of exceptional learners, including the handicapped and the gifted. Presents service delivery models and current practices. Fulfills certification requirements for teachers and serves as an introductory course in exceptionality for special education majors, administrators and school psychologists. Prerequisite(s): bachelor's degree or departmental consent.

CI 704.  Assessment and Methods K-1   (3).

Provides knowledge, skills and dispositions for candidates working with families and young children from kindergarten through first grade. Covers theory, methodology, screening, evaluation, assessment and instructional practices, including adaptations and modifications for all young children, including English language learners and those with and without delays/diagnosed disabilities. Prerequisite(s): CI 603. Corequisite(s): CI 748.

CI 705.  Knowledge and Beliefs About Reading   (3).

Helps students understand the theories of reading development, individual student differences, the nature of reading difficulties and principles of assessment. Includes the standards developed by the International Reading Association concerning knowledge and beliefs about reading as the learning outcome. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing.

CI 707.  Adolescent Development   (2).

Examines adolescent development through various developmental lenses and applies that knowledge to practice and research. Provides a practical understanding of the developmental trajectories of adolescent thinking and reasoning and prepares educators working with adolescents for the unique aspects they bring to the educational setting. Beginning with contemporary and global conceptualizations of adolescence, the course builds toward a more complex understanding of the developing self and the synergy among the self, significant relationships (including family, peers) and context (i.e., school, work and media). Prerequisite(s): admission to the Transition to Teaching program.

CI 709.  Current Topics in Instruction   (1-3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 709A, 709B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

CI 709AI.  AP Institute Special Topics   (3).

Only available to those registered for the WSU Advanced Placement Summer Institute as attendance at the APSI is a course requirement. For information on the APSI, contact Dr. Jim Granada, ASPI Director, at

CI 710.  Current Topics/Classroom Management   (1-3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 710A, 710B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

CI 710B.  Differentiated Instruction for Active Engagement   (2).

Intended as part of the core for a Master of Arts in Teaching. Focuses on the elements of differentiation, differentiated instruction based on student need, and lesson plan design that reflects planned differentiation. Students explore best practices, strategies and practical applications of differentiation in diverse classroom contexts.

CI 711.  Multicultural Education   (3).

Emphasizes students understanding multiple perspectives in a global society and developing multiple modality, culturally aware curriculum experiences. Provides disciplined inquiry and critical experience to become more responsive to the human condition, cultural integrity, and cultural pluralism in society (NCATE, 1982, p. 14). Emphasizes diversity issues in education and the development of a knowledge base to support culturally responsible pedagogy. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or departmental consent.

CI 714.  Reading Instruction and Assessment   (3).

Covers literacy assessment strategies and instructional procedures, curriculum and instruction alternatives, and program planning for the literacy development of students, including those with reading and/or writing disabilities (e.g., dyslexia). The course focuses on how, as a teacher, one participates in tiered support systems and facilitates/provides appropriately focused and intensive literacy instruction. A focus on knowledge of diverse reading profiles, including dyslexia, assessment (diagnostic, progress monitoring, screening and curriculum-based measures), and structured literacy instruction, focusing on phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics and word recognition, oral reading fluency, vocabulary, listening and reading comprehension, and writing. Course expectations for undergraduate vs. graduate students are differentiated through assessment measures such as exams, written assignments, learning tasks, etc. Graduate expectations include advanced learning through additional, more complex readings, course facilitation or experiential activities. Prerequisite(s): CI 705 or departmental consent.

CI 715.  Concepts and Principles of Behavior Analysis   (3).

Cross-listed as CLES 715. Covers the fundamental concepts and principles of applied behavior analysis. Everyday behavior is examined as a part of the natural world, and behavior change is explained by behavioral principles derived from scientific research. Students have opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the procedures that derive from behavioral principles and get some practice in implementing those procedures. School psychology students: no grade below B- (2.750) will count toward the degree.

CI 721.  Fundamental Elements in Behavior Change and Specific Behavior Change Procedures   (3).

Cross-listed as CLES 721. Introduces fundamental elements of behavior change and specific behavior change procedures. The objectives of this course are (1) to increase student understanding of behaviors change and (2) for students to demonstrate their ability to apply behavior change techniques. Prerequisite(s): CLES 715 or CI 715.

CI 723.  Single Subject Design   (3).

Cross-listed as CLES 723. Introductory level course concentrating on single subject data designs, visual inspection and inference of data, and statistical analysis for educational and behavioral interventions and data collection processes.

CI 724.  Introduction to Teaching Strategies for Students With Mild/Moderate Disabilities   (3).

Examines introductory assessments, curriculum and instruction related to students with mild and moderate learning needs. Includes competencies for (1) developing individual educational plans, (2) assessment for culturally responsive models of instructional planning, (3) planning and delivering research-validated individualized instruction, (4) monitoring and basing instructional decisions on performance data, (5) managing safe and conductive learning environments, and (6) strategies for working with students with adaptive learning needs in general and special education environments.

CI 733.  Assessments and Methods: Grades 2–3   (3).

Provides knowledge, skills and dispositions for candidates working with families and young children in 2nd and 3rd grade. Covers theory, methodology, screening, evaluation, assessment and instructional practices, including adaptations and modifications for all young children, including English language learners and those with and without delays/diagnosed disabilities. Prerequisite(s): CI 603, 704. Corequisite(s): CI 749.

CI 734.  Literature-Based Reading Programs   (3).

Students examine specific methods for developing a literature program with children (preschool-elementary years) emphasizing extending literature and media through the reading environment, language arts, the arts and creative expression. Prerequisite(s): CI 705, graduate standing.

CI 736.  Organizing a Reading Program   (3).

Helps students communicate information about reading to various groups, develop literacy curricula, participate in or lead professional development programs, participate in or conduct research, collaborate or supervise other literacy practitioners, communicate assessment results, and engage in professional activities. Prerequisite(s): CI 705, 714.

CI 742.  Introduction to Teaching Strategies for Students with Severe/Multiple Disabilities   (3).

Examines introductory assessments, curriculum and instruction related to students with severe and multiple disabilities. Includes competencies for (1) developing individual educational plans, (2) assessment for culturally responsive models of instructional planning, (3) planning and delivering research-validated individualized instruction, (4) monitoring and basing instructional decisions on performance data, (5) managing safe and conductive learning environments, and (6) strategies for working with students with moderate to severe needs in general and special education environments.

CI 743.  Transition to Teaching or Residency Internship I   (1).

In the transition to teaching or residency licensure program, this internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the transition to teaching program teach half time or more with a restricted license. Students in the residency program teach at least 20 hours per week under the supervision of a classroom teacher. The prerequisites/corequisites differ for each program. Prerequisite(s): for the ECU Residency program: admission to the program; for the Transition to Teaching and Middle Level Secondary programs: CI 760A, employment by a school district or agency partnership and completion of program requirements for restricted teacher licensure or residency. Corequisite(s): for the Transition to Teaching and Middle Level Secondary programs: CI 761A.

CI 744.  Transition to Teaching or Residency Internship II   (3).

In the transition to teaching program, this internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the transition to teaching program teach half time or more with a restricted license. The course allows students to explore and apply a variety of instructional strategies, technologies and assessment techniques while learning how to adapt these strategies and techniques to meet the individual needs of students. Prerequisite(s): CI 743, CI 761A, employment by a school district or agency partnership, and completion of coursework for restricted teacher licensure.

CI 747L.  Applied Learning Experience for ESOL Practioners   (2-3).

Applied practice in educating multilingual learners is the emphasis for this course. Through collaboration with local school districts based on the unique needs of the participant, a site-specific practicum is developed to advance understanding in implementing culturally-sensitive pedagogy for the emergent bilingual. Focuses on the application of evidence-based teaching methods, the appropriate use of formal and informal assessment procedures, the development of cross-cultural teaching strategies, and the integration of language with content area instruction. Participants design their practicum with guidance from college professors and experts in the field of ESOL to better serve emergent bilinguals. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): CI 774, CI 775. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 776, CI 777.

CI 748.  Transition to Teaching or Residency Internship III   (1-3).

In the transition to teaching or residency licensure program, this internship replaces the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the transition to teaching program teach half time or more with a restricted license. Students in the residency program teach at least 20 hours per week under the supervision of a classroom teacher. The prerequisites/corequisites differ for each program. Prerequisite(s): for the Transition to Teaching program: CI 744, 769, employment by a school district or agency partnership and completion of coursework for restricted teacher licensure or residency; for the ECU Residency program: CI 617, 744. Corequisite(s): CI 704.

CI 749.  Transition to Teaching or Residency Internship IV   (1-3).

In the transition to teaching (T2T) or residency (ECU or middle level secondary) licensure programs, this internship fulfills the required student teaching assignment for the purposes of licensure. Students in the transition to teaching program teach half time or more with a restricted license. Students in the residency (ECU or middle level secondary) programs are full-time interns for the entire semester under the supervision of a classroom teacher. The prerequisites/corequisites differ for each program. Prerequisite(s): for the Transition to Teaching program: CI 748, employment by a school district and completion of coursework for provisional teacher certification; for the Middle Level Secondary Residency program: CI 748; for the ECU Residency program: CI 703, 748. Corequisite(s): for the Transition to Teaching program: CI 849; for the Middle Level Secondary Residency program: CI 849; for the ECU Residency program: CI 733.

CI 749A.  Practicum: High-Incidence Learners   (3).

Provides prospective special education teachers with participation in a class for children or adolescents with high incidence learning needs being served in special education programs. Supervision is provided by a fully-qualified special education teacher and a university faculty member. Emphasizes (1) research-validated teaching methods for students with high incidence learning needs, including planning individual education programs and standards-based education; (2) use of formal-informal psychoeducational assessment devices, curriculum strategies, positive behavior support, behavior management and evaluation of student performance; and (3) reflective analysis of personal performance and its impact on student learning. Prerequisite(s): practicum placement approval.

CI 749F.  Practicum: Low-Incidence Learners   (3).

Provides supervised practical experience in a program setting that serves students who have low incidence disabilities. Candidates work with a cooperating teacher to plan, implement and assess instruction aligned with state and/or district standards for students with low incidence disabilities. Prerequisite(s): practicum placement approval.

CI 750.  Workshops in Education   (1-4).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 750A, 750B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.

CI 750AV.  21st Century Learning Design   (1-2).

Helps current and future educators become fluent in using 21st Century Learning Design Rubrics developed with support of Microsoft. Helps teachers and administrators have a better understanding of what 21st century skills learners should be practicing in courses, provides rubrics to effectively measure teacher/administrator/environment success in providing opportunities for those skills to be practiced and to what degree, and coaching/facilitation of those rubrics into current practice.

CI 750AW.  Google Certified Educator   (1-2).

Helps current and future educators become fluent in using Google Education Suite, leading to a more effective use of time for teachers and a more dynamic and engaging environment for students. Repeatable up to three credit hours.

CI 750BA.  Space Sciences Hands-On Activities and Practices (S2HAP): Implement   (1).

Following the summer workshop featuring the NASA Education resources and NGSS science and engineering practices, middle school science teachers will implement various hands-on activities and projects to demonstrate their effectiveness and confidence in teaching space sciences. The teachers will use this knowledge in their classrooms to increase student interest and achievement in the area of space-sciences. Online mentoring of the teachers will occur over the semester.

CI 750BB.  Purposeful Literacy: Application   (3).

Equips educators with the knowledge necessary to successfully teach students to read, write, and spell. Emphasis is on Universal Design for Learning, focusing on characteristics of struggling readers including those with dyslexia, while sharing a research-based, structured, systematic, and explicit reading methodology for all students. Participants will complete a 3-day session followed by 7 days of application, in which they will observe live lessons, plan lessons, practice teaching methods with students, and receive continuous mentoring as they prepare to implement new practices to their current curriculum.

CI 750BC.  Purposeful Literacy: Information   (1).

Equips educators with the knowledge necessary to successfully teach students to read, write, and spell. Emphasis is on Universal Design for Learning, focusing on characteristics of struggling readers including those with dyslexia, while sharing a research-based, structured, systematic, and explicit reading methodology for all students. Participants of the 3 days will engage in a simulation, student panel discussion, and multi-sensory teaching of reading concepts while learning about reading research.

CI 750BD.  Space Sciences Hands-On Activities and Practices (S2HAP): Engage   (2).

The S2HAP workshop and curriculum is designed to enhance the content knowledge, skills, and experience of teachers, to capture the interest of students, and to channel that interest into related career paths through the demonstration of integrated applications of space-sciences, mathematics, technology, and engineering recommended in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

CI 750BE.  Teaching Exceptional K-12 Learners   (1-2).

Designed for current K-12 certified staff in USD 259 who aspire to enhance their expertise in working with exceptional learners. Participants are further equipped and provided resources to address curriculum, instructional best practices and behavior management.

CI 750BF.  Increasing Student Engagement through Esports   (0.5-4).

Designed for educators from all subject areas who would like to know more about esports and how it leads to improved learning outcomes within cross-curricular educational settings. Using the Gaming Concepts Curriculum, educators can use the high-interest platform of esports while teaching college and career ready standards as well as social-emotional skills.

CI 750BM.  Restorative Practice: A Healing and Empowering Approach to Education   (1).

Provides opportunities to learn the underlying theories, premises and skills of restorative practices. Provides instruction on the effects of chronic stress and adverse experiences on the developing brain and on the connection between restorative practices, trauma sensitive care, resiliency and hope for healing. Participants have opportunities to engage in hands-on experiences with restorative practice techniques such as affective statements, nonviolent communication and facilitating circles in order to improve their effectiveness in teaching and reaching all age learners, regardless of the setting. Repeatable for credit.

CI 751.  Special Studies in Education   (1-3).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 751A, 751B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): teacher certification or departmental consent.

CI 751AZ.  Improving Classroom Management   (1-2).

Teachers with strong classroom management skills have proven to be more successful than their peers. Course goal is to provide both aspiring and veteran teachers with a tool kit of classroom management structures and techniques to create a positive learning environment where learning can take place.

CI 751CR.  Mindset, Motivation and Engagement   (0.5).

Explores the topics of mindset, motivation and engagement in the classroom. Several empirically-supported strategies that target mindset, motivation and engagement in the classroom are discussed.

CI 751CW.  Increasing Student Engagement   (1).

Provides both aspiring and veteran teachers a tool kit of total participation and engagement techniques from which they can pull to create a positive learning environment in which learning can take place.

CI 751CY.  Disruption, Change and AI in Education   (1-3).

An exploratory course to look at how recent technological changes have affected education and teaching. Explores the concept of "disruption" and how that applies in educational settings. Also does a deep dive into artificial intelligence and predictive text models--very recent technologies that have huge implications in how people learn, how teachers interact with students, and how people teach.

CI 751CZ.  Mentoring a Future Teacher   (1).

For classroom teachers that serve as cooperating or mentor teachers for teacher candidates. Students enrolled in this course develop skills on how to provide effective mentoring to a pre-service teacher candidate in order to improve their practice in the classroom. The course offers teacher mentors tips and strategies for observing, coaching and providing feedback, in order to assist novice teachers to become successful. Repeatable for credit.

CI 758.  Nature of Technology and Educational Implications   (3).

Addresses issues regarding the nature of technology and how it impacts thinking and action related to learning and teaching. Includes examinations of historical and contemporary examples, with applications in classroom instruction, assessment and supervision. Integrates appropriate educational technology tools and instructional strategies for culturally, developmentally and linguistically diverse student populations. Course includes diversity content.

CI 759.  Authentic Assessment   (3).

Explores the principles and practices of authentic assessments in education. Students learn about performance-based assessments, portfolios, self-assessments and other methods that provide a more complete picture of student learning. Topics include design and implementation, the role of technology, and the use of data to inform instruction. By the end of the course, students are equipped to design and implement their own authentic assessments and make data-driven decisions to enhance student learning. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or departmental consent.

CI 760A.  Creating an Effective Classroom   (3).

Part of the core for a Master of Arts in Teaching. Participants conduct an initial examination of instructional methods, educational trends and effective practices for classroom management. Participants in the Transition to Teaching program have secured (or have been cleared to secure) a teaching contract in an accredited school system. Prerequisite(s): admission to the Transition to Teaching program. Corequisite(s): CI 702 and CI 707.

CI 761A.  Instructional Planning and Technology   (2).

Intended as part of the core for a Master of Arts in Teaching. Addresses issues in instructional planning including: identifying appropriate learner goals, aligning goals with accepted standards, models of instruction, integrating technology into instruction, adapting instruction to meet individual student needs, including English language learners, and differentiated instruction. Prerequisite(s): students have secured a teaching contract in an accredited school system, have met the prerequisites for admission to the Transition to Teaching program at WSU, and have successfully completed CI 702, CI 707 and CI 760A. Corequisite(s): CI 743.

CI 764.  Interdisciplinary STEM Education: Entry Course   (3).

Helps students learn methods of instruction in integrated STEM, using the lens of STEM content knowledge and modeling, inquiry and design practices. A set of methodologies that students can effectively adapt to a variety of situations beyond their specific disciplines are introduced. Students learn how to identify, develop, deliver and evaluate STEM instructional activities with models of project-based learning. Includes a comprehensive overview of the theories of, and instructional strategies for, integrated STEM education. Students have various opportunities to evaluate curricula developed for integrated STEM education, as well as procedures for developing a new STEM curriculum. Class comprises a combination of lecture, experiential exercises, discussion, in-class presentations, videos, individual assignments and team assignments.

CI 769.  Instructional Strategies, Technology Integration and Assessment   (2).

Intended as part of the core for a Master of Arts in Teaching (Transition to Teaching and/or Middle/Secondary Residency Programs). Allows the student to explore a variety of instructional strategies, technologies and assessment techniques while learning how to adapt these strategies and techniques to meet the individual needs of the students. Prerequisite(s): CI 743, 761A, 768, and continued employment by a school district. Corequisite(s): CI 744.

CI 774.  Foundations of Teaching ESOL: An Assets-Based Approach   (1-3).

This foundational course introduces both historical and current policy and practice in the field of ESOL. Participants develop theoretical and practical application of the most effective ways to meet the site-specific needs of emergent bilinguals. Participants delve into the role of culture in learning as they explore cultural dynamics that impact teaching and identify how culturally responsive pedagogy can be incorporated into curricula design. Finally, participants develop an assets-based approach to advocate for emergent bilinguals and their families. Designed to meet the standards required for the ESOL teaching endorsement or certification in TESOL. Course includes diversity content.

CI 775.  Linguistic Concepts and the Language-Rich Classroom   (3).

This educator-friendly course explores how linguistic concepts can support language development for emergent bilinguals. Participants demonstrate understanding of language as a system as they examine the complex political and historical beliefs and attitudes impacting practices today. Participants learn how to explicitly teach academic language to support the creation of a language-rich environment, promoting opportunities to use academic language in multiple contexts accurately. Course includes diversity content. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 774.

CI 776.  Research on Second Language Learning: Application to the PreK-12 Classroom   (3).

What does research suggest are similarities and differences in first and second language learning? And how does theory translate into classroom practice? Participants explore these concepts as they examine the importance of oral language development and how explicit instruction and preparation techniques can assist emergent bilinguals in language learning. Hands-on opportunities to create visual aids and multisensory materials to support language development are included to foster language acquisition in the PreK-12 classroom. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): CI 774, CI 775.

CI 777.  Planning, Assessment, and Evaluation of Emergent Bilinguals With and Without Exceptionalities   (3).

Participants develop evidence-based pedagogy for planning instruction, assessment, and evaluation of emergent bilinguals, with and without exceptionalities. A companion focus is on developing multiple modality, culturally aware curriculum experiences by differentiating instruction to create a transformative multicultural learning environment. Students analyze the issues related to differentiation and apply the methodologies in coursework designed to assist teachers in creating a learning environment that addresses the diversity typical of today’s PreK-12 classrooms. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): CI 774, CI 775. Pre- or corequisite(s): CI 776.

CI 779.  Disciplinary Literacy and 21st Century Fluencies   (2).

Offers secondary teachers an understanding of language, the literacy process and emerging 21st century fluencies and their application to teaching in secondary schools. The course emphasizes reading and writing in content areas, as well as instructional strategies to support students’ literacy development. It focuses on ways that reading, writing, speaking and listening are developed and used in learning discipline-specific curriculum, including adaptations for culturally diverse and exceptional learners. The course additionally examines how to integrate 21st century fluencies into content instruction.

CI 780M.  Technology in the Classroom: Mathematics   (1-2).

Focuses on the integration of information and communication technology in mathematics. Explores mathematics-related software and online resources, instructional strategies and assessment techniques. Strongly focuses on the use of technology to meet the subject matter, technology and curriculum standards. Emphasizes building a community of reflective learners. Prerequisite(s): entrance into teacher education, valid teacher certificate/license, or instructor's consent.

CI 780S.  Technology in the Classroom: Science   (2).

Assists science teachers in integrating the use of technology appropriate for their classrooms. Explores software and online resources, instructional strategies and assessment techniques. Strongly focuses on the use of technology for communication and student assistance to meet the science and technology curriculum standards. Emphasizes building a community of reflective learners.

CI 781.  Cooperative Education   (1-4).

Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. CI graduate candidates are limited to any combination of 6 credit hours of pass/fail, S/U, and Cr/NCr credit toward the degree program.

CI 784.  Foundations of Education for Individuals with Exceptionalities   (3).

Addresses the basic foundations of special education across exceptionality areas. A general history of special education and its relationship to general education trends (as well as the disability movement as a whole) is discussed. Students are familiarized with important special education legislation and regulations, learn the role litigation has played in the development of the discipline, and study ethical issues in the provision of special education services. Course explains the cognitive, communicative, social/emotional, sensory and physical characteristics of students with mild/moderate (high incidence), moderate/severe (low incidence), and gifted exceptionalities and how these characteristics influence planning and instruction. Issues related to the field of special education include: characteristics and learning needs, identification, theories of intelligence, diverse populations and curriculum differentiation. Course examines the roles of students, professionals, and families in meeting student needs. Course includes diversity content.

CI 785.  Instructional Design and Learning Management Systems (LMS)   (3).

Students learn and apply the principles of instructional design as they develop online instructional units that can be delivered via Learning Management System (LMS: e.g., Canvas, Google Classroom or Blackboard). Students follow the entire process for online course design and development by learning how to identify learning objectives, analyze tasks and learners, organize resources, design instructional units, develop instructional multimedia, specify instructional strategies, and assess learners’ outcomes within an LMS. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or departmental consent.

CI 787.  Emerging Educational Technology   (3).

Introduces emerging technologies which have been gaining attention and increased presence in educational settings. Students develop a deeper knowledge of the ways that emerging technologies can empower teaching and learning through research and experiential learning about augmented reality, virtual reality, learning analytics, web 3.0, 3D printing, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), microcomputing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, mobile learning, digital game-based learning and internet of things. In addition, students examine the expected challenges caused by emerging technologies and find strategies to overcome such issues. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or departmental consent.

CI 788.  Instructional Multimedia Production   (3).

Project-based learning course focuses on students’ learning to develop or improve instructional multimedia development skills so that they can use various multimedia in their professional settings. Students learn to create instructional multimedia by using image editing software (e.g., Photoshop, GIMP), audio recording/editing software (e.g., Audacity), movie editing software (e.g., WeVideo, iMovie, Windows Moviemaker), and e-learning authoring tools (e.g., Adobe Captivate, Storyline 360). In addition to learning how to use those tools, students have an opportunity to develop an action plan to use the multimedia they developed in this course and apply their critical thinking skills by evaluating others’ work and reflecting on their own instructional multimedia products. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or departmental consent.

CI 789.  Working with Diverse Student Populations   (1).

Surveys the strengths and needs of learners with exceptional needs, including those learners with physical, sensory and cognitive disabilities, and those learners who exhibit gifts and talents. Explores the effects of cultural differences and human development on individuals with exceptional learning needs. Reviews current educational policy, practices and services. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): admission to the Transition to Teaching program.

CI 790.  Special Problems in Education   (1-4).

An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 790A, 790B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.

CI 792.  Professional Learning Communities   (3).

Students delve into the principles and practices of professional learning communities (PLCs) and their impact on teacher professional development and student learning outcomes. Through a range of interactive online activities, such as virtual case studies, online forums for peer collaboration and discussion, and opportunities to engage with educational leaders and experts in the field, students gain a comprehensive understanding of effective PLCs, within the broader context of professional development. The course also explores the role of the school leaders in supporting and sustaining PLCs, as well as the challenges and strategies for overcoming common obstacles. By the end of the course, students have the knowledge and skills to design, implement and lead professional learning communities in their own schools and contribute to a culture of continuous improvement.

CI 794.  Diversity and Culture in a Global Society   (3).

Equips students to become multi-instructional leaders who practice cultural and social justice. Provides students with the necessary concepts of diversity to scaffold a paradigm shift from cultural awareness to cultural diplomacy. Enables students to become successful global citizens in the globalized world. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or departmental consent.

CI 795.  Change, Creativity and Innovation   (3).

Focuses on key theories and elements related to organizational change, the creative process and innovation. Students develop an understanding of creative thinking processes to explore how those processes can impact change and lead to innovation. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or departmental consent.

CI 796.  Family and Professional Collaboration   (3).

Assists the special educator in developing the skills to collaborate and consult with parents/family members, general educators, support personnel, paraprofessionals/teaching assistants, and community agencies to facilitate the needs of children with exceptionalities.

CI 799.  Current Issues in Education   (3).

Provides a comprehensive inquiry into the current challenges and opportunities in education. Students gain a deeper understanding of the history of education and the factors driving current trends and innovations in the field. Through a combination of online lectures, reading assignments and class discussions, students research topics such as the ethical integration of technology in the classroom, equity and diversity in education, socio-emotional learning, and the importance of self-care for educators. By the end of the course, students understand the issues and developments shaping education today and are equipped to drive positive change in their own classrooms and communities. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or departmental consent.