FYBI - First-Year Seminar BIOL

Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.

FYBI 102A.  First-Year Seminar: Exploration of Evolution   (3).

General education natural science course without lab. Introduces students to helpful resources within the university while surveying major topics in biology to reveal the basic information of life. Ever wonder why a person's eyes are blue and their siblings' eyes are brown, or why there are fewer fireflies each summer, or why vaccinations are important? This course explores basic cell functions, impact of DNA on patterns of inheritance and evolution, as well ecological challenges to preserving biodiversity and related topics important to life on Earth. Suitable for general education requirements, but cannot be used for credit toward the major or minor in biological sciences. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024.