FYML - First-Year Seminar MCLL
Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.
FYML 102C. First-Year Seminar: Powerful Narratives: Storytelling and Social Justice in the Hispanic World (3).
General education humanities course. Fictional texts can generate awareness and empathy about contemporary problems. Course analyzes oppressive situations portrayed in literature, media and the arts from Colonial times to present. Includes texts from at least 10 Hispanic countries to give the reader a variety of cultural information. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024. Course includes diversity content.
FYML 102E. First-Year Seminar: World Cultures in Popular Media (3).
General education humanities course. Examines ways in which various cultures are depicted in popular media and how stereotypical depictions may contrast with reality in areas such as East Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Europe. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024. Course includes diversity content.
FYML 102F. First-Year Seminar: Cooking Communities: Food and Culture in the Hispanic World (3).
General education humanities course. Analyzes food and food representation as potential national symbols and examines their cultural meanings. Studies examples of the importance of Hispanic and Latino foods and culinary traditions through the years with particular attention to the diasporic communities and the impact of immigrant food. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024. Course includes diversity content.
FYML 102G. First-Year Seminar: Latinos in the US and the Midwest (3).
General education humanities course. Introduces the history of the diverse Latino subgroups and the collective and individual experiences of Latinos and Latinas in the U.S. and the Midwest. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024. Course includes diversity content.
FYML 102I. First-Year Seminar: World Comics, World Cultures (3).
General education humanities course. Studies world cultures through comics and graphic novels. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of diverse national or regional comics traditions and their corresponding aesthetic, social, historical and political values. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024. Course includes diversity content.
FYML 102N. First-Year Seminar: World Food and Foodways (3).
General education humanities course. Analyzes food and foodways of the world paying attention to how cultural components work for each society and how they influence our perception of others. Analyzes literature, films, art and overall food representation. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024. Course includes diversity content.
FYML 102W. First-Year Seminar: Reading Life: Literature and Culture (3).
General education humanities course. Explores the university’s common read in detail. The literary narratives allow the reader to explore several topics and to analyze issues related to culture and society. The course explores some of the topics presented in these narratives such as ethnicity, diversity, language, traditions, etc. to analyze the power structures that are presented and how they compare to our perceptions. An interdisciplinary critical approach including literary and cultural analysis is used to understand the book’s main ideas and its representations both in the United States and worldwide. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024. Course includes diversity content.