FYMU - First-Year Seminar MUS

Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.

FYMU 102A.  First-Year Seminar: Music Really Does Make You Smarter   (3).

General education fine arts course. Provides students with an opportunity to articulate a current music advocacy philosophy while developing leadership skills for a variety of music activities and scenarios. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024.

FYMU 102B.  First-Year Seminar: Music as My Key to Success   (3).

General education fine arts course. Combines performance in one of WSU's music ensembles (Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Jazz Arts, Concert Chorale, A Capella Choir, Madrigal Singers or Women's Glee Club) with classroom components that help leverage the student's music experiences into future success in their chosen field. Freshmen explore best practicing and studying techniques, focus and time management, the connections between history and art, teamwork, stage presence, and developing a personal brand. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024.

FYMU 102C.  First-Year Seminar: The Marcussen, Wiedemann and You   (3).

General education fine arts course. Discover through the great Marcussen pipe organ in Wiedemann Hall the multiplicity of tools and skills needed to make this giant instrument/machine function on multiple levels. One level is the instrument itself. What went into its construction? And what professions were used? Another level is about the person who operates/plays this complicated instrument. How does one acquire this knowledge; what does it take; and how long does it take to become an expert? The course compares these things with other professions in today's world - those in art, architecture, electronics and engineering, to name a few. Today there are more tools than ever on a growing variety of platforms to accomplish various tasks, jobs, and in short, everything in people's lives. Learn through the example provided right here on campus of the Marcussen organ in Wiedemann Hall. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024.

FYMU 102D.  First Year Seminar: Global Music Cultures   (3).

General education fine arts course. A view of music as a global and cultural art form. For the general student to better understand the importance and significance of music in a range of world cultures. The course considers a range of cultures and their musics (Indonesian Gamelan, African American Spirituals, etc.), plus issues facing musicians around the world today, such as copyright law and changing listening practices. First-Year Seminars do not meet a divisional requirement in the pre-Fall 2024 WSU General Education program, and can only be used in Bucket 7 for General Education starting Fall 2024. Course includes diversity content.