IB - International Business
Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.
IB 301. Badge: International Business Topics (0.5).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 301A, 301B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Course includes diversity content.
IB 301BA. Badge: International Business - Globalization and Its Implications (0.5).
Students learn about globalization, its causes, and its impact on different stakeholders. Includes an analysis of the history of globalization, and its effects, both positive and negative, on different stakeholders in society. Graded Bg/NBg. Course includes diversity content.
IB 301BB. Badge: International Business - Managing Across Cultures (0.5).
Students learn about what culture is and how it affects businesses. Includes an overview of cultures, understanding cultural frameworks, and using these frameworks to understand how different aspects of culture affect businesses. Hofstede’s cultural framework is used to help analyze how cultural dimensions affect businesses and organizations. Graded Bg/NBg. Course includes diversity content.
IB 301BC. Badge: International Business - An Overview of Exporting (0.5).
Students learn the basics of exporting. Includes the importance of exports, potential barriers to exports, evaluating export markets and sources for export related market research. Graded Bg/NBg.
IB 301BD. Badge: International Business - Modes of Entry into Foreign Markets (0.5).
Introduces students to the different possible methods of entering foreign markets and evaluates these in terms of different products and services. Describes ways in which foreign market partners can be identified and evaluated. Graded Bg/NBg.
IB 333. International Business (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. A comprehensive overview of the multifaceted issues in international business and globalization that impact all functional areas of business. Examines contemporary issues, perspectives and influences on American business, economy, government, labor, society, technology, public policy and competitiveness. Reviews international trade theories, foreign exchange, monetary systems, balance of payments, trade policies, trade agreements, global trading systems and foreign investment, including cultural diversity, human rights, ethics and social responsibility issues. Examines implications for small and large businesses, including case studies from Wichita firms engaged in international business. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): junior standing recommended.
IB 400. Principles of Global Supply Chain Management and Logistics (3).
Cross-listed as DS 400. Designed to provide an overview of supply chains and logistics focusing on issues related to supply, operations, logistics and integration in a global context. Current and relevant topics to discuss include purchasing management, supplier relationships, ethical and sustainable sourcing, resource planning, process management, global logistics and location decisions, process integration, and performance measures. Area multi-national companies (Koch, Cargill, Spirit, Cessna and other aviation companies, etc.) are featured as live cases/guest lectures. Prerequisite(s): junior standing, advanced standing.
IB 450. Successful Negotiation (3).
Cross-listed as MGMT 450.Regardless of role or responsibility, title or tenure in an organization, people continually negotiate. The better people understand themselves and the parties with whom they negotiate, the more effectively they negotiate. In this course, students learn bargaining and negotiating principles and skills in a wide variety of settings including everything from simple buyer/seller transactions to multiple-issue/multiple-party/multiple culture negotiations. Students also learn principal differences among cultures and how those differences may affect negotiations. This course is hands-on, applied learning with weekly negotiations, performance assessment and feedback. Prerequisite(s): IB 333, junior standing, advanced standing.
IB 481. Cooperative Education (1-3).
Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): junior standing, advanced standing, 2.250 GPA.
IB 481N. Internship (1-3).
Complements and enhances the student's academic program by providing an opportunity to apply and acquire knowledge in a workplace environment as an intern. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
IB 491. Independent Study/Project (1-3).
Courses may be of two general types. The first consists of doing research, readings or other scholarly investigation in a subject area that is coordinated by a faculty member. The topic and scope would be mutually agreeable to the student and the faculty member. The second consists of doing a specific project for an organization, which might require the student to do research. The student may be embedded in an organization (either with or without pay) and under the direction of an organizational representative and a faculty member in order to accomplish a specific project. In either case, the course cannot be used to substitute for a regular departmental course. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite(s): 2.750 GPA in the academic area, junior standing, advanced standing, departmental consent.
IB 561. International Economics and Business (3).
Cross-listed as ECON 672. Surveys the economic foundations of international trade, finance and investment. Includes foreign exchange markets, regional integration, trade theories and instruments, U.S. trade policies and treaties, multinational companies, immigration, as well as differences in cultural, political and economic systems. Includes current events. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): ECON 201, 202, junior standing.
IB 600. International Management (3).
Overview of international business including strategy and organizational behavior. Equips students to manage effectively in an increasingly diverse global marketplace. Covers international strategy formulation, cross-border alliances, control and coordination systems in multinational organizations, social responsibility and ethics, culture and communication in global management, international negotiations, and management of global human resources. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): IB 333.
IB 601. International Marketing (3).
Cross-listed as MKT 601. Problems and procedures of marketing in foreign countries. Includes the effects of foreign cultures and marketing systems on the design of marketing programs. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): MKT 300 with a minimum grade of C+ (2.300), junior standing, advanced standing.
IB 603. Virtual International Consulting Experience (3).
Covers emerging topics within the field of international business. Whether someone works in a home office or abroad, business success in the ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate through cultural differences and decode cultures foreign to their own. This class provides insights for working effectively and sensitively with one’s counterparts in the new global marketplace. As a requirement of this course, each student completes a real-world consulting project as part of a virtual multicultural, global team. For undergraduate credit only. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): junior standing.
IB 625. International Financial Management (3).
Cross-listed as ECON 674 and FIN 625. Studies the international financial and monetary system, emphasizing currency markets. Also examines market instruments and techniques, including synthetic and derivative securities and their application to management of currency risk in international trade and finance. Prerequisite(s): FIN 340 with a grade of C or better, junior standing.
IB 690. Special Topics in International Business (3).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 690A, 690B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): completion of or concurrent enrollment in all required IB courses, junior standing, advanced standing.
IB 690L. Study Abroad in France (3).
Establishes a foundation of international business fundamentals. Discusses the steps, principles and methods associated with international business.
IB 690M. Doing Business in Asia (3).
Develops awareness, skills and resources to understand entering and succeeding in Asian markets. Students get an overview of the economies of India, China, Southeast Asia, Japan, Vietnam and South Korea, followed by an analysis of the business protocols and management styles in these countries. Students then examine some of the important Asian economies for similarities and differences. This includes India, China and Southeast Asia. Major trade partners and regional/global trade groups are also explored as they provide further windows of observation into these economies and valuable learning resources. This course focuses on four major topics: 1) markets, companies and management practices of Asia (including South, East and Southeast Asia), 2) business strategies for market entry and success, 3) major trade partners and regional/global trade groups in Asia, 4) sectors and national economies providing best opportunities. Course includes diversity content.