ISLE - Intervention Services and Leadership in Education
Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.
ISLE 150. Special Topics (0.5-6).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 150A, 150B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.
ISLE 150A. Who Are the Latin/Hispanic?: The Cosmic Population (0.5).
Addresses the social, racial, political, oppression and diversity among different Latino groups and demographic issues of Latinos in the United States. Who are the Latina/o/e/x and what is the difference between the different terms? This class is a must for anyone who wants to learn more about this cosmic race. Course includes diversity content.
ISLE 150M. Foundations of Latine Culture and Identity (3).
An introduction to the foundation of preparing Latine students for college through an abundance of cultural immersion activities, Spanish language enhancement, college credit opportunities, and pathways to success through their senior year of high school. This course allows students to explore their heritage and give students the confidence to ultimately excel in college while retaining and enhancing their authentic selves. Course includes diversity content.
ISLE 300. ISLE Badge Courses DSP Training (1).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 300BA, 300BC). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Course includes diversity content.
ISLE 300BA. Direct Support Professional Badge: Basic Certificate Part I (1).
Introduces the student to basic knowledge of the skills required to become a direct support professional. Specifically, the class provides an overview of four general types of developmental disabilities (nervous system disabilities, sensory-related disabilities, metabolic disorders and degenerative disorders) and their most common causes. This course covers content in the areas of intellectual and developmental disabilities, history of services to people with disabilities, ethics on the frontline, supporting health and safety, and explain the importance of direct support professionals as a teacher. This course is part one of a two-course sequence for the basic certificate in DSPaths credentialing training through the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Providers (OADSP) curriculum. DSPaths credentialing requires 30 hours of classroom instruction for the basic certificate in their credentialing program. This course includes 15 hours of classroom instruction (1-credit hour) of the required 30 hours of classroom instruction. Graded Bg/NBg. Course includes diversity content.
ISLE 300BB. Direct Support Professional Badge: Basic Certificate Part II (1).
Introduces students to basic knowledge of the skills required to become a direct support professional. This class continues to review effective behavioral support and service planning for individuals with the following developmental disabilities: intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, down syndrome and epilepsy. This course covers content in the following areas: individual service planning, fundamentals of effective documentation, providing positive behavioral supports and principles of positive intervention culture, unusual incidents, major unusual incidents and incident report writing, and providing personal care with dignity. This course is part two of a two-course sequence for the basic certificate in DSPaths credentialing training through the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Providers (OADSP) curriculum. DSPaths credentialing requires 30 hours of classroom instruction for the basic certificate in their credentialing program. This course includes 15 hours of classroom instruction (1-credit hour) of the required 30 hours of classroom instruction. Graded Bg/NBg. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): ISLE 300BA.
ISLE 300BC. Direct Support Professional Badge: Certificate of Initial Proficiency Part I (1).
Provides an overview of DSPaths and introduce students to the importance of understanding and utilizing assessments. The course provides training on augmented alternative communication systems and discusses the importance of self-determination and interpersonal communication. Includes 15 hours of classroom instruction (1-credit hour) of the required 60 hours of classroom instruction for the certificate of initial proficiency in DSPaths credentialing training through the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Providers (OADSP) curriculum. Graded Bg/NBg. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): ISLE 300BA and ISLE 300BB.
ISLE 300BD. Direct Support Professional Badge: Certificate of Initial Proficiency Part II (1).
Provides an overview of community living skills and supports, and introduces students to facilitating and supporting community living and inclusion. Students learn how to facilitate team dynamics and communication, support individuals through achieving vocational goals, and understand the broad profession of direct support in disability services. This course includes 15 hours of classroom instruction (1-credit hour) of the required 60 hours of classroom instruction for the certificate of initial proficiency in DSPaths credentialing training through the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Providers (OADSP) curriculum. Graded Bg/NBg. Prerequisite(s): ISLE 300BA, ISLE 300BB and ISLE 300BC.
ISLE 300BE. Direct Support Professional Badge: Certificate of Advanced Proficiency Part I (1).
Provides an overview of DSPaths certificate of advanced proficiency, and discusses the importance of advocacy and participant empowerment. In this course, students learn how to promote self-determination and the importance of networking and promoting community service. This course includes 15 hours of classroom instruction (1-credit hour) of the required 60 hours of classroom instruction for the certificate of advanced proficiency in DSPaths credentialing training through the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Providers (OADSP) curriculum. Graded Bg/NBg. Prerequisite(s): ISLE 300BA, ISLE 300BB, ISLE 300BC and ISLE 300BD.
ISLE 300BF. Direct Support Professional Badge: Certificate of Advanced Proficiency Part II (1).
Discusses how to provide vocational, educational and career support for individuals with disabilities. In addition, students review crisis intervention strategies and organizational and planning processes for direct support providers. This course includes 15 hours of classroom instruction (1-credit hour) of the required 60 hours of classroom instruction for the certificate of advanced proficiency in DSPaths credentialing training through the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Providers (OADSP) curriculum. Graded Bg/NBg. Prerequisite(s): ISLE 300BA, ISLE 300BB, ISLE 300BC, ISLE 300BD and ISLE 300BE.
ISLE 300BG. Direct Support Professional Badge: Certificate of Advanced Proficiency Part III (1).
Emphasizes the importance of knowing the preferred learning styles, communication and sensory preferences of the individual before designing teaching and learning experiences. The course teaches students how to complete a procedural task analysis, develop flow charts and trauma response strategies for individuals with disabilities. Students in this class discuss the common characteristics of types of autism and learn to identify and discuss strategies to assist individuals receiving support to participate in the recruitment, training and management of support staff. This course includes 15 hours of classroom instruction (1-credit hour) of the required 60 hours of classroom instruction for the certificate of advanced proficiency in DSPaths credentialing training through the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Providers (OADSP) curriculum. Graded Bg/NBg. Prerequisite(s): ISLE 300BA, ISLE 300BB, ISLE 300BC, ISLE 300BD, ISLE 300BE and ISLE 300BF.
ISLE 300BI. Direct Support Professional Badge: Certificate of Advanced Proficiency Part IV (1).
Reviews strategies to assist people receiving support to participate in the recruitment, training and management of support staff. The course teaches students conflict resolution and problem-solving strategies and reviews the role of being a mentor and leader for other direct support professionals. This course includes 15 hours of classroom instruction (1-credit hour) of the required 60 hours of classroom instruction for the certificate of advanced proficiency in DSPaths credentialing training through the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Providers (OADSP) curriculum. Graded Bg/NBg. Prerequisite(s): ISLE 300BA, ISLE 300BB, ISLE 300BC, ISLE 300BD, ISLE 300BE, ISLE 300BF and ISLE 300BG.
ISLE 523. Workforce Readiness and Preparation (3).
Cross-listed as CSD 523, PSY 523. Designed for neurodivergent college students who are interested in developing pre-employment skills in a simulated work environment. Course includes diversity content.
ISLE 725. Nonverbal Assessment and Intervention (3).
Investigates the impact of nonverbal behavior on the communication process. The course focuses on the application of empirically validated social interaction/communication and behavioral assessments and interventions that are consistent with principles in applied behavior analysis (ABA). Repeatable for up to 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): CLES 721.