SOC - Sociology
Courses numbered 100 to 299 = lower-division; 300 to 499 = upper-division; 500 to 799 = undergraduate/graduate.
SOC 111. Introduction to Sociology (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Introduces basic concepts, propositions and theoretical approaches of sociology, including elementary methods of studying social phenomena. The basic course for students who intend to take additional courses in sociology. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course.
SOC 302. Religion and Society (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Cross-listed as REL 302. Introduces students to the sociology of religion. Students engage with classic and contemporary theorists and approaches. Topics include practices, customs, beliefs and rituals in the context of social structures such as religious institutions, politics, education, community, media and family. Students explore religion from the perspectives of popular culture, media, gender, sexuality and immigration, among other topics. In addition, this course investigates how people’s religious behavior is shaped by a variety of social factors such as sociodemographic characteristics, social relationships, subcultural distinctives, institutional contexts, geography and beliefs. The impacts of religion on other domains of social life such as health, well-being and social attitudes are also investigated. Throughout the course, students examine the importance of different levels of sociological analysis, including micro, meso and macro levels. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 303. Sociology of Mental Health (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines the individual and structural level variables that influence the development and treatment of various mental disorders, and examines the causes and the social and institutional responses to the mentally ill. In addition, the class focuses on seeing mental illness as a social phenomenon, not just as a medical or psychological problem. Finally, analyzes mental illness as a consequence of interpersonal, institutional and cultural factors, as well as examines the extent to which mental health disorders are linked to the social structural inequalities of social class, ethnicity, gender and sexuality. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 304. Sociology of Violence (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Designed to explore the question, what is violence? At first pass, this question may seem straightforward, but it is complex and requires a sociological imagination to see the interpersonal, institutional and structural factors at play in any violent situation or event. Moreover, the very nature of what it means to be violent is open to debate. Course is designed to help students engage in essential debates and develop an informed point of view on violence, its causes and its solutions. Violence is studied as a social phenomenon. Students explore general descriptions and explanations of violent crime, specific causal explanations for violence such as alcohol, drug use or gun availability, and possible methods to reduce lethal and nonlethal violence. While many forms of personal violence are examined, special emphasis is given to sexual and family violence, gang violence, and terrorism. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 306. Introduction to Gender Studies (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Introduces the sociology of gender. Explores how gender is socially constructed through culture, everyday interactions, the media, and institutions such as the family, education and work. Considers the consequences of gender for relationships, sexuality, economic opportunity and well-being, with a goal of connecting theory and research on gender to personal experiences. Examines how gender intersects with other forms of social inequality, including race, social class and sexual orientation. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 307. Romantic Relations in a Changing Society (3).
Romantic relationships are studied from the perspective that rapid changes in society can and do affect what we experience as romance. Technology, aging, urbanization, the Internet, the emancipation of women, cohabitation, divorce and later marriage are social variables that impact romantic relations. Examines such subjects with an eye to contemporary research on the topics.
SOC 308. Relationship Problems (3).
Looks at different relationship types and the common problems found in such relationships. Course has practical information about how to avoid the pitfalls of close relationships. Students are exposed to romantic relations, friendships, family and co-worker relationship types and look at how these relationships are affected by such variables as gender, power, conflict, communication and boundary problems.
SOC 311. Introduction to Sociological Theory (3).
Comprehensive survey of classical sociological theory. Emphasizes theories relevant to the development of sociology. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 312. Introduction to Social Research (3).
Provides students with a general understanding of the core concepts and techniques used in designing and executing a social research project. Special emphasis is given to the major data collection techniques commonly used by sociologists. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 313. Introduction to Social Statistics (3).
Applies descriptive and inferential statistics to sociological problems. Includes computer experience with statistical software. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111. Pre- or corequisite(s): SOC 312.
SOC 315. Marriage and Families (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Aids students in the acquisition of a sociological perspective of relationship processes as they exist in the United States today. Explores dating relationships, mate selection, the transition to parenthood, marital and family interaction, communication and other issues relating to families over the life course. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course.
SOC 316. Men and Masculinities (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Presents the sociological perspective on contemporary masculinities. Students are exposed to developmental changes in masculinity across the life course and such topics as: masculine socialization, race/ethnicity variations, work, relationships, sexualities, media, family and the men's movement. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 318. Environmental Sociology (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines relationships between society and the natural environment. Analyzes how environmental problems both affect and are effected by society and its social institutions. Identifies and evaluates environmental interest groups within communities, industry and the environmental justice movement. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 319. Sociology of Sexualities (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Course goal is to encourage students to use a sociological perspective to view all areas of sexuality. A sociological perspective of sexuality examines how sexual desires, identities, relationships, and practices are socially and culturally constructed and enforced. Such a course works to dispel myths about sexuality and uncovers the complexity of sexuality. Investigates cultural variations in sexual practices and understandings of sexuality and explores how cultural values and beliefs about sexuality shape individual desires, relationships, and well-being. Explores how sexuality influences and is influenced by other identities, including race and ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, age, and religion. Identifies how “normative” sexual identities are enforced in schools, families, workplaces and in the media. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 320. Contemporary Social Problems (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines the theoretical and methodological frameworks used to analyze contemporary social problems. Emphasizes examining the complex interrelationship among specific social problems and developing critical-thinking skills necessary to analyze political and social policy debates. This is a Kansas Systemwide Transfer Course.
SOC 322. Deviant Behavior (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. The structure, dynamics and etiology of those behavior systems that are integrated around systematic violations of the control norms. Presents and evaluates competing theories within the context of the assumption that humans are a social product. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 323. Sports Criminology (3).
Cross-listed as CJ 324. With the high-profile nature of modern sport, increased amounts of media attention have highlighted not only individual acts of criminality, but also crimes committed by groups, organizations and/or communities. Class purpose is to expose students to not only various explanations, but also to provide the tools necessary for better understanding athletes, spectators, sport managers, groups and organizations involved in criminal offenses.
SOC 325. Parenting (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines the role of parenting in American society from a number of different perspectives. Focuses on the major developmental changes facing couples as they move through the family life cycle. Covers the decision to have children, remaining childless, the transition into parenthood, parent-infant relationships, parents and school-age children, and the transition from active parenthood. Also includes single parents, divorce, step-parenting and dual-career parents. Discusses several different parenting techniques and styles as well.
SOC 326. Sociology of Race & Ethnicity (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines the overlapping concepts of culture, race and ethnicity from a sociological perspective in order to foster an understanding of race as both a category of social organization and social stratification among ethnic groups that make up American culture today. Course unpacks the intersecting contexts in which race relations are socially constructed and regulated at the micro and macro levels. Controversial topics, such as affirmative action, as well as theories of discrimination, and resistance strategies are discussed and analyzed. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 330. Social Inequality (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Analyzes class, status and inequality in various societies especially in the United States. Also includes the relationship of social inequality to various social institutions. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 332. Media Through a Sociological Lens (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Presents the sociological perspective on the institution of Media. Students are encouraged to examine their own reflexivity (personal world view) within the influence of a society that is immersed “from cradle to grave” in media. By examining the major theoretical frameworks of sociological theory and applying them to a rich analysis of many modes of media (film, television, video games, social networks, etc.) students engage in an introduction to the field of visual sociology. Students exit the class with media literacy and a better understanding of this major institution of socialization.
SOC 337. Young Women's Health (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines topics in young women's health in the United States. Explores the intersections of physical, emotional, social, economic, intellectual and spiritual health. Based on a developmental approach, it traces the underpinnings of health from childhood to adolescence and young adulthood. Students leave this class with the knowledge to enhance their own health and well-being.
SOC 338. Health & Lifestyle (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Examines the component dimensions of health and the societal-level factors and lifestyle choices that influence health across the life span.
SOC 346. Sociology of Globalization (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Critically examines the global integration of markets, known as globalization. Identifies and explores social processes and relations surrounding rapidly growing international flows of people, goods, services, information and assets. Identifies and explores social issues relating to political, cultural and economic causes and effects of globalization. Topics include trade agreements such as NAFTA, international institutions such as the International Monetary Foundation and the World Bank, the global restructuring of workplaces and jobs, the globalization of American culture, effects of globalization on the natural environment, and the various types of responses to globalization by individuals, interest groups and governments. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 350. Social Interaction (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Studies the effect groups have on individuals. Primary focus on the symbolic interactionist perspective in sociology. The goal is for students to understand how social interaction influences their daily activities. Includes the meaning and importance of the symbol, the nature and development of self, social roles and their influence on individuals, and the social construction of society. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 382. Girlhood and Society (3).
Explores the sociological dimensions of girlhood, examining how society shapes and constructs the experiences of girls. This course employs both macro and micro theoretical approaches, using film to illustrate key concepts. This course uses cinematic narratives to explore key concepts such as identity formation, agency and the socialization of gender roles. Focus areas include the portrayal and understanding of beauty ideals, body image, as well as the dynamics of empowerment, popularity contests and relational aggression. Through film, students gain a better understanding of the impact of media representation, intersectionality and evolving societal roles on girls' experiences. This course offers a critical look at how films reflect and shape our understanding of girlhood, ideal for students interested in sociology, gender studies, film studies and media analysis. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 397. Social Epidemiology (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Focuses on how social processes are fundamentally linked to the health of populations and/or individuals. Social epidemiology considers social, psychological, biological and medical determinants of disease and health using a multidisciplinary approach to analyze and explain complex contemporary social issues. Additionally, this course emphasizes the role of social determinants of health, such as socioeconomic status and/or race/ethnicity in relation to health equity. The course also analyzes the social determinants of health and how society makes individuals sick and/or healthy. Addressing not only the existing evidence of health/racial disparities, identification of new disease risk factors (e.g., deficient social capital) as well as how well-known exposures (e.g., cigarette smoking, lead paint, health insurance) emerge, promote or undermine the health of populations and are maintained by the social system. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 399. Special Topics in Sociology (3).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 399A, 399B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.
SOC 399R. LOVE (3).
Examines some of the cultural, structural and theoretical perspectives of love and relationships. Looks at a subject taken for granted, but not understood — that love is both a physiological state and a socially constructed experience. Course is designed to explore how intimate moments are socially shaped and to help the student navigate the structural and cultural factors that have made being in love, and relationships and love a fundamental part of life.
SOC 405. Sociology of Aging (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Cross-listed as PHS 405. Analyzes the social dimensions of old age, including changing demographic structures, role changes and their impact on society.
SOC 481. Cooperative Education (1-4).
Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. Prerequisite(s): instructor's consent.
SOC 481N. Internship (1-4).
Complements and enhances the student's academic program by providing an opportunity to apply and acquire knowledge in a workplace environment as an intern. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
SOC 514. Sociology Capstone (3).
Capstone experience designed to provide students an opportunity to integrate the knowledge, skills and insights they’ve developed as emerging Sociologists. While specific sociological topic areas may vary from semester to semester, the course exposes students to current research and perspectives while providing opportunities to engage in sociological practice by applying the tools of the discipline to a relevant social phenomenon and drawing links between the classroom and potential careers. For undergraduate credit only. Pre- or corequisite(s): SOC 111, 311, 312, 313.
SOC 515. Family Diversity (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Analyzes the varieties of family forms in the U.S. with particular emphasis on the intersection of gender, race/ethnicity, social class and sexual orientation. Attention is given to the reciprocal effects of families and their social environments, and the impact of public policies on families. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 517. Intimate Relations (3).
Examines the social dimensions of intimacy including an analysis of intimacy in different types of relationships, i.e., romantic, friendship, marriage. Reviews theory and research in the area with a special focus on the place of intimacy in social interaction. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 520. Family and Aging (3).
Cross-listed as PHS 520. Analyzes the families and family systems of older people. Emphasizes demographic and historical changes, widowhood, caregiving and intergenerational relationships as these relate to the family life of older people. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 528. Schools and Society (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Introduces sociological perspectives on the purpose of schools and their connection to the larger society. Uses key sociological concepts, theories and methods to go beyond individual experiences and explore the educational system in the context of larger social forces. Examines the multiple functions and goals of education, stratification between schools and within schools, and inequalities of race, social class and gender. Other topics may include family and school relationships, bullying and youth culture, sexuality education, and educational policy issues. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 534. Urban Sociology (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Studies the process of urbanization and its influence on the development of cultural and social structures throughout the world. Also discusses social problems associated with urbanization. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 537. The Social Consequences of Disability (3).
An eclectic survey of the social aspects of disability showing the impact of social values, institutions and policies upon adults with disabilities. Appropriate for both students of sociology and the service professions. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 538. Medical Sociology (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. Analyzes social and cultural factors related to physical and mental illness. Also includes the dynamics of communication and role relationships among patients and medical personnel and social research and theory relevant to the health professions. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 539. Juvenile Delinquency (3).
General education social and behavioral sciences course. The factors related to juvenile delinquency and the measures of treatment and prevention. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111.
SOC 543. Aging and Public Policy (3).
Cross-listed as PHS 543. Explores the impact of an aging population on social institutions, covers the history of American aging policies, the organization and financing of health care for the elderly, and discusses policy analysis as an evaluation tool for comparing public approaches to responding to the needs of an increasingly diverse aging population. It considers the process of policy formation, identifies key players and interest groups, and contrasts political ideologies regarding federal, state and private responsibilities for older people. The course emphasizes Social Security, the Older Americans Act, Medicare and Medicaid as policy examples. It also looks at the potential contributions of the older population to society (volunteer services, provision of family care, etc.) as affecting and affected by policy. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111 or PHS 100 or junior standing.
SOC 559. Successful Aging: Theory, Research and Practice (3).
Cross-listed as PHS 559, PSY 559, PSY 559H, SCWK 559, SCWK 559H. Reviews current interventions which promote successful aging. Theoretical bases of this work in biomedical and life span/developmental psychology are featured. Intended for students in the College of Health Professions, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Engineering. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): PHS 100, PSY 111, SCWK 201 or SOC 111.
SOC 559H. Successful Aging: Theory, Research and Practice Honors (3).
Cross-listed as PHS 559, PSY 559, PSY 559H, SCWK 559, SCWK 559H. Reviews current interventions which promote successful aging. Theoretical bases of this work in biomedical and life span/developmental psychology are featured. Intended for students in the College of Health Professions, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Engineering. Course includes diversity content. Prerequisite(s): PHS 100, PSY 111, SCWK 201 or SOC 111.
SOC 560. Dangerous Women in Film (3).
Examines the sociological dimensions of female representation in film, focusing on archetypes such as the Femme Fatale and the Fighting F-toy. By integrating sociological theories with film analysis, students explore how these cinematic figures reflect and reinforce societal norms, power structures and gender ideologies. The course employs a range of sociological frameworks, including feminist theory, intersectionality, and social constructivism, to analyze how films construct and challenge notions of gender, sexuality and power. The curriculum begins with foundational concepts in sociological film analysis, then moves to a critical examination of how the Femme Fatale embodies and resists patriarchal values. Following this, the course investigates the Fighting F-toy as a manifestation of contemporary female empowerment and its implications for societal attitudes towards women. Students engage with both canonical and contemporary media texts to understand their role in shaping and reflecting cultural attitudes. The course culminates in a comprehensive analysis project, encouraging students to apply sociological theories to the study of film and its impact on social perceptions of gender. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 561. Hollywood Melodrama: Chick Flicks, Screen Queens and Domestic Sagas (3).
Explores Hollywood melodrama as a sociological lens for understanding gender roles and family dynamics within the broader cultural context. By analyzing melodramas and contemporary women’s films, “chick flicks," students investigate how these films reflect and reinforce societal norms and power structures related to gender and family life. The course employs sociological theories to examine how the genre constructs and challenges notions of womanhood, domesticity and empowerment. Through the study of filmic representations and their social implications, students explore how melodramas portray women’s roles within the family and the home, and how these portrayals both reflect and influence cultural attitudes toward gender. The course integrates sociological methods, including discourse analysis and cultural critique, to analyze the political, social and theoretical significance of female-centered films. Students engage with diverse media texts to understand how societal shifts are mirrored and shaped by these films. Course includes diversity content.
SOC 581. Child Abuse and Neglect: The Role of Child Welfare Agencies (3).
Cross-listed as CJ 581Y, SCWK 610AA. Examines the Kansas foster care system from multiple perspectives, including those of social workers, law enforcement and attorneys. Topics covered include services provided to juveniles in the custody of the state, neglect and abuse investigations, government policies affecting youth, the impact of the juvenile criminal justice system, and civil rights litigation involving youth in custody. Students become acquainted with the role of the foster care system, relevant statutory and Supreme Court case law, and law enforcement practices.
SOC 600. Selected Topics in Sociology (3).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 600A, 600B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course. Prerequisite(s): SOC 111, instructor's consent, and substantive area course.
SOC 651. Directed Research (1-3).
Gives the student further research skills in an area of special interest. All students are under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty who guides them in developing research skills. Prerequisite(s): SOC 512 or equivalent and instructor's consent.
SOC 670. Independent Reading (1-3).
For the advanced student capable of doing independent work in an area of special interest. Prerequisite(s): 15 hours of sociology and instructor's consent.
SOC 711. Sociological Theory (3).
Comprehensive survey of classical sociological theory emphasizing theories relevant to the development of sociology. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
SOC 713. Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences (3).
Applies descriptive and inferential statistics to sociological problems. Includes computer experience with statistical software. Prerequisite(s): departmental consent.
SOC 750. Sociology Workshop (1-3).
An umbrella course created to explore a variety of subtopics differentiated by letter (e.g., 750A, 750B). Not all subtopics are offered each semester – see the course schedule for availability. Students enroll in the lettered courses with specific topics in the titles rather than in this root course.
SOC 781. Cooperative Education (1-4).
Academic program that expands a student's learning experiences through paid employment in a supervised educational work setting related to the student's major field of study or career focus. With advisor approval, up to 4 credit hours of cooperative education may count toward graduate degree requirements.
SOC 781N. Internship (1-3).
Complements and enhances the student's academic program by providing an opportunity to apply and acquire knowledge in a workplace environment as an intern. Individualized programs must be formulated in consultation with, and approved by, appropriate faculty sponsors as well as the Career Development Center. Repeatable for credit.