Program Requirements

The undergraduate program requires the completion of 129 credit hours for graduation, and includes 30 credit hours of mathematics and natural sciences and 72 credit hours of major courses. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Engineering, students majoring in aerospace engineering must take the following courses:

Course Title Hours
General Education (34-35 credit hours)
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 421
General Education courses that will also meet Program Requirements
PHIL 385Engineering Ethics 13
ECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics 1,53
PHYS 313Physics for Scientists I 14
PHYS 315University Physics Lab I 11
MATH 242Calculus I 15
Mathematics/Natural Sciences
MATH 243Calculus II 15
MATH 344Calculus III 13
MATH 555Differential Equations I3
PHYS 314Physics for Scientists II 14
CHEM 211General Chemistry I 15
Major Courses
AE 223Statics3
ECE 282Circuits I4
ME 398Thermodynamics I3
AE 227Engineering Digital Computation3
IME 222Engineering Graphics 32
IME 222LGraphics Lab 31
ME 250Materials Engineering3
AE 324Fundamentals of Atmospheric Flight3
AE 333Mechanics of Materials3
AE 373Dynamics3
AE 415Introduction to Space Dynamics3
AE 424Aerodynamics I3
AE 502Aerospace Propulsion I3
AE 512Experimental Methods in Aerospace3
AE 514Flight Dynamics and Control3
AE 524Aerodynamics II3
AE 525
AE 625
Flight Structures I
and Flight Structures II
AE 528
AE 628
Aerospace Design I
and Aerospace Design II
AE 607Flight Control Systems3
Technical electives 29
Total Credit Hours129

May count as a general education course.


The 9 credit hours of technical electives must be chosen from the departmentally approved list. At least 6 of the 9 credit hours must be AE courses.


Aerospace engineering will allow students to substitute two ENGR 250 courses (one of which must be ENGR 250PP​) to satisfy program engineering drawing-related requirements.


See the requirements of the WSU General Education program. Starting in fall 2021, first-year college students must take a First-Year Seminar (FYS) within their first two semesters at WSU. Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional technical electives to reach 129 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


Students may substitute ECON 202 (may count as a general education course) or IME 255 to satisfy the program economics-related requirements.

Applied Propulsion Track

The applied propulsion track requires four courses totaling 12 credit hours as follows:

Course Title Hours
AE 502Aerospace Propulsion I (a required course for the BS in AE degree)3
AE 742Applied Aeronautical Propulsion (taken as a BS in AE technical elective)3
AE 743Applied Jet Propulsion Subsystems (taken as a BS in AE technical elective)3
An additional applied propulsion related course chosen from one of the following3
Rotor Aerodynamics
Compressible Fluid Flow
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
Vibration Analysis
Manufacturing Methods and Materials I 6
Aircraft Manufacturing and Assembly 6
An aviation maintenance - powerplant course (not offered at WSU, typically transferred, which is approved by the track coordinator) 6
Total Credit Hours12

Does not count as a technical elective for the BS in aerospace engineering degree, but may be used to fulfill the applied propulsion track requirement.

Space Systems Track

The space systems track requires four courses totaling 12 credit hours as follows:

Course Title Hours
AE 415Introduction to Space Dynamics3
AE 773Intermediate Dynamics3
AE 715Intermediate Space Dynamics3
or AE 718 Nano-Satellite Engineering
An additional space systems related course chosen from one of the following3
Modern Flight Control System Design I
Intermediate Space Dynamics (If not used to satisfy the requirement above)
Nano-Satellite Engineering (If not used to satisfy the requirement above)
Neural Networks for System Modeling and Control
Optimization Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems
Partial Differential Equations for Engineers
Earth and Space Physics
Total Credit Hours12

Applied Learning

Students in the Bachelor of Science in aerospace engineering program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing the two-course capstone design sequence (8 credit hours) consisting of AE 528 and AE 628.