Program Requirements 

The BS in applied engineering with a concentration in engineering management requires the completion of 120 credit hours for graduation and includes 32 credit hours of mathematics and natural sciences and 64 credit hours of major courses. All the prerequisite courses must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.000.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Engineering, students in the BS in applied engineering with a concentration in engineering management must take the following courses:

Course Title Hours
General Education (34-35 credit hours)
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 115-18
General Education courses that will also meet Program Requirements
FYAP 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Introduction to Technology and Innovation 23
ECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics3
PHIL 385Engineering Ethics3
PHYS 313Physics for Scientists I4
PHYS 315University Physics Lab I1
MATH 242Calculus I5
Program Required Mathematics/Natural Sciences
GEOL 300Energy, Resources and Environment 33
BIOL 370Introductory Environmental Science 3, 43
IME 254Engineering Probability and Statistics I3
or STAT 370 Elementary Statistics
MATH 243Calculus II 35
MATH 451Computational Mathematics Using MATLAB 3, 53
CHEM 211General Chemistry I 35
or PHYS 314
PHYS 316
Physics for Scientists II
and University Physics Lab II
Applied Engineering Core 6
AE 223Statics3
APEN 334Introduction to Strength and Mechanics of Materials3
APEN 354Statistical Process Control3
APEN 441Analysis of Decision Processes in Technology3
APEN 492Energy Management and Sustainability3
APEN 201Introductory Design Project 21
APEN 301Intermediate Design Project1
APEN 401Senior Project I3
APEN 402Senior Project II3
IME 222Engineering Graphics2
IME 222LGraphics Lab1
IME 258Manufacturing Methods and Materials I3
IME 258LManufacturing Methods and Materials I Lab1
Engineering+ Program
Completion of the Engineering+ program 7
Required Courses for Engineering Management Concentration
ENGR 220Applied Analog and Digital Electronics3-4
or ECE 282 Circuits I
APEN 210Introduction to Facilities Management3
APEN 572Applied Machine Learning3
APEN 664Engineering Project Management3
BADM 162Business Software: Excel1
ACCT 210Financial Accounting3
DS 350Operations Management3
BLAW 431Legal Environment of Business3
Engineering Elective
Select one of the following courses3-4
Industrial Controls and Instrumentation
Solar and Wind Engineering
Technical Electives
Select 5-9 credit hours of technical electives preapproved and documented by an applied engineering faculty advisor. Please refer to the applied engineering website or consult with your applied engineering advisor for a current list of technical electives. 15-9
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional technical electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


All first-year college students must take FYAP 102A within their first two semesters. Transfer students will take ENGR 205 to replace  APEN 201 and to satisfy the  FYAP 102A requirement.


May count as a general education course.


With approval from the department chair, students may substitute with any BIOL course or, if CHEM 211 is not taken, any CHEM course.


With approval from the department chair, students may substitute with any MATH 300 level or above course.


All applied engineering students must complete these courses, regardless of applied engineering concentration.


Details outlined under College of Engineering Requirements, #2.

Applied Learning

Students in applied engineering programs are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the programs. The requirement can be met by completing the three-course capstone design experience consisting of APEN 301APEN 401 and APEN 402.