Program Requirements

A minimum total of 128-129 credit hours is required for the BS in biomedical engineering program and includes 49 credit hours of major courses that must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.000. Prerequisite courses to BME courses must have a grade point average of 2.000. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Engineering, students in the biomedical engineering program must take the following courses:

Course Title Hours
General Education (34-35 credit hours)
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 1, 224
General Education courses that will also meet Program Requirements
PHIL 385Engineering Ethics3
or PHIL 386 Biomedical Engineering Ethics
CHEM 211General Chemistry I5
MATH 242Calculus I5
Mathematics/Natural Sciences
MATH 243Calculus II5
MATH 555Differential Equations I3
IME 254Engineering Probability and Statistics I3
PHYS 313Physics for Scientists I4
PHYS 314Physics for Scientists II4
BIOL 210General Biology I4
BIOL 223Human Anatomy and Physiology5
BIOL 420Molecular Cell Biology3-4
or CHEM 661 Principles of Biochemistry
CHEM 212General Chemistry II5
CHEM 533Elementary Organic Chemistry3
Major Courses
AE 223Statics3
ECE 282Circuits I4
ME 398Thermodynamics I3
IME 255Engineering Economy3
BME 115Biomedical Engineering Seminar (taken in the first semester)0
BME 335Biomedical Computer Applications3
BME 452Biomechanics3
BME 462Introduction to Biofluids3
BME 477Introduction to Biomaterials3
BME 480Bioinstrumentation3
BME 482Design of Biodevices3
BME 585Capstone Design I3
BME 595Capstone Design II3
Technical Electives
BME Technical Electives (see technical elective requirements below)15
Total Credit Hours128-129

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 128-129 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


See the requirements of the WSU General Education program. Starting in fall 2021, first-year college students must take a First-Year Seminar (FYS) within their first two semesters at WSU. The FYS course should be completed in either fine arts or humanities or social/behavioral sciences.

Technical Elective Requirements

Students must complete 15 credit hours of technical electives, selected from a combination of a required BME concentration and the approved list of technical electives. Selection of the 15 credit hours of technical electives must satisfy the following conditions:

  • At least 6 of the 15 credit hours must be from a selected BME concentration, and at least one course taken in the BME concentration must be a BME course.
  • At least 12 of the 15 credit hours of technical electives must be engineering courses.
  • At least 9 of the 15 credit hours must be BME courses.
Course Title Hours
BME Concentrations
Students are required to select one BME concentration, and select a minimum of two courses from the concentration, where one course from the selected concentration must be a BME course
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
BME 777Biodegradable Materials3
BME 779Tissue Engineering3
BME 771Polymer Processing and Technology3
BME 743Mechanobiology of Cells and Tissue3
BME 748Biomolecular and Cellular Engineering3
BME 746Drug Delivery3
BME 747Biochemical Engineering3
BIOL 760Experimental Molecular Biology Lab4
Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
BME 735Biocomputational Modeling3
BME 743Mechanobiology of Cells and Tissue3
BME 752Applied Human Biomechanics3
BME 757Clinical Biomechanics Instrumentation3
ME 709Injury Biomechanics3
IME 549Industrial Ergonomics3
Instrumentation, Sensors and Imaging
BME 735Biocomputational Modeling3
BME 738Biomedical Imaging3
BME 758Biomedical MEMS3
BME 760ABrain-Computer Interfaces3
ME 728Advanced Electronic Materials3
Biorobotics and Controls
BME 722Introduction to Biorobotics3
BME 760ABrain-Computer Interfaces3
ME 737Robotics and Control3
ECE 684Introductory Control System Concepts3

Approved Technical Electives

Course Title Hours
Aerospace Engineering
AE 333Mechanics of Materials3
AE 373Dynamics3
Biological Sciences
BIOL 760Experimental Molecular Biology Lab4
BIOL 773Statistical Applications in Biology3
Biomedical Engineering
BME 722Introduction to Biorobotics3
BME 735Biocomputational Modeling3
BME 738Biomedical Imaging3
BME 743Mechanobiology of Cells and Tissue3
BME 747Biochemical Engineering3
BME 748Biomolecular and Cellular Engineering3
BME 752Applied Human Biomechanics3
BME 757Clinical Biomechanics Instrumentation3
BME 758Biomedical MEMS3
BME 760ABrain-Computer Interfaces3
BME 760CMedical Image Processing3
BME 746Drug Delivery3
BME 771Polymer Processing and Technology3
BME 777Biodegradable Materials3
BME 779Tissue Engineering3
Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 684Introductory Control System Concepts3
Industrial, Systems and Manufacturing Engineering
IME 524Descriptive Analytics3
IME 549Industrial Ergonomics3
IME 554Statistical Quality Control3
IME 557Safety Engineering3
IME 561Applied Control Systems3
IME 664Engineering Management3
IME 749Ergonomic Assessment Methods3
IME 759Ergonomic Interventions3
IME 761Robot Programming and Applications3
IME 764Systems Engineering and Analysis3
IME 780ANBig Data Analytics in Engineering3
IME 780APNeural Networks and Machine Learning3
Mechanical Engineering
ME 250Materials Engineering3
ME 659Mechanical Control Systems3
ME 709Injury Biomechanics3
ME 728Advanced Electronic Materials3
ME 737Robotics and Control3

Premed Students

Curriculum differences for premed students in the biomedical engineering program consist of the following:

  1. BIOL 211 is required for premed students;
  2. 1-credit-hour labs, PHYS 315 and PHYS 316, must be taken with the 4-credit-hour lecture courses of PHYS 313 and PHYS 314, respectively;
  3. CHEM 531 and CHEM 532 are required for biomedical engineering students in the premed curriculum, and will satisfy the biomedical engineering curriculum's organic chemistry requirement.

Biomedical engineering students who are in the premedicine curriculum are encouraged to also meet frequently with the WSU premed advisors to learn about other premed requirements. WSU premed advisors are located in Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Advising Center, 115 Grace Wilkie Hall, 316-978-3700.

Applied Learning

Students in the BS in biomedical engineering program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by successfully completing BME 595 Capstone Design II.