Program Requirements

A minimum total of 124 credit hours is required for the computer engineering program and includes the 66 credit hours of major courses that must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.000. All courses that are prerequisites to other courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Engineering, students in the computer engineering program must take the following courses:

Course Title Hours
General Education (34-35 credit hours)
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 1, 224
General Education courses that will also meet Program Requirements
PHIL 354Ethics and Computers3
PHYS 314Physics for Scientists II4
PHYS 316University Physics Lab II1
MATH 242Calculus I5
Mathematical/Natural Sciences
MATH 243Calculus II 35
MATH 321Discrete Structures I3
MATH 511Linear Algebra3
MATH 555Differential Equations I3
PHYS 313Physics for Scientists I 34
IME 254Engineering Probability and Statistics I3
Major Courses
ECE 115ECE Freshman Seminar0
ECE 194Introduction to Digital Design4
CS 211Introduction to Programming4
ECE 238Assembly Language Programming for Engineers3
IME 255Engineering Economy3
ECE 282Circuits I4
ECE 284Circuits II3
ECE 285LProgramming with MATLAB for Electrical and Computer Engineers1
CS 311Object-Oriented Programming4
ECE 338FPGA-Based System Design4
ECE 394Introduction to Computer Architecture3
ME 398Thermodynamics I3
CS 400Data Structures4
CS 664Computer Networks3
ECE 492Electronic Circuits I4
ECE 594Microprocessor System Design4
ECE 585
ECE 595
Senior Design Project I
and Senior Design Project II
Technical Electives
Select 11 credit hours which must be chosen with advisor's approval from a departmentally approved list. At least 9 of the 11 credit hours must be from the ECE department. Up to 2 credit hours of co-op can be used as nondepartmental technical electives.11
Total Credit Hours124

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 124 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


See the requirements of the WSU General Education program. Starting in fall 2024, first-year college students must take a First-Year Seminar (FYS) within their first two semesters at WSU. The FYS course should be completed in either fine arts or humanities or social/behavioral sciences.


May count as a general education course.

Applied Learning

Students in the Bachelor of Science in computer engineering program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing the two capstone design experiences consisting of ECE 585 and ECE 595.