The product design and manufacturing engineering program prepares students to engineer products as well as their production, in an integrated manner. The goal of design and manufacturing activities is the cost-effective conversion of raw materials and intermediate products into higher value products through the use of various design, processing, assembly, automation and mass-production techniques. Students in this program learn to appreciate and use the relationships between design, materials selection, processing, productivity, quality and cost to enhance profitability. The strength of this program is its curriculum in three areas — materials and processes, product engineering and assembly, and manufacturing quality and productivity — with an emphasis on aviation in course materials, projects and a capstone design project. Graduates of this program can apply their broad and comprehensive skills in a wide spectrum of industries.

Program Educational Objectives

The educational objectives of the product design and manufacturing engineering (PDME) program are driven by WSU’s mission as an urban university. PDME graduates are expected, within three to five years after graduation, to meet the following Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

  • PEO1: Be engaged, innovative professionals and leaders in designing, modeling, analyzing, implementing, managing and improving products, processes and systems in manufacturing sectors of local, regional, national and global industries.
  • PEO2: Pursue life-long learning, such as graduate studies and research, certification and licensure from professional organizations, etc.
  • PEO3: Achieve professional success through the program's emphasis on experiential learning through solving real world problems.

Program Requirements

The BS in product design and manufacturing engineering (BSPDME) program requires the completion of 128 credit hours for graduation, minus hours commensurate with advanced placement credit. Students may select 9 credit hours of technical electives to emphasize the study of advanced engineering concepts and topics in other engineering disciplines that impact design and processing. Selection of appropriate courses allows students to tailor their studies to fit their individual interests and needs. Students’ programs of study are determined in consultation with their faculty advisors. All the prerequisite courses must have a grade that generates 2.000 or more credit points per credit hour.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Engineering, students must meet the specific requirements for the product design and manufacturing engineering program given below.

Course Title Hours
General Education (34-35 credit hours)
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 124
General Education courses that will also meet Program Requirements
PHIL 385Engineering Ethics 23
PHYS 313Physics for Scientists I 24
PHYS 315University Physics Lab I 21
MATH 242Calculus I 25
Mathematics/Natural Sciences
MATH 243Calculus II 25
MATH 451Computational Mathematics Using MATLAB3
MATH 555Differential Equations I3
PHYS 314Physics for Scientists II 24
PHYS 316University Physics Lab II 21
CHEM 211General Chemistry I 25
IME 254Engineering Probability and Statistics I3
Product Design
AE 223Statics3
ECE 282Circuits I4
IME 222Engineering Graphics2
IME 222LGraphics Lab1
IME 255Engineering Economy3
IME 425Kinematic and Dynamic Design3
IME 625Product Performance Evaluation using CAE3
ME 250
ME 251
Materials Engineering
and Materials Engineering Laboratory
AE 333Mechanics of Materials3
IME 554Statistical Quality Control3
IME 258Manufacturing Methods and Materials I3
IME 258LManufacturing Methods and Materials I Lab1
IME 553Production Systems3
IME 561Applied Control Systems3
IME 558Manufacturing Methods and Materials II4
IME 676Aircraft Manufacturing and Assembly3
IME 761Robot Programming and Applications3
IME 788Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing3
IME 590Industrial Engineering Design I3
IME 690Industrial Engineering Design II3
Technical Electives 3
Select 9 credit hours of technical electives based on the following9
At least 6 credit hours must be from the ISME department
Choose from the following: AE 300-799; CS 300-799; ECE 300-799; IME 300-799; ME 300-799; and/or
No more than 3 credit hours from the following: ACCT 300-799; FIN 300-799; MGMT 300-799; and/or
Additional TEs (if any) in STEM (closely related to the degree) and preapproved by ISME faculty advisor
Total Credit Hours128

See the requirements of the WSU General Education program. Starting in fall 2021, first-year college students must take a First-Year Seminar (FYS) within their first two semesters at WSU. Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional technical electives to reach 128 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


May count as a general education course.


Students should consult with their faculty advisor for a list of approved technical electives.

Applied Learning

Students in the Bachelor of Science in product design and manufacturing engineering program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing the capstone design experience consisting of IME 590.