Industrial engineers (IEs) apply scientific knowledge to solve problems in manufacturing, service industries, businesses and institutions, and are focused on the design modeling and analysis of complex systems to achieve productivity improvement through better use of human resources, financial resources, natural resources, and man-made structures and equipment. IEs apply a full range of analytical, simulation and experimentation tools to problems in designing, planning, implementing and operating systems. These problems are found in a wide variety of organizations (such as banks, hospitals, social services and government agencies), project-based firms (such as construction and consulting) and product-based firms (such as processing, manufacturing and electronics). The focus of industrial engineering is systems design, systems integration and improvement.

Program Educational Objectives

The educational objectives of the industrial engineering program are driven by WSU’s mission as an urban university. Industrial engineering graduates are expected, within three to five years after graduation, to meet the following Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

  • PEO1: Be engaged, innovative professionals and leaders in designing, modeling, analyzing, implementing, managing and improving modern complex systems in sectors of local, regional, national and global industries.
  • PEO2: Pursue life-long learning, such as graduate studies and research, certification and licensure from professional organizations, Fundamentals of Engineering certification, or active participation in professional societies/activities.
  • PEO3: Achieve professional success through the program's emphasis on experiential learning through solving real world problems.

Program Requirements

The BS in industrial engineering program requires the completion of 125 credit hours for graduation, minus hours commensurate with advanced placement credit. Students may select 19 credit hours of technical electives to emphasize the study of systems engineering; supply chain and analytics; or manufacturing, robotics and automation. This allows students to specialize in a specific area of industrial engineering. Students’ programs are determined by their own interests in consultation with their faculty advisors. All the prerequisite courses must have a grade that generates 2.000 or more credit points per credit hour.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Engineering, students must meet the specific requirements for the industrial engineering program given in the accompanying table.

Course Title Hours
General Education (34-35 credit hours)
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 124
General Education courses that will also meet Program Requirements
PHIL 385Engineering Ethics3
CHEM 211General Chemistry I5
MATH 242Calculus I5
Mathematics/Natural Sciences
MATH 243Calculus II 25
MATH 511Linear Algebra3
PHYS 313Physics for Scientists I 24
PHYS 314Physics for Scientists II 24
IME 254Engineering Probability and Statistics I3
Select one of the following1
University Physics Lab I
University Physics Lab II
Major Courses 3
CS 211Introduction to Programming3-4
or MIS 310 Fundamentals of Business Application Development
or MATH 451 Computational Mathematics Using MATLAB
IME 222Engineering Graphics2
IME 222LGraphics Lab1
IME 255Engineering Economy3
IME 258Manufacturing Methods and Materials I3
IME 258LManufacturing Methods and Materials I Lab1
IME 452Work Systems3
IME 524Descriptive Analytics3
IME 549Industrial Ergonomics3
IME 550Operations Research I3
IME 553Production Systems3
IME 554Statistical Quality Control3
IME 556Information Systems3
IME 563Facilities Planning and Design3
IME 565Systems Simulation3
IME 590
IME 690
Industrial Engineering Design I
and Industrial Engineering Design II
IME 650Operations Research II3
Technical Electives 4
Track Based Technical Electives 59
Additional Technical Electives 610
Total Credit Hours125

See the requirements of the WSU General Education program. Starting in fall 2021, first-year college students must take a First-Year Seminar (FYS) within their first two semesters at WSU. Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 125 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


May count as a general education course.


Anyone, who is already a student in the BSIE degree program at WSU, can only transfer a maximum of 9 credit hours of IME 400+ level courses to be used towards the major courses requirement.

  • A written preapproval of the ISME chair is required to take courses from outside WSU.
  • IME 590 and IME 690 must be taken at WSU.

At least 9 credit hours of technical elective courses (including track and additional electives) must be from the ISME department.


There are three tracks from which the students may take technical electives. At least three of the technical elective courses must be from the same track.

Track I – Manufacturing, Robotics and Automation:

Track II – Supply Chain and Analytics:

Track III – Systems Engineering:


Other courses that may be used as technical electives:

Applied Learning

Students in the Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing the two-course capstone design experience consisting of IME 590 and IME 690.