
This certificate program is open to students who have taken all the prerequisite courses to the courses or alternatives listed herein.

Program Requirements 

Completion of the certificate in energy and environment requires a total of 12 credit hours of course work. This includes completion of ME 502 Thermodynamics II (required for all ME undergraduates). The remainder of the coursework in this certificate program (9 credit hours) will be chosen by the students from a list of approved courses (approved by thermal/fluids/energy/environment faculty).

An overall grade point average of at least 2.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program, and no grade below C, is required to earn the certificate.

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
ME 502Thermodynamics II 13
Elective Courses
Select three courses from the following9
Sustainability and Technology
Engineering for the Environment
Design of HVAC Systems
Energy and Sustainability
Basic Combustion Theory
Advanced Heat Exchanger Design
Indoor Air Pollution and Simulation
Design of Thermal Systems
Transport in Porous Media
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
Total Credit Hours12

Students can take ME 702 as an alternative to this requirement.