Program Requirements 

A minimum total of 120 credit hours is required for the BS in cybersecurity program. All courses with an AC or CS prefix require that prerequisite courses have to be completed with a grade of C- or better. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Engineering, students in the BS in cybersecurity program must take the following courses:

Course Title Hours
General Education (34-35 credit hours)
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 112
General Education courses that will also meet Program Requirements
FYAP 102AFirst-Year Seminar: Introduction to Technology and Innovation 2, 33
PSY 111General Psychology 33
PHIL 125Introductory Logic3
PHIL 354Ethics and Computers 33
ECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics 33
MATH 123College Trigonometry 33
PHYS 213
General College Physics I
and General Physics I Lab
College/Program Requirements
PSY 323Social Psychology 33
PSY 405Human Factors Psychology3
Mathematical/Natural Sciences
MATH 231Discrete Math3
STAT 370Elementary Statistics3
Major Courses
AC 121Cybersecurity Awareness3
AC 222Applied Computing Fundamentals3
AC 301Junior Project2
AC 321Applied Networking3
AC 322Applied Programming and Scripting3
AC 324Applied Web Applications and Database Development3
AC 326Cyber Operations4
AC 352Competitive Ethical Hacking3
AC 363Human Threats to Cybersecurity3
AC 401Senior Project I3
AC 402Senior Project II3
AC 461Digital Forensics3
AC 462Cyber Physical Systems4
AC 463Cyber Risk Management3
CS 497QIntroduction to the Linux Operating System1
AC 464Web Application Security3
ENGR 220Applied Analog and Digital Electronics3
Technical Electives
Select 23 credit hours. At least 9 out of the 23 credit hours must be from the College of Engineering. Up to 2 credit hours of co-op can be used as nondepartmental technical electives.23
Visual Technologies
Introduction to Multimedia
Communication Analysis and Criticism
Introduction to GIS
Business Software: Excel
Emergency Management
Border Security
Legal Issues in Homeland Security
Cyber Security
Physical Security
Intelligence Process
Special Topics
Immigration Policy and Politics
The History of U.S. Homeland Security
Jihadist Terrorism
Insider Threat: Identification, Mitigation, Deterrence and Prevention
Risk Assessment
Cognitive Psychology
Psychology of Personality
Introduction to Programming
and Prob Slv/Prog Lab
Object-Oriented Programming
and Object-Oriented Programming Lab
Data Structures
and Data Structures Lab I
Introduction to Digital Design
and Introduction to Digital Design Lab
Accessible Design
The Engineer as Leader
The Engineer as Leader Honors
Introduction to Game Design
Game Technology and Coding I
Game Technology and Coding II
Principles of Management
Database Management Systems
Systems Analysis and Design
Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Management of the IS Function
Introduction to Web Design and Analytics
Total Credit Hours120

See the requirements of the WSU General Education programMATH 131 is not accepted by the program. Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


All first-year college students must take FYAP 102A within their first two semesters. Non-freshmen students transferring into the program, who have not taken the First-Year Seminar course, will need to take ENGR 205 instead of CS 497Q.


May count as a general education course.

Applied Learning

Students in the BS in cybersecurity are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing the final three courses in the project design experience consisting of AC 301, AC 401 and AC 402.