Program Requirements 

The Associate of Science degree requires completion of a minimum of 60 credit hours including 15 credit hours in residency at Wichita State University and 48 of the 60 credit hours from liberal arts and sciences departments. This degree must include the 34 to 35 credit hours required in the university’s general education program (described in the General Education section of this catalog), and students must be enrolled in one of the university’s degree-granting colleges. An overall grade point average of 2.000 is required for both the degree and for Wichita State University academic work.

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
ENGL 101College English I3
ENGL 102College English II3
COMM 111Public Speaking3
MATH 111College Algebra3
or MATH 242 Calculus I
MATH 123College Trigonometry3
or STAT 370 Elementary Statistics
Select three of the following13-15
General Biology I
Introduction to Microbiology
General Chemistry I
Introductory General, Organic and Biochemistry
Calculus II
General College Physics I
Physics for Scientists I
Introduction to Pathophysiology
Select one of the following4-5
General Biology II
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Foundational Human Anatomy and Physiology
General Chemistry II
General College Physics II
Physics for Scientists II
Other Required Courses
Fine Arts/Humanities General Education Course3
Fine Arts/Humanities General Education Course3
Social and Behavioral Science General Education Course3
Social and Behavioral Science General Education Course3
FYS if required or other General Education Course3
General Educaton Diversity Course3
Elective Courses
Selected after consultation with an academic advisor.7-11
Total Credit Hours60