Program Requirements 

A minimum total of 120 credit hours is required for the BA in communication - communication studies emphasis. Students majoring in communication must maintain a 2.500 grade point average (overall and in the major) and complete a minimum of 39 credit hours in communication, including 12 credit hours in the communication core. At least 27 credit hours must be in the following structured emphasis area. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, students in the BA in communication - communication studies emphasis must take the following courses:

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 134-35
College Requirements
Select courses to complete all LAS Competency Areas 136
Communication Core Courses
COMM 205Visual Technologies3
COMM 206Introduction to Multimedia3
COMM 301Writing for the Mass Audience3
COMM 350Communication Strategy for the Mass Audience3
Communication Studies Emphasis Courses
Select two of the following (but not both 430 and 530)6
Communication Research and Inquiry
Communication Law and Responsibility
Historical and Theoretical Issues in Communication
Media Analytics and Audience Behavior
Select at least 21 credit hours from the following21
Interpersonal Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Argumentation and Advocacy
Introduction to Film Studies
Speaking in Business and the Professions
Teamwork, Leadership and Group Communication
International and Intercultural Communication
Race and Media
Pop Culture and Communication
Public Information Writing
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
Cooperative Education
Communication Practicum
Communication Analysis and Criticism
Integrated Marketing Communications Campaigns
Issues in Corporate Communication
Seminar in Communication
Seminar in Communication
Shocker Ad Lab
Upper-division electives in consultation with communication advisor
Applied learning
Select one course from the list of approved applied learning courses in the department: COMM 481, 481N, 581, 690, 562, 626, 655
Open Electives
Select enough electives to reach 120 credit hours10-11
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education and/or LAS Competencies. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.

Applied Learning 

Students in the BA in communication - communication studies are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing COMM 481 Cooperative Education, COMM 481N Internship, COMM 581 Communication Practicum, COMM 690 Communication InternshipCOMM 626 Integrated Marketing Communications Campaigns, COMM 655 Capstone Media Project or COMM 562 Shocker Ad Lab.