Program Requirements 

The professional writing and editing minor hones students’ writing and editing skills and prepares them to write for a range of real-world audiences and contexts. This minor is an excellent complement to any major, including communication, business, social work and criminal justice. It’s also a good option for students interested in careers in publishing or technical writing.

A minor in professional writing and editing requires:

Course Title Hours
Select 12 credit hours from the following courses12
Composition: Business, Professional and Technical Writing
Introduction to English Linguistics
Editing Professional and Academic Writing
Technologies of the Book
Cooperative Education 1
Literary Editing and Publishing
Digital Textual Editing
Multimodal Composition
Studies in Composition
Languages and Language Attitudes in USA
Professional, Technical and Scientific Writing and Editing
Total Credit Hours12

A maximum of three credit hours of ENGL 481 may count towards the minor.