This certificate program is open to all WSU undergraduate students.

Program Requirements

Completion of the certificate in environment and sustainability requires a total of 13 credit hours of course work. This includes completion of GEOL 200 Introduction to Environment and Sustainability (3 credit hours) upon filing a plan of study in the certificate, and the GEOL 490 Environment and Sustainability Seminar (1 credit hour) at the conclusion of the certificate program. The remainder of the course work in this certificate program (9 credit hours) will be from courses in the particular track chosen by the student.

An overall grade point average of at least 2.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program, and no grade below C, is required to earn the certificate.

Students can choose from one of four tracks:

  1. Environmental policy and communication;
  2. Human society and the environment;
  3. Resource and remediation science and technology; or
  4. Environmental and green sciences.

These tracks allow students to tailor their studies in the certificate program to suit their individual interests and educational goals. Students are required to pick a certificate track upon completion of GEOL 200 Introduction to Environment and Sustainability and register their choice with the director of the certificate program. Students are free to change their certificate track at any time; however, credit hours from a previous track will only count towards the new track if the courses are listed in both tracks. 

Environment and sustainability is an area of rapid growth, innovation and research. Given the highly dynamic nature of this field, the certificate program is also dynamic to ensure that students gain the greatest value from the program. As such, the courses listed in each track will be regularly evaluated to ensure that they provide appropriate value and reflect state-of-the-art developments. As new relevant courses are introduced at WSU they may be added to the certificate program within the most appropriate track(s). Similarly, courses that are no longer taught may be dropped from the certificate structure. Alterations to the courses offered in the certificate program will be made in concert with the faculty of record and relevant department chair.

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
GEOL 200Introduction to Environment and Sustainability3
GEOL 490Environment and Sustainability Seminar1
Select one of the following four tracks from which the bulk of the certificate classes will be taken (minimum of 9 total credit hours)9
Environmental Policy and Communication Track
Engineering Ethics
Environmental Politics
American Literature I
Energy, Resources and Environment
Environmental Ethics
Service Learning/Internship/Undergraduate Research Option
Human Society and the Environment Track
American Environmental History
History of Kansas
Science and the Modern World
Engineering Ethics
Environmental Sociology
Contemporary Social Problems
Health & Lifestyle
Sociology of Globalization
Urban Sociology
Ethics of Space Exploration
Environmental Politics
Environmental Ethics
Energy, Resources and Environment
Introductory Environmental Science
Service Learning/Internship/Undergraduate Research Option
Resource and Remediation Science and Technology Track
Engineering Ethics
Energy, Resources and Environment
Geomorphology and Land Use
Advanced Geohydrology
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Environmental Engineering Technology
Introduction to Fluids
Energy Management and Sustainability
Solar and Wind Engineering
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Hydraulics and Hydrology
Energy and Sustainability
Sustainability and Technology
Service Learning/Internship/Undergraduate Research Option
Environmental and Green Sciences Track
Earth Science and the Environment 1
General Geology 1
Energy, Resources and Environment
Geomorphology and Land Use
Geologic Perspectives on Climatic Change
Advanced Geohydrology
Environmental Ethics
Introductory Environmental Science
General Ecology
Ecosystem Management and Restoration
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Conservation Biology
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Environmental Physics
Service Learning/Internship/Undergraduate Research Option
Total Credit Hours13

Students may take GEOL 102 or  GEOL 111 for credit towards this certificate.