Program Requirements

This certificate encourages a wide-ranging knowledge of Asia. This is accomplished by taking a variety of courses taught across the college and university. The certificate encourages students to study Asia through Asian languages, thereby gaining a better understanding of the history, society, culture and thought of peoples living in Asia. The certificate applies to the following languages currently taught at the university: Chinese, Japanese and Russian. It will be expanded to include other qualifying languages, histories and cultures, if and when they are added to the curriculum.

Students who have made the effort to attain language proficiency are most likely to profit from this enhanced background, as they are more likely to continue study of the languages and related cultures and to visit or do work which relates directly to Asian nations.

The certificate is based on a student’s study of one of three languages and five additional courses, for a total of 25 credit hours:

  • 10 credit hours of Chinese, Japanese or Russian language. All courses counted must be in the same Asian language. Students are expected to include these classes among the first they take in fulfillment of certificate requirements.
  • 15 credit hours of courses with significant Asian content (one-third or greater). Specific decisions about appropriateness of content is decided by certificate coordinators. Students are encouraged to take an interdisciplinary approach and will not be permitted to count more than two courses in this category offered by any one department. An interdisciplinary approach allows students to see how a variety of scholarly perspectives may be brought to bear on common issues.

An overall grade point average of at least 2.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program, and no grade below C, is required to earn the certificate.

Course Title Hours
Select 10 credit hours of Chinese, Japanese or Russian language as described above10
Select 15 credit hours of courses with significant Asian content (one-third or greater) as described above. Courses with Asian content include, but not limited to:15
Field Methods in Anthropology
Russian History Survey
The Vietnam Conflict
Mongol Empire: Genghis Khan and His Empire
Yeltsin, Putin and Beyond: Russia Since the End of the Soviet Union
Medieval Russia
History of Imperial Russia
History of Soviet Union
Japanese Film
Introduction to Japanese Philosophy
Ancient Chinese Philosophy
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy
Survey of Asian Philosophy
Women in World Religions
Total Credit Hours25

For information and application procedures please contact Dr. Xiufen Lu 316-978-7889,