Program Requirements
The certificate in film studies requires 12 credit hours in film-oriented courses from any department, discipline or college that offers such courses. The certificate is offered both for those students seeking employment in some aspect of film, film making or film criticism, and for those wishing to improve their understanding of film or the influence of film on a discipline or on a culture. The film studies certificate can prove useful to students majoring in language, literature, broadcast journalism, speech and fine arts; it also can appeal to those in fields where some knowledge of mass communication as a cultural phenomenon is desirable or where film has influenced the view of that field, including sociology, history, anthropology, political science, psychology, criminal justice, education and administration. The certificate offers opportunities to study film as an art form and to gain experience in media production.
The film studies certificate consists of 12 credit hours from the courses listed below, selected with the approval of the coordinator of film studies. Other courses having film content may be substituted for the listed courses, with the approval of the coordinator as well. Courses (with different content) that can be repeated within their discipline can also be repeated for the film studies certificate. Courses approved for the film studies certificate include:
Course | Title | Hours |
ANTH 597AD | Visual Anthropology | 3 |
COMM 205 | Visual Technologies | 3 |
COMM 206 | Introduction to Multimedia | 3 |
COMM 321 | Introduction to Film Studies | 3 |
COMM 406 | Audio Storytelling and Podcasting | 3 |
COMM 412 | Principles of Media Production | 3 |
COMM 504 | Corporate and Commercial Video Production | 3 |
COMM 604 | Video Storytelling | 3 |
COMM 622 | Studio B: Live Television News | 3 |
CJ 518 | Criminal Justice and Crime in Film | 3 |
ENGL 241 | Jane Austen and Popular Culture | 3 |
ENGL 307 | Narrative in Literature and Film | 3 |
ENGL 508 | Critical Studies in Film | 3 |
FREN 520 | Novel and Film | 3 |
HIST 318 | The Holocaust in Film | 3 |
HIST 344 | World War II in Film | 3 |
HIST 399Q | Civil War in Film | 3 |
JAPN 322 | Japanese Film | 3 |
SOC 332 | Media Through a Sociological Lens | 3 |
SOC 382 | Girlhood and Society | 3 |
SOC 560 | Dangerous Women in Film | 3 |
SOC 561 | Hollywood Melodrama: Chick Flicks, Screen Queens and Domestic Sagas | 3 |
SPAN 520 | Hispanic Film: Cinema in the Spanish Speaking World | 3 |
THEA 228 | Script Analysis | 3 |
THEA 253 | Costume and Wardrobe Technology | 3 |
THEA 351 | Acting 3 - Acting for the Camera | 3 |
FYML 102E | First-Year Seminar: World Cultures in Popular Media | 3 |
An overall grade point average of at least 2.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program, and no grade below C, is required to earn the certificate.