In a rapidly globalizing world, the demand for college graduates who have a deeper understanding of different regions and cultures of the world is growing. Many employers look favorably on prospective employees with language skills and international knowledge.

The international studies field major is an interdisciplinary degree with courses required in multiple departments. Students have the option to follow an area studies track or a business administration track. Both require students to focus on a particular region of the world, including language courses for that region. The core courses for each track vary, with the area studies track focusing more on historical, political and cultural relations, and the business administration track focusing on international business courses. The international studies degree is a BA degree in Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. There is also an international studies minor available.

There are many career opportunities that can be pursued with an international studies degree including possible employment with federal and state government executive agencies, multinational corporations, law firms, international organizations such as the United Nations, nonprofit organizations and public and private schools. An international studies degree can also prepare students for a course of study in graduate school.

Students interested in pursuing a major or minor in international studies should contact the international studies advisors in the departments of political science or history, or seek additional information on the International Studies website1.


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Program Requirements

A minimum total of 120 credit hours is required for the Field Major in international studies - business administration track. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, students must meet the following requirements:

Business Administration Track

The requirements for the business administration track are as follows:

  1. Language1: four course sequence in a world language (ASL does not count). If four courses are not available, students can complete two courses in two world languages. 
  2. Area Studies Courses: four courses
  3. International Business Prerequisites: six courses
  4. International Business Core Courses: five courses

It is possible to double major in a language and in international studies.  

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 234-35
College Requirements
LAS Competencies and Electives - select enough courses to reach 120 credit hours and complete all LAS Competency Areas 228-29
Language Courses
Complete a four course sequence in a world language. If four courses are not available, students can complete two courses in two world languages.12
ARAB 104, 105, 106, 204
CHIN 104, 105, 106, 204
FREN 104, 105, 106, 204
GERM 104, 105, 106, 204
ITAL 104, 105, 106, 204
JAPN 104, 105, 106, 204
SPAN 104, 105, 106, 204
Area Studies Course Options
Select four courses within one of the following areas12
Latin America
Geography of Latin America
Latin American Politics
Latin America International Relations
Latin-American Civilization
Hispanic Food, Film and Stories
Hispanic Film: Cinema in the Spanish Speaking World
Spanish National Cinema
Hispanic Comics and Graphic Novels
Seminar in Latin-American Literature or Culture
Spanish Civilization
Hispanic Cooking Communities
Major Topics: Civilization
Novel and Film
French Civilization: The Middle Ages to the Restoration
Contemporary French Civilization
Geography of Europe
English History
Modern German History
The Holocaust
The Holocaust in Film
World War II
Weimar Germany on Film
Nazism and the Third Reich
Modern France
Europe 1789-1870
Europe 1871-1945
Europe 1945-Present
European Politics
Africa/Middle East
Islamic Art
Islamic Art
Mongol Empire: Genghis Khan and His Empire
History of United States and the Modern Middle East
History of the Modern Middle East
Issues and Perspectives on African Women and Globalism
The Bible and the Ancient Near East
Anthropology of Islam
Russia/East Asia
Russian History Survey
The Vietnam Conflict
Cold War
Yeltsin, Putin and Beyond: Russia Since the End of the Soviet Union
Communism and the Cold War in Film
Medieval Russia
History of Imperial Russia
History of Soviet Union
Introduction to Japanese Philosophy
Ancient Chinese Philosophy
Contemporary Chinese Philosophy
Survey of Asian Philosophy
Asian Politics
Introduction to Japanese Philosophy
Japanese Anime and Manga
Travel Sem Japan
A Study Abroad course or Travel Seminar may be substituted for an Area Studies course at the discretion of the advisor.
International Business Prerequisites
ACCT 210Financial Accounting3
ECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 202Principles of Microeconomics3
FIN 340Financial Management - Fundamental Valuation Analysis3
MGMT 360Principles of Management3
MKT 300Marketing3
International Business Core Courses
IB 561International Economics and Business3
IB 601International Marketing3
POLS 220Introduction to International Relations3
HIST 522United States Foreign Relations Since 18983
IB 333International Business3
or IB 400 Principles of Global Supply Chain Management and Logistics
or IB 600 International Management
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education and/or LAS Competencies. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.

Applied Learning

Students in the international studies field major are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by one of the following: