Fairmount College offers a certificate in Great Plains studies, an interdisciplinary program for undergraduate students. This certificate is for students interested in supplementing their major field of study with a concentration of courses from a number of disciplines focusing on a common topic, the Great Plains. Nondegree adults can earn the certificate for professional or personal enrichment.

Program Requirements

Undergraduate students must have a 2.500 overall GPA and sophomore standing. They must maintain at least a 2.500 cumulative grade point average with no grade below C in courses applied toward the certificate.

Students may transfer 3 credit hours of coursework from another institution. Exceptions for additional transfer credit or other exceptions to the certificate requirements will be reviewed by the Great Plains studies coordinator and committee.

The program consists of 15 credit hours.

Course Title Hours
Certificate Courses
Select 15 credit hours from the following courses, including at least two courses in each area below15
Field Studies in Geology
Geomorphology and Land Use
Field Geology
Undergraduate Research
Field Botany
Plant Ecology
Topics in Botany
Field Vertebrate Zoology
Great Plains Experience
Indians of the Great Plains
Archaeology of the Great Plains
History of Wichita
History of Kansas
Total Credit Hours15

Courses whose content may emphasize the Great Plains, depending on instructor and semester, may be counted toward the certificate. One or more of these courses may be used to satisfy the general education requirements of the student's major as well (that is, double counting is allowed when possible).

Any substitution of the listed course must be approved by the coordinator and must meet the subject domain distribution requirement.

Courses that do not meet the learning outcomes of the certificate will be taken off the approved course list.

For information and application procedures, please contact: Jay M. Price, coordinator, Great Plains Studies, 316-978-7792.