
To enroll as a candidate for departmental honors, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.250. 

Honors Program Requirements

For the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree with an honors track:

Course Title Hours
Complete all courses in Group R 115
MATH 613Fundamental Concepts of Algebra3
MATH 640Advanced Calculus II3
Plus three additional courses selected from those listed in Groups A, B and C.9
Total Credit Hours30

A list of courses in each group can be found at the beginning of the mathematics section of the catalog.

All bachelor’s degrees in mathematics require a high-level algorithmic computer language. The MATLAB course, MATH 451, is strongly recommended.

The above work must be completed with a grade point average of 3.500.

Since it is common for students completing the above program to continue on to pursue a graduate degree in mathematics, it is recommended that the student complete a course in at least one of the following languages: French, German or Russian.