Program Requirements

The certificate in Spanish for the professions is designed to train both WSU students, as well as community members in nondegree programs, to become linguistically capable, knowledgeable and culturally sensitive individuals able to perform language services in professional settings where Spanish is used. Prerequisites: SPAN 220 and  SPAN 325. The Spanish for the professions certificate consists of 15 credit hours from the courses listed below.

Course Title Hours
SPAN 526Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition3
SPAN 552Business Spanish 13
or SPAN 559 Spanish for the Health Professions
SPAN 557Principles of Translation and Interpreting 13
SPAN 558Advanced Translation and Interpreting 13
SPAN 561Practicum in Spanish for the Professions3
Total Credit Hours15

Must be taken in residency at WSU.

An overall grade point average of at least 2.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program, and no grade below C, is required to earn the certificate.