
Students pursuing an undergraduate certificate in health humanities must be admitted to Wichita State University in a degree program or in nondegree seeking status. All WSU admissions policies apply.

Program Requirements

Health humanities takes a holistic approach to human health and wellbeing by centering humanity in health care. Students who aim to work in the health sector, broadly construed, can enrich their education and add distinction to their resume through a certificate in health humanities.

To earn the certificate in health humanities, students must complete 12 credit hours from the courses listed below with

  • A grade of C or higher in each course,
  • At least one course from the humanities and one from the social sciences, and
  • Distributed from at least three departments (HIST, PHIL, SPAN, POLS, PSY, SCWK, SOC).

Consultation with your advisor is strongly recommended in selecting appropriate coursework. An overall program grade point average of 3.000 is required for the certificate.

Course Title Hours
HIST 305Epidemics in World History3
HIST 552The History of Global Public Health3
PHIL 327Bioethics3
PHIL 386Biomedical Engineering Ethics3
PHIL 410Philosophy of Medicine3
SPAN 559Spanish for the Health Professions3
Social Sciences
POLS 391ACDrug Policy and Politics3
POLS 391VHealth Politics3
PSY 403Introduction to Individual Counseling3
PSY 406Introduction to Community Psychology3
PSY 410Substance Use & Abuse3
PSY 414Child Psychology3
PSY 416Psychology and Problems of Society3
PSY 470Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology3
PSY 536Behavior Modification3
PSY 544Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 556Introduction to Clinical Psychology3
SCWK 541Women, Children and Poverty3
SOC 303Sociology of Mental Health3
SOC 337Young Women's Health3
SOC 338Health & Lifestyle3
SOC 397Social Epidemiology3
SOC 405Sociology of Aging3
SOC 537The Social Consequences of Disability3
SOC 538Medical Sociology3
SOC 543Aging and Public Policy3
SOC 559Successful Aging: Theory, Research and Practice3
SOC 581Child Abuse and Neglect: The Role of Child Welfare Agencies3