Jeff Pulaski, director
ADCI Department Website1

The School of Art, Design and Creative Industries (ADCI) offers four program areas: art education, art history, graphic design and studio art. These programs offer courses within the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degrees to train and educate art and design majors. Students in academic programs other than art are encouraged to enroll in any of our courses to gain a better understanding of art and extend their visual literacy.

The programs of study in ADCI demand from each student the self-discipline and commitment to become a professional designer, educator, artist or scholar. Many entering students have not yet identified the art discipline in which they wish to develop their strengths. Others enter the school with a clear professional direction. Through structured programs which provide ample opportunity for experimentation, the school meets the needs of all its students.

During the first year of study, the foundation studies curriculum develops technical abilities and visual literacy within a conceptual and historical framework. These fundamental skills provide the basis for understanding and creating art forms at a professional level in advanced coursework.

Art students have excellent classroom and laboratory facilities in McKnight Art Center and Henrion Hall. The Clayton Staples Art Gallery offers guest artist and thematic exhibits in addition to featuring BFA and MFA graduation shows. McKnight provides extensive space for exhibiting student work including Project Space, a student-run exhibition space. The school also manages Shift Space, an off-campus gallery downtown in the heart of Wichita’s creative community.

At the Edwin A. Ulrich Museum of Art in McKnight, students can view a wide range of exhibitions and hear a variety of visiting artists and guest lecturers. The Lewis and Selma Miller Fund provides programs of regional and national interest.

Degrees Offered

The School of Art, Design and Creative Industries offers three undergraduate degrees. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree is a general liberal arts degree and offers students the opportunity to pursue an emphasis in art or art history, with minor studies required in any second area of study in the university. The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), art—studio art is a professional degree offering students seven concentrations—applied drawing, ceramic media, community and social practices, painting, photo media, print media, and sculpture. The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), art education emphasis offers training in fine art creation, pedagogy and classroom skills, leading to teacher licensure in the state of Kansas. The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in graphic design is a professional degree offering students studies in graphic design. The school offers minors in art and design, art history, and graphic design to students pursuing majors outside the school. All degree programs are described in detail in the following section.


The School of Art, Design and Creative Industries requires faculty advising of all its students each semester prior to enrollment. Students are advised on the basis of the program (student progress check sheet) in effect on the date they are admitted into a particular degree program (BA or BFA) rather than the date they enter the university.

Art Foundation Studies

The art foundation studies curriculum prepares students with broad technical, conceptual and visual literacy skills that are basic to all areas of art and design. The curriculum is required of all art and design majors, although students interested in the Bachelor of Arts, art history emphasis take a slightly narrowed set of courses. Please see the appropriate program section of the catalog for more details on the specific courses required for each degree.

Prior to completing ARTF 202, all art and design students are designated Bachelor of Arts, art emphasis majors.

Upon completion of ARTF 202, students declare a degree path with major emphasis and are eligible for appropriate upper-division coursework. Changing major codes within art and design after completing ARTF 202 requires approval by the art and design faculty in the new major area.


The undergraduate art student is expected to attend all scheduled classes and examinations. At the discretion of the faculty member, the student may be failed in a course, or given a lowered grade, based on absences. In high enrollment classes, a student who misses the first two class meetings may be asked to drop the course. In cases of extended absence for serious illness or other unavoidable reasons the student should notify the director of the School of Art, Design and Creative Industries.

Special Needs

Students with special needs are requested to consult with the Office of Student Accommodations and Testing as early in the semester as possible. The office provides academic accommodations for students who experience physical, learning or mental disabilities. Students are required to provide appropriate documentation to the Office of Student Accommodations and Testing before classroom services are provided. More information can be found on the Student Accommodations and Testing webpage1 or by calling 316-978-3309.

Minimum Grade Requirements

Art and design students must receive a grade of C (2.000 grade points) or better in all art and design courses applied toward their degree requirements. This policy also applies to transfer credits in art and design being applied toward degree requirements.


As part of university fees, the College of Fine Arts charges students a fee per credit hour to cover the costs of specialized equipment and materials necessary for an art program. More information about fees can be found in the Financial Information section of this catalog.

Student Artwork

The School of Art, Design and Creative Industries reserves the right to temporarily withhold artwork for exhibition. Students are encouraged to exhibit work in the school as a significant part of the educational experience. At the same time, the school and the university does not insure student artwork used for exhibition purposes or take responsibility for its loss or damage under any circumstances. At the end of each semester, students are required to remove all personal supplies and artwork from classrooms, laboratories, lockers and studios. Work or materials left behind will be disposed of by the school.

Graduation Audit

Students should have a graduation audit prior to the final two semesters before the student’s intended completion date. Appointments can be scheduled with an advisor in the College of Fine Arts Advising Center1. If students have transfer credits, they should keep careful track of their general education and degree requirements to avoid unexpected problems surfacing as they approach their expected date of graduation.


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Minors in the School of Art, Design and Creative Industries