The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in art degree with an art emphasis is designed for students who want to combine a broad training in art and design with additional areas of study. After completing the art foundation studies curriculum, each student gains experience in 2-D, 3-D and design areas, followed by focused work in a single area, or work in a variety of courses from multiple areas as per the student’s goals. The degree requires a minor in an area outside ADCI along with elective courses, selected with the assistance of an advisor, that can be from within ADCI or from other areas of the university.

Program Requirements

A minimum total of 120 credit hours is required for the BA in art — art emphasis, including 56 credit hours of art and art history courses listed below. A grade of C or higher is required for major courses to count toward degree requirements. In addition to the university scholastic, residence and General Education Program requirements, candidates for the BA in art - art emphasis degree must also complete a minor or certificate in a discipline other than art and design. The requirements for minors and certificates are set by each department. 

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 134-35
Art Foundation Studies Curriculum
ARTF 102Introduction to Art and Design 23
ARTF 136Foundation 2-D Design 23
ARTF 145Foundation Drawing 23
ARTF 189Foundation 3-D Design 23
ARTF 202Mid-Program Review0
Art History
ARTH 125_ Intro to Visual and Material Culture (two different courses)6
ARTH 300-level, any combination of courses totaling 6 credit hours; not more than three credits of ARTH 390_ 6
ARTH 500-level, one course 3
Art Distribution Requirements
Select one of the following 2-D courses3
Introduction to Photography
Introduction to Life Drawing
Introduction to Painting Media
Introduction to Printmaking
Select one of the following 3-D courses3
Introduction to Ceramics
Introduction to Sculpture and Extended Media
Select one of the following digital courses3
Digital Studio
Digital 3-D Tools in Sculpture
Select one of the following design courses3
Typography I
Introduction to Graphic Design
Graphic Design Concepts
Graphic Design Applications
Interactive Design
Book Design and Production
Art Emphasis Requirements
ARTS 305Studio Tools and Presentation3
Any ART/E/G/S 200+ (3 credit hours)3
ART/E/G/S 300+ (9 credit hours) 39
Minor or Certificate in a discipline other than art and design
Select a minor or certificate from an area outside ADCI, as determined by Undergraduate Catalog requirements; at least 6 credit hours must be 300+ 415
Major Electives (at least 9 credit hours must be 300+)
With an advisor, select any additional coursework in art or other discipline that complements the student’s plan of study; credits variable as necessary to fulfill degree requirements17
Total Credit Hours120

Note: 45+ upper-division credit hours are required for graduation. Model programs of study are available in the School of Art, Design and Creative Industries office and ADCI website5.


Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


Must be completed prior to enrolling in ARTF 202.


These credits can be accumulated from any combination of the ARTE/G/S courses.


Credit hours required for minors and certificates may vary. With an advisor, select a sufficient number of elective credit hours to fulfill the 120 credit hour requirement for the degree.


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Applied Learning

Students in the BA in art - art emphasis program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing ARTS 305 Studio Tools and Presentation.