Program Requirements

The Bachelor of Applied Arts in media arts - concentration in game design consists of 120 credit hours. In addition to the university scholastic, residence and general education requirements, students must take the following required courses (some required courses may also fulfill general education requirements): 21 credit hours in common core courses and 54 credit hours in a discipline specific track. BAA majors are required to earn a minimum grade of C in each course designated as a C-required course. All students must pass a mid-program review upon successful completion of 59 credit hours of coursework.

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 1, 234-35
Media Arts Core Courses
MART 101Introduction to Media Arts3
MART 102Introduction to Media Aesthetics and Analysis3
MART 311Introduction to Sound for Digital Media3
MART 200Introduction to Media Arts Software3
MART 391Professional Practices in Media Arts - Portfolio1
MART 392Professional Practices in Media Arts - Business Development1
MART 393Professional Practices in Media Arts - Legal Issues1
MART 299Media Arts Practicum I1
MART 399DMedia Arts Practicum II - Game Design2
MART 499DMedia Arts Practicum III - Game Design3
Game Design Concentration Requirements
MART 298Mid Program Review0
MART 131History of Video Games3
ARTF 136Foundation 2-D Design3
ARTF 145Foundation Drawing3
ARTS 240Introduction to Life Drawing3
or MART 270 Figure Drawing for Animators
MART 220Computer Modeling3
ARTH 125_Art History (select one of the ARTH 125 lettered courses)3
MART 222Digital Animation I3
MART 232Game Design I3
MART 104Introduction to Game Design3
MART 300Lighting and Materials3
MART 355Digital Sculpting3
MART 261Game Technology and Coding I3
MART 361Game Technology and Coding II3
MART 365Props and Character Design3
MART 332Game Design II3
MART 400Level Design3
MART 432Game Design III3
MART 4503D Asset Pipeline3
Open Electives
Select enough electives to reach 120 credit hours 210-11
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


Select general education and elective courses with the assistance of an advisor. These electives could include a minor.

Applied Learning

Students in the BAA in media arts – concentration in game design are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by completing MART 299, MART 399D and MART 499D.