Program Requirements

A minimum total of 120 credit hours is required for the BME - vocal. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Fine Arts, students must meet the following requirements:

Course Title Hours
General Education (34-35 credit hours)
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 134-35
Applied Music (18 credit hours) 2
Primary performance medium14
Class Piano/Secondary performance medium4
Piano Class Level I - Music Majors
Piano Class Level II - Music Majors
Piano Class Level III - Music Majors
Piano Class Level IV - Music Majors
Required Music Core (13 credit hours)
MUSC 127Musicianship 12
MUSC 128Musicianship 22
MUSC 129Aural Skills 12
MUSC 130Aural Skills 22
MUSC 229Aural Skills 32
MUSC 113Introduction to Music Studies and Professional Skills3
Theory/Composition Electives (4 credit hours)
Select 4 credit hours from the following4
Jazz Improvisation
Post-Tonal Music
Jazz Music Theory
Introduction to Music Composition
Topics in Music Technology
The Art of Counterpoint
Performance and Analysis
Topics in Analysis: Music in Media
Topics in Analysis: Popular Music Analysis
Vocal Required Courses (26 credit hours)
MUSE 231Scaffolding Musical Understanding2
MUSC 336Survey of the Western Musical Canon3
MUSC 523Form and Analysis2
MUSC 641Orchestration2
MUSP 308Choral Conducting2
MUSP 691Advanced Choral Conducting2
Vocal Electives
Select 4 credit hours from the following4
Italian Diction
English Diction
German Diction
Elementary Vernacular Instrument Methods
Voice Pedagogy
Ensembles 3, 49
Recital Attendance
MUSP 105Recital Attendance (two semesters)0
Senior Recital
MUSP 400Senior Recital0
Music Education Requirements (25 credit hours)
MUSE 171Orientation to Music Education1
MUSE 271Introduction to Music Education 52
Core I
MUSE 311Introduction to Diversity Field Experience1
MUSE 611Music for Special Education2
MUSE 617Literacy Strategies for Content Areas: Music2
Core II
MUSE 303Elementary and General Music Methods 52
MUSE 323Fundamentals of Vocal Music for Secondary Schools 52
MUSE 305Pre Student Teaching 51
MUSE 306Class Management for Music Educators1
Core III
MUSE 405Teaching Internship Seminar1
MUSE 451Teaching Internship Elementary School: Music3
MUSE 469Teaching Internship Secondary Music3
CAS 501Teacher Licensure Capstone (Must be taken with MUSE 451 or MUSE 469)0
Additional Requirements
MUSE 241String Rehearsal Methods1
MUSE 242Wind and Percussion Rehearsal Methods1
MUSE 342Survey of Choral Techniques and Literature2
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


Students must be enrolled in applied music during the semester of their senior recital.


See degree check sheets for specified ensembles.


Ensembles are counted by semester.


Must be passed with a B- or better in order to be counted towards the program.

Piano Proficiency

Students who have not satisfied all piano proficiency requirements must enroll in class piano until they meet those requirements. All music majors must pass the piano proficiency examination before graduation and BME students must have it completed before the student teaching semester.

Applied Learning

Students in the Bachelor of Music Education — vocal program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by recitals ( MUSP 400), ensembles and student teaching ( MUSE 405, MUSE 451 and MUSE 469).