Program Requirements

A minor in theatre includes 9 credit hours of required core coursework and 9 credit hours in the theatre area or areas of the student’s choice, including performance, design, technology, directing and management courses. Theatre minors must declare their status to ensure registration privileges in restricted courses.

Course Title Hours
Academic Core 1
THEA 143Theatre Appreciation3
THEA 228Script Analysis3
Experiential Core 1
Select three courses from the following 23
Workshops in Theatre
Independent Projects in Theatre
Practicum: Stagecraft
Practicum: Costume (Taken concurrently with THEA 253 Costuming for the Stage and Film)
Practicum: Management
Introduction to Acting Repertoire
Individual Areas of Study
Select three courses from the following for a total of 9 credit hours 29
Performance Options
Movement for the Performer
Oral Interpretation
Improvisation for the Actor
Acting 1 - Foundations
Combat for Stage and Screen
Design and Technology Options
Stagecraft: Applied Technology
Costume and Wardrobe Technology (Taken concurrently with THEA 180B Practicum: Costume)
Stage Lighting and Electrics
Theory, History and Management Options
Period Styles
History of Musical Theatre
Theatre as a Mirror of Today's America
Stage Management
Theatre History II
Total Credit Hours18

Core credits are required for all students pursuing the theatre minor.


For coursework requiring special arrangements to enroll, such as Independent Projects in Theatre courses, minor advisor consultation and instructor approval is required.