The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in performing arts - dance is a degree focused on preparation for professional performance and choreography. Dance BFA major course offerings include core study in contemporary dance, and students choose additional dance forms to enhance their training such as ballet, tap and musical theatre dance. Additional training includes somatics, choreography, dance history, dance kinesiology, conditioning, repertoire and methods of teaching.
The Bachelor of Arts (BA) is a degree in dance with emphasis on dance technique and related studies, chosen from a wide variety of fields in consultation with the student’s academic advisor. These can include, but are not limited to fields such as business, entrepreneurship, exercise science, psychology, sociology and other areas of interest. Dance BA major course offerings include core study in contemporary dance, and students choose additional dance forms to enhance their training such as ballet, tap and musical theatre dance. Additional training includes somatics, choreography, dance history, dance kinesiology, conditioning, repertoire and methods of teaching.
All dance majors must audition for program entrance and technique placement. Advancement in technique is not automatic and is possible only with faculty consent and approval. Students will be placed at the technical level the dance faculty deem appropriate for individual growth and development. Students with developed skill in one dance technique should not expect that ability to translate into the same level of skill in other dance techniques. The dance faculty works with each student to create the best fit between student goals and interests and faculty adjudication of each student’s needs for educational, technical and artistic development. The faculty seeks to facilitate an education that ensure graduates can be successful in the professional field of dance.