The certificate in commercial dance is designed to prepare qualified students for advancement in a career as a performer in the art and entertainment industry. The certificate intends to enhance and broaden student career opportunities in genres such as film, music videos, cruise ship entertainment and professional musicals. Students use the present resources of Wichita State University through instruction in music, theatre and dance techniques. The specialized certificate allows students to expand their professional career prospects while deepening their creative, artistic experiences.

Program Requirements

An overall grade point average of at least 2.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program, and no grade below C, is required to earn the certificate.

Course Title Hours
DANC 310Ballet Technique 2 (two enrollments of 2 credit hours)4
DANC 201Contemporary Technique 12
DANC 335Jazz Technique 22
DANC 432Music Theatre Dance 22
DANC 435Jazz Technique 32
DANC 130VHip Hop I (two enrollments of 2 credit hours)4
DANC 240Tap 12
or DANC 340 Tap 2
MUSA 432OApplied Music Instruction for Majors - Voice for Musical Theatre2
Total Credit Hours20