Admission to Professional Curriculum

The deadline for fall semester admission to the professional program is March 15. The deadline for spring semester admission to the professional program is October 15.

To qualify as a candidate for admission to the professional phase, the student must:

  1. Be admitted to WSU;
  2. Be in the process of completing, or have completed, the preprofessional requirements with grades of C (2.000) or better;
  3. All prerequisite science courses need to be completed within the past 10 years;
  4. Submit an application to department;
  5. Submit three letters of recommendation;
  6. Have an overall minimum GPA of 2.500;
  7. Complete a professional goal statement; and
  8. Participate in interview and a basic skills assessment (based on program technical standards).

Acceptance into the professional phase of the program is determined by the medical laboratory sciences admissions committee.

Prerequisite Science Courses

Course Title Hours
Select one of the following10
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry II
Or equivalent general chemistry (two semesters at the chemistry major level with lab)
Select one of the following3
Biochemistry for Clinical Scientists
Principles of Biochemistry
Or equivalent biochemistry
BIOL 210General Biology I (or equivalent general biology, one semester with lab)4
Select one of the following4-6
Foundational Human Anatomy and Physiology
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Human Physiology
and Human Physiology Lab
Or equivalent human or mammalian physiology
Select one of the following4-5
Introduction to Microbiology
General Microbiology
Or equivalent general or introductory microbiology with lab
Select one of the following3
Medical Immunology
Or equivalent immunology
Total Credit Hours28-31

Program Requirements

A minimum total of 120 credit hours is required for the Bachelor of Science program in medical laboratory sciences with 28–31 credit hours of prerequisite science courses and 54 credit hours of professional courses. Professional courses include 17 weeks of professional practice in medical laboratories that are affiliated with WSU. The program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency of Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). Upon successful completion of the program, students are eligible to sit for the national certification examination through the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP).

In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Health Professions, students in the BS in medical laboratory sciences program must take the following courses:

Course Title Hours
General Education
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 134-35
Prerequisite Science Courses
Complete the prerequisite admission courses28-31
Professional Curriculum
MLS 400Clinical Laboratory Management/Education3
MLS 452Principles of Urinalysis2
MLS 453Clinical Chemistry8
MLS 463Clinical Hematology8
MLS 473Immunohematology8
MLS 479Applied Immunohematology 23
MLS 494Special Topics in Clinical Microbiology3
MLS 488Core Laboratory Practicum 28
MLS 495Clinical Microbiology8
MLS 498Applied Clinical Microbiology 23
Total Credit Hours120

Required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.


Applied learning courses.

Applied Learning

Students in Bachelor of Science program in medical laboratory sciences are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by successfully completing MLS 479, MLS 488 and MLS 498.

MLT to MLS Progression

Graduates of an NAACLS-accredited MLT-AD program with documentation of a passing score on a national certification exam and who have met other admission requirements for the department of medical laboratory sciences program should contact the department office for information concerning degree completion. Other MLT graduates who do not meet the above criteria should contact the department chairperson by email at:

The MLT to MLS degree completion Bachelor of Science in medical laboratory sciences is available to certified medical laboratory technicians who seek to continue their education in laboratory medicine. The deadline for fall semester admission to the professional program is March 15. The deadline for spring semester admission to the professional programs is October 15.

To qualify as a candidate for admission to the MLT professional phase, the applicant must:

  1. Be admitted to WSU;
  2. Be in the process of completing, or have completed, the preprofessional requirements with grades of C (2.000) or better;
  3. All prerequisite science courses need to be completed within the past 10 years;
  4. Submit an application to department;
  5. Submit three letters of recommendation;
  6. Have an overall minimum GPA of 2.500;
  7. Complete a professional goal statement; and
  8. Participate in interview and a basic skills assessment (based on program technical standards).
  9. In addition, the MLT applicant must submit transcripts showing successful completion of an MLT program and verification of certification; and complete challenge exams designed to determine standing in MLS courses.

MLT to MLS Program Requirements

Upon acceptance to the MLS program, a program of study is prepared for the student. Students meet the requirements of the MLS curriculum either through a challenge exam or by completing lectures, student laboratories and practicum experiences in MLS courses.

Course Title Hours
HS 400Introduction to Pathophysiology4
MLS 400Clinical Laboratory Management/Education3
MLS 411Special Topics 21-6
MLS 452Principles of Urinalysis2
MLS 458Advanced Clinical Chemistry4
MLS 468Advanced Clinical Hematology4
MLS 478Advanced Immunohematology4
MLS 494Special Topics in Clinical Microbiology3
MLS 499Advanced Clinical Microbiology4
Total Credit Hours29-34

Applied learning course.

MLT to MLS Program Plan

MLT students (students who have earned an associate degree as medical laboratory technicians) may begin the professional program in the fall or spring semester. Students may individualize the program only upon permission of the program director.

Plan of Study Grid
Summer SemesterCredit Hours
MLS 494 Special Topics in Clinical Microbiology 3
MLS 400 Clinical Laboratory Management/Education 3
MLS 452 Principles of Urinalysis 2
 Credit Hours8
Fall Semester
MLS 458 Advanced Clinical Chemistry 4
MLS 468 Advanced Clinical Hematology 4
HS 400 Introduction to Pathophysiology 4
 Credit Hours12
Spring Semester
MLS 478 Advanced Immunohematology 4
MLS 499 Advanced Clinical Microbiology 4
 Credit Hours8
Clinical Semester
Applied practice is completed in the last semester of study and is offered every semester. Number of required semester hours is dependent on extent of the MLT to MLS student's documented work experience.
MLS 411 Special Topics 3 1-6
 Credit Hours1-6
 Total Credit Hours29-34

Applied learning course.

Applied Learning

Students in the medical laboratory technician to medical laboratory sciences program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by successful completion of MLS 411. Specific credit hour requirement for each student is determined by documentation of completion of applied learning tasks.

Other Requirements of all Students

Students are required to provide their own transportation to the clinical sites. Students are required to purchase health and professional and general liability insurance, and to show compliance with current guidelines of health and immunity protection.