
In order to be admitted into the certificate program, the applicant must:

  • Be admitted to Wichita State University in a degree program or in nondegree seeking A status. All policies relative to admissions apply. International students will not be issued an I-20 for certificate programs alone. International students may obtain this certificate only while concurrently pursuing an undergraduate degree.
  • Have a minimum overall GPA of 2.000 (on a 4.000 scale).

Program Requirements 

An undergraduate certificate in foundational public health practice (FPHP) introduces undergraduate students and working professionals to the field and practice of public health. The certificate provides an overview of public health and the U.S. healthcare system along with foundations in epidemiology, administration, finance, cultural competency, community development and leadership.

The UGC-FPHP comprises 12 total credit hours. Students who successfully complete this certificate will earn 12 of the required 59-60 program credit hours towards a Bachelor of Science in health management with concentration in public health. Completing this certificate is equivalent to one full-time semester of coursework. It may be completed entirely online by selecting online-only course options. The certificate may also be pursued concurrently with degree programs such as anthropology, biology, business management, general business, premed, social work and clinical disciplines in the College of Health Professions. An overall grade point average of at least 2.000 for all courses comprising the certificate program, and no grade below C, is required to earn the certificate.

Course Title Hours
Required Courses (9 credit hours)
PHS 101Introduction to Public Health3
PHS 325Epidemiology3
PHS 310Introduction to U.S. Healthcare and Administration3
Elective Courses (3 credit hours)
Choose one of the options below for 3 credit hours3
Course Option
Culturally Informed Healthcare
Badge Option
Complete all courses for the Care of Populations Badge
Badge: Care of Populations - Public Health Science
Badge: Care of Populations - Care Leadership and Systems Thinking
Badge: Care of Populations - Financial Planning and Management
Badge: Care of Populations - Community Dimensions of Practice
Badge: Care of Populations - Cultural Competency
Badge: Care of Populations - Policy Development and Program Planning
Total Credit Hours12

Assessment Measure: Students must complete a reflection describing how the certificate expanded their knowledge of the field and practice of public health.