Preprofessional Curriculum

A minimum total of 120 credit hours is required for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and includes 54 credit hours of major (professional) courses. In addition to meeting the requirements of the WSU General Education Program and the requirements of the College of Health Professions, students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing must take the following prerequisite (preprofessional) courses. All preprofessional courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C (2.000). Prior to enrolling in the professional courses, students must have completed preprofessional courses and all but 6 credit hours of the required general education courses.

Course Title Hours
Preprofessional Curriculum
ENGL 101College English I3
ENGL 102College English II3
MATH 111College Algebra3
or MATH 112 Precalculus Mathematics
COMM 111Public Speaking3
PSY 111General Psychology3
PSY 325Developmental Psychology3
SOC 111Introduction to Sociology3
or SOC 320 Contemporary Social Problems
BIOL 106
BIOL 107
The Human Organism
and The Human Organism Laboratory
or BIOL 210 General Biology I
HS 290Foundational Human Anatomy and Physiology5
or BIOL 223 Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 220Introduction to Microbiology4-5
or BIOL 330 General Microbiology
CHEM 103Introductory General, Organic and Biochemistry5
or CHEM 211 General Chemistry I
PHS 331Principles of Diet and Nutrition3
Select one of the following Ethics Courses3
Introduction to Philosophy
Critical Reasoning
Introductory Logic
Introduction to Ethics
Select one of the following Statistics Courses3
Introductory Business Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Psychological Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
Total Credit Hours48-49

Application Requirements and Admission Requirements to the School of Nursing

Application to the School of Nursing is typically done the semester before a student plans to begin the nursing professional coursework. Applications are available online at the Bachelor of Science in Nursing webpage1. Applications for fall semester admission are required by February 1; for spring semester admission, by September 1.

Candidates must meet application and admission qualifications. To qualify as a candidate for admission to the School of Nursing, students must:

  1. Be enrolled in, or admitted to, WSU;
  2. Have completed, or have plans to complete, the prerequisite requirements prior to beginning the professional curriculum;
  3. Have an overall grade point average of at least 2.750 in all courses completed and no grade lower than a 2.000 in any of the specified required courses; and
  4. Submit application materials including expected semester of enrollment.

GPA requirements to finalize admission and prior to starting BSN courses:

  • Cumulative GPA for all science classes must be 3.000 or better;
  • Cumulative GPA must remain at 2.750 or better; and
  • All prerequisites must be successfully completed with a grade of C (2.000) or higher.

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Program Requirements

A minimum total of 120 credit hours is required for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and includes 54 credit hours of major (professional) courses. The following courses in the School of Nursing are required for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing:

Course Title Hours
General Education (34-35 credit hours)
Select courses to meet General Education requirements 112
General Education courses that will also meet Preprofessional Curriculum Requirements
MATH 111College Algebra3
or MATH 112 Precalculus Mathematics
ENGL 101College English I3
ENGL 102College English II3
COMM 111Public Speaking3
BIOL 106
BIOL 107
The Human Organism
and The Human Organism Laboratory
or BIOL 210 General Biology I
PSY 111General Psychology3
SOC 111Introduction to Sociology3
Preprofessional Curriculum (48-49 credit hours)
Remaining preprofessional courses after General Education courses above 126-27
Professional Curriculum (54 credit hours)
Major courses taken in sequence54
Open Electives
Select enough electives to reach 120 credit hours5-6
Total Credit Hours120

Additional required major courses may also count towards General Education requirements. Students will need to select additional electives to reach 120 credit hours required for graduation with assistance from an advisor.

Professional Curriculum 

Plan of Study Grid
Semester 5Credit Hours
NURS 302 Professional Nursing Practice 3
NURS 309
NURS 312
Fundamentals of Nursing Care
and Fundamentals of Nursing Lab
NURS 325 Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice 2
NURS 344
NURS 347
Health Assessment
and Health Assessment Lab
NURS 349 Therapeutic Nutrition 1
NURS 375 Health Care Informatics 1
 Credit Hours15
Semester 6
NURS 320 Nursing Care of Adults I 4
NURS 341
NURS 343
Mental Health Nursing Care
and Mental Health Practicum
NURS 361
NURS 362
Care of Adults I Practicum
and Clinical Care Lab
NURS 366 Health Care of Older Adults 2
NURS 380
NURS 381
Maternal/Newborn Nursing Care
and Maternal/Newborn Practicum
 Credit Hours15
Semester 7
NURS 401 Nursing Care of Adults II 4
NURS 407 Foundations of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety 1
NURS 412 Care of Adults II Practicum 2
NURS 431
NURS 432
Pediatric Nursing
and Pediatric Nursing Practicum
NURS 452 Nursing Care of Populations 2
 Credit Hours12
Semester 8
NURS 462 Nursing Leadership Management 3
NURS 479
NURS 471
Complex Care of Adults
and Complex Care of Adults Practicum
NURS 497 Capstone 2
NURS 498 Senior Seminar 2
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours54

Other Requirements

Uniforms are required for applied learning. Students must provide transportation to and from health care agencies used for these experiences. Students must have professional and general liability insurance for $1 million per single claim/$3 million aggregate annually. The insurance fee will be paid through student fees. The cost is posted on the Wichita State University Comprehensive Fee Schedule webpage2. The insurance must be renewed annually.

Students must complete a background check before beginning practicum learning experiences. Students will receive information about background check requirements during the nursing program orientation. Students should not obtain a background check on their own.

Students must provide evidence of personal health insurance, immunization status, and evidence of a completed physical examination before practicum experiences each academic year. Healthcare provider CPR certification is required. The Nursing Undergraduate Practicum Requirements webpage2 contains a full list of requirements.

Additional costs for instructional materials, testing and lab experiences are required throughout the program.


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Applied Learning

Students in the Bachelor of Nursing program are required to complete an applied learning or research experience to graduate from the program. The requirement can be met by NURS 497 Capstone.