Undergraduate students apply for admission to the accelerated Honors Baccalaureate to Master of Innovation Design (MID) through the WSU Graduate School application and admission process during the semester prior to the first semester in which they intend to enroll in a course for graduate credit.
A student in the accelerated program will be admitted to the MID upon being awarded the bachelor’s degree if all admission requirements for the master’s program are satisfied at that time and the student has made continued satisfactory progress.
Tentative graduate admission does not guarantee final admission to the graduate program. A student who has previously been admitted to a graduate degree program at Wichita State may not be admitted to the accelerated program.
Visit the Master of Innovation Design section of the Graduate Catalog for more information about the MID application.
Program Requirements
Students admitted to the accelerated program will be allowed to enroll in courses for graduate credit, including 800-level courses, prior to completing undergraduate degree requirements. At most 9 credit hours may be joint degree hours — hours taken for graduate credit at the 500 level (or above) that are also applied to both the bachelor’s degree and master’s degree program requirements. If this deviation is requested, joint-degree hours may not include workshop courses, undergraduate core curriculum courses, cooperative education courses, or courses that are prerequisites for the graduate program. A course taken for joint credit must be so identified at the time of enrollment in that course. Where courses specify differing requirements for graduate and undergraduate students (500–799), the student must meet the requirements for graduate students to apply the course to graduate credit. A student who has previously been admitted to a graduate degree program at Wichita State may not be admitted to the accelerated program.
After initial admission, continuation in the program requires a continuing WSU and undergraduate cumulative GPA of at least 3.000 and a GPA of at least 3.000 in courses taken for graduate credit.
ID 300H must be included in the undergraduate program of study for students in the accelerated program. Students who declare an innovation design concentration as part of their HB are recommended to complete ID 511, ID 752 and ID 514 for dual credit toward the undergraduate and graduate degrees.
The student will draw up a plan of study in consultation with the HB undergraduate coordinator and the MID graduate coordinator. This plan will be reviewed periodically by the undergraduate coordinator and the graduate coordinator.