Choosing a University Honors curriculum means choosing courses and experiences that are measurably broader, deeper or more complex than traditional college-level learning.

Most of the courses taken to meet University Honors requirements also fulfill general education or major requirements. Because of this overlap, we say that Honors is a different way to do your degree, one that engages you more broadly or more deeply than traditional college study. In other words: It's more meaningful work!


University Honors students are expected to develop intellectual curiosity (I), professional purpose and ethics (P), innovative approaches to solving problems (V) and transformational leadership skills that prepare them for graduate school, community engagement, and/or professional career advancement (T).

Honors students aim to:

  • Explore enduring questions and contemporary research/scholarship in a discipline or disciplines in honors courses and discussion-based seminars (I);
  • Highlight insightful patterns, differences or similarities within and among the disciplines in honors courses and discussion-based seminars (I);
  • Understand disciplinary methodologies and principles and providing evidence of synthesis and evaluation of evidence from across disciplines in honors courses, seminars and research experiences (I);
  • Apply ethical standards related to each discipline within a disciplinary or interdisciplinary field of inquiry in honors courses, seminars, research processes and products (P);
  • Pursue substantial, additional knowledge and/or independent educational experiences beyond the classroom in internships, service-learning and/or research (P);
  • Connect ideas or solutions in an effort to identify unaddressed challenges and needs (V);
  • Develop a logical, consistent plan to research or problem-solve and articulate consequences of research and reason for choosing methods and/or solutions (V);
  • Make explicit reference to previous learning and apply in an innovative way that knowledge and those skills (P, V, T);
  • Reflect on how their own attitudes and beliefs are different from those of other cultures and communities, and exhibit curiosity about what can be learned from diversity of communities and cultures (P, V, T); and
  • Demonstrate leadership or ongoing involvement or community and global-focused actions that have a positive impact (T).


To pursue the minor in university honors, a student must be admitted to the Dorothy and Bill Cohen Honors College. There are no minimum ACT/SAT or GPA requirements for admission to the Cohen Honors College. Interested students submit an online application through the link on the college website.

Program Requirements

To receive a diploma distinction of minor in university honors, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.250 and complete 18 honors credit hours comprising:

Course Title Hours
HNRS 102Honors Colloquium0
HNRS 103Honors Colloquium Portfolio0
One honors general education seminar (HNRS-prefix course) or WSUN honors first-year seminar​3
Research or Design-Thinking Experience
Select 3 credit hours from the following3
First Year Research Experience: Introduction to STEM Research
and Independent Study
Lead for Tomorrow
Making Social Impact
Honors Independent Research or Creative Activity
Honors Collaborative Research and Creative Activity Seminar
Honors Thesis
Human-Centric Design Thinking Honors
A department research methods course with an honors option agreement or completion of McNair Scholar, NASA Suits, KINBRE or equivalent program may be used to fulfill the research/design-thinking requirement. A student must submit a petition for exception form for approval to use this option.
Choose 12 credit hours from any HNRS, WSUN or H department courses, or use an honors option agreement to turn a regular course into an honors course.12
Total Credit Hours18

Students have the option of completing an area-of-emphasis within their University Honors minor by selecting an Emory Lindquist Honors Scholar, Honors Leadership, Honors Law and Public Policy, or Departmental Honors track. Track requirements are listed separately in the catalog.

Students are not required to complete an area-of-emphasis track, but students who do will receive a transcript notation listing the area of emphasis. 

A student must complete 3 unduplicated credit hours (credit hours not used toward general education or toward the student’s major requirements) in a minor program of study.