Upon completion of the interdisciplinary leadership certificate, students will have gained contemporary leadership skills in order to effectively contribute more to their profession and community. They will be able to:

  1. Identify leadership theories and concepts;
  2. Differentiate leadership practices across settings, organizations, disciplines and systems;
  3. Identify cultural strengths and differences through a leadership framework;
  4. Develop leadership skills based on personal strengths and professional interests; and
  5. Lead individuals in teamwork exercises.

For more information, contact Carrie Venezia.

College of Innovation and Design
Devlin Hall, Room 200
Email: carrie.venezia@wichita.edu
Phone: 316-978-3786

Program Requirements

Students must complete one course from each of the four categories listed (Intro, Behavior, Application and Elective) for a total of at least 10 credit hours. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.000 is required for all courses comprising the certificate program and no grades below C.

Intro (Choose One)

Course Title Hours
HNRS 351Survey of Leadership3
ID 301Leadership is Essential Seminar3

Behavior (Choose One)

Course Title Hours
HNRS 310RHonors Tutorial - Evolving Leaders1
ID 300Human-Centric Design Thinking3

Application (Choose One)

Course Title Hours
PHS 408Adaptive Leadership3
PHS 408HAdaptive Leadership Honors3
ID 506Leadership Development for Innovation3
ID 720Sustainable Teams and Organizations3
PHS 621Effective Management in Healthcare3

Elective (Choose One)

Course Title Hours
COMM 328Teamwork, Leadership and Group Communication3
ENGR 501The Engineer as Leader3
MGMT 463Building Remarkable Teams3
NURS 490Healthcare Leadership for the Practicing RN3

Additional courses can be added to this list as approved by the certificate review board. Courses will be reviewed on a semester by semester basis.

A maximum of one course (3 credit hours) may be transferred from another institution if an articulation exists for one of the courses listed above.

This certificate program is not eligible for Title IV (federal financial aid) funding unless the certificate is part of the degree program the student is pursuing or the certificate has been specified as a gainful employment (aid eligible) program.