Students at Wichita State University have the following responsibilities:

  1. To consult their advisors on all matters pertaining to their academic careers, including changes in their programs;
  2. To observe all regulations of their colleges and select courses according to the requirements of that college;
  3. To attend all meetings of each class in which they are enrolled (instructors will announce at the beginning of the semester if they consider attendance in computing final grades);
  4. To fulfill all requirements for graduation;
  5. To be personally responsible for fulfilling all requirements and observing all regulations at Wichita State;
  6. To answer promptly all written notices from advisors, faculty, deans and other university officers;
  7. To file an application for degree in the appropriate college office by the published deadline for the semester in which graduation is intended; and
  8. To enroll in only those courses for which the stated prerequisite(s) have been satisfactorily completed. Failure to comply with this procedure may result in administrative withdrawal.

Students also should comply with the principles in the following statement:

Wichita State University reaffirms the principle of intellectual freedom in scholarly activity for university students, and it recognizes the full citizenship rights of students in inquiry, discussion and such actions as they may choose to take on public issues.

The rights and freedoms of students involve concomitant responsibilities. Incumbent on all students, as on all citizens, is the responsibility to observe the university’s rules of orderly procedures and the laws of the larger community of which the university is a part. In the matter of actions on public issues, to speak one’s opinion, to petition, to distribute literature, to assemble peacefully and hold meetings, to use the persuasion of ideas, and other actions within the bounds of orderly and lawful procedures are sanctioned by the university. But infringement on the rights of others, acts or threats of violence to persons, destruction of property, disruption, or other interference with the normal functioning of the university and its personnel and other disorderly and unlawful acts will not be countenanced.

Within its sphere of responsibility the university will afford students proper procedural safeguards to resolve matters in dispute. Those who willfully violate university standards must expect to face disciplinary action on the part of the institution, which may include reprimand, administrative withdrawal, and suspension or expulsion, consistent with campus provisions for due process.

Student Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct and Student Code of Conduct Handbook outlines university behavior expectations for students, student groups and student organizations in keeping with institutional values and to meet the university’s legal obligations. These expectations cover topics such as academic integrity, drug use, hazing, alcohol, weapons, physical violence and harassment. The conduct procedures (in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook) outline the actions needed to file a complaint and the course followed in the student conduct process. Additionally, information on informal and conflict resolution processes for student-involved conflicts is also provided.

The Student Code of Conduct is located online at the student conduct webpage1. For more information regarding Academic Integrity, please view the Academic Integrity section of the Student Conduct website1. Individuals wanting to file an incident report about a student, student group or student organization can submit a report online1.


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Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation for Employees, Students and Visitor Policy

Wichita State University is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs and activities, that are free from discrimination, harassment and retaliation. To ensure compliance with federal and state civil rights laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational program or activity, the University has developed internal policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex.

Wichita State University Policy prohibits all forms of discrimination on the basis of sex. Sometimes, discrimination involves the exclusion from activities, such as admission, athletics or employment. Other times, discrimination takes the form of harassment, or can encompass sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, dating violence or domestic violence. When an alleged policy violation is reported, the allegations are subject to resolution using the Formal Grievance Process as determined by the Title IX Coordinator and set forth in WSU Policy 3.06/Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation for Employees, Students and Visitors.

Information regarding the university’s policies can be found in 3.06/Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation for Employees, Students and Visitors.1

Campus and community resource information can be found at the CARE Team's website1 or by contacting the Office of Civil Rights, Title IX and ADA Compliance at 316-978-3186.


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Student Academic Integrity

A standard of academic integrity, fairly applied to all students, is essential to a learning environment. Students who compromise the integrity of the classroom are subject to disciplinary action by their instructor, their department, their college and/or the university. Violations of classroom standards of academic integrity include, but are not limited to:

  1. Plagiarism;
  2. Unauthorized use of possession of material or resources;
  3. Unauthorized collaboration or consultation;
  4. Fabrication, falsification or misrepresentation of information;
  5. Academic interference;
  6. Unauthorized resubmission;
  7. Facilitation of academic misconduct;
  8. Bribery;
  9. Unauthorized sale, distribution or receipt of academic materials; and
  10. Research misconduct.

The Academic Integrity Policy is located online at the student conduct webpage1. Individuals wanting to file an incident report about a student, student group or student organization can submit a report online1.


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