Program Requirements

Business analytics uses tools and models to analyze past data, visualize it, predict future performance and gain insight into developing business strategies for the future. A business analytics minor will give students an overview of descriptive, predictive and prescriptive models using advanced Excel and other tools.

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
FIN 340Financial Management - Fundamental Valuation Analysis3
BSAN/FIN 675Analytics Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets3
Elective Courses
Select 9 credit hours of electives from the following9
Marketing Research
Financial Modeling
Database Management Systems
Python Programming for Business
Introduction to Business Analytics
Introduction to Data Mining and Machine Learning
Data Visualization
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
Data Analytics for Accountants
Any course 600 or above with director approval
Total Credit Hours15

Note: Students must take at least 3 credit hours of unduplicated coursework to complete the minor. All courses comprising the minor must be completed with a grade of C (2.300) or better.