Program Requirements

All minors must contain at least 3 unduplicated credit hours.

A minor in information technology and management information systems (ITMIS) is available to any student whose major field or area of emphasis is outside of information technology and management information systems. A minor in ITMIS consists of:

Course Title Hours
MIS 310Fundamentals of Business Application Development3
MIS 325Data Communications and Computer Networks3
MIS 395Management Information Systems3
MIS 600Database Management Systems3
Select one of the following:3
Systems Analysis and Design
Dynamic Web Programming
Topics in Computer Networking
Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Advanced Business Application Development
Seminar in Selected Topics
Data Visualization
Analytics Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets
Project Management
Total Credit Hours15

Co-op credits may not be counted toward the major or minor. At least 9 credit hours must be taken at WSU with a minor GPA of 2.250 or better.