Program Requirements 

All minors must contain at least 3 unduplicated credit hours.

A minor in hospitality is available to any student whose major field or area of emphasis is outside of hospitality. A minor in hospitality consists of:

Course Title Hours
Required Course
HSP 411Introduction to Hospitality3
Elective Courses
Select 9 to 12 credit hours from the following courses9-12
Advanced Concepts in Hospitality
Applied Learning in Hospitality
Human Resource Management in Hospitality
Customer Experience in Hospitality
Entrepreneurial Finance
The following courses can be used for up to 3 credit hours0-3
Designing Successful Organizations
High Performance Leadership
Building Remarkable Teams
Communicating Effectively in Organizations
Managing in Diverse Organizations
Making Effective Decisions
Successful Negotiation
Talent Acquisition
Learning in Organizations
Principles of Real Estate
Real Estate Investment Analysis
Urban Land Development
Real Estate Property Management
Innovations in Retailing
Marketing Research
International Management
Total Credit Hours15

Co-op credits may not be counted toward the minor. At least 9 credit hours must be taken at WSU with a minor GPA of 2.250 or better.