Program Requirements

All minors must contain at least 3 unduplicated credit hours.

A minor in management is available to any student whose major field or area of emphasis is outside of management. A minor in management consists of:

Course Title Hours
MGMT 360Principles of Management3
12 credit hours of upper-division management courses selected from the following:12
Business, Government and Society
Successful Negotiation
Designing Successful Organizations
High Performance Leadership
Building Remarkable Teams
Communicating Effectively in Organizations
Managing in Diverse Organizations
Making Effective Decisions
Strategic Management
International Business
International Management
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Employment Law
Talent Acquisition
Learning in Organizations
Total Credit Hours15

Co-op credits may not be counted toward the minor. At least 9 credit hours must be taken at WSU with a minor GPA of 2.250 or better.