Program Requirements 

All minors must contain at least 3 unduplicated credit hours.

A minor in business administration is available to any student who is not pursuing a degree in the Barton School of Business. A minor in business administration consists of:

Course Title Hours
COMM 111Public Speaking3
or COMM 111H Public Speaking Honors
MATH 111College Algebra3
BADM 162Business Software: Excel1
ACCT 210Financial Accounting3
ECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 202Principles of Microeconomics3
BLAW 431Legal Environment of Business3
FIN 340Financial Management - Fundamental Valuation Analysis3
MGMT 360Principles of Management3
MKT 300Marketing3
Total Credit Hours28

At least 12 credit hours must be taken at WSU with a minor GPA of at least 2.250.